12 Zodiac signs that attract each other – Good to know Interesting Facts


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12 Zodiac signs that attract each other

As we are born, we belong to a specific star. The star we belong to is contingent on the place, date, and time. Likewise, there are planets revolving around our star and they rule our star. Some of which are favorable and not favorable to us. Out of curiosity, you must be thinking of zodiac signs that attract each other. Isn’t it?

Is it not thought-provoking that why some of us like the color black and some like the color white? Why is it that some like pop music and some like trans music? We are drawn towards a person or thing when we naturally find a reason that is compelling and a connecting charm that we feel with them. Well, it all has to do with different zodiac signs that attract each other.

In this article, you will know about zodiac signs that attract each other and what is the reason that leads to that chemistry in between them.

Good to know Interesting Facts
What Zodiac Signs Attract Each Other

What Zodiac Signs Attract Each Other

Attraction cannot be a narrowed concept, it is wide. Everyone has their set of perceptions, likes, dislikes, ideas, and outlook towards life. For each individual it is different. Perhaps when it comes to talking of zodiac signs that attract each other, it might be similar.

For some, an attraction is, how appealing a person is, for someone it may be how well is one carrying themselves, for someone it could be their unique intellectual knowledge.

Zodiac Signs that are attracted to each other as friends


In friendship, we all need someone who understands our nature, helps us improve, and may or may not have similar qualities like ours but when two different-minded people meet they have something to give back to each other. In a way, you can say that they could be zodiac signs that attract each other.

1. Saggitarius and Cancer

Saggitarius and Cancer

They are great companions for friendship. If you are looking at zodiac signs that attract each other,  you can be sure that Sagittarians and Cancerians have that connection.

By nature, a Cancerian is very caring and loving and is an introvert and a Sagittarian is an

extrovert and enjoys receiving all the love and care given by Cancerians. They respect people’s privacy and keep it to themselves which is why they can be friends.

A Cancerian and Saggitarian are opposite in a way that Cancerians are more in their shells and Saggitarian out of their shells and this opposite quality of theirs makes them help each other as a Sagittarian encourages a Cancerian to venture out.

Read: 10 Undeniable Signs A Cancer Man Likes You – All Lovey Dovely!

2.Geminin’s and Capricorns

Geminins and Capricons

Gemini is caring and not just that, you would love the way they would converse with you. They know how to make you feel at ease at the most depressing times.

Capricorn’s are practical, mentally strong, and they have a straight-forward approach towards life and these two sun signs can be great as friends because they are both fun-loving and have a notorious angle in them. A Capricorn helps a Geminin sober down in nature because Capricorn has a more refined personality.

Read: 13 Signs That A Capricorn Man Likes You – The Sweet Love!

3.Taurus and Pisces

Taurus people are practical,sensual,ambitious,reliable.Pisceans are empathetic, selfless, have a great imagination power. What binds the two is, Pisceans are very

generous and they are never rude in their tone. They are very sober people. Taurus people are known for their amiable nature, they can go to any extent to be there for their friends so the kindness in the two say it all that they can be great friends.

4. Libra and Leo

Libra and Leo

Libran’s are patient, smart in their thought process, and have a romantic side in them. Leo’s are kind, they love to be recognized, and they make sure that they have worked on the goal that set for themselves.

These two zodiac signs are attracted to each other because of their friendly nature and the humor aspect. These two signs, love spending time and laughing together.

Read: 10 Things Leo Men Want In Bed– Find Out What Satisfies Him!

5. Scorpio and Aries

Scorpio and Aries

In friendship, Scorpions are known for their loyal and reliable nature, they usually enjoy the company of a fun group.

Aries people are loyal and funny as friends.

Alongside, Aries and Scorpions are successful in their friendship because of their intelligence and loyalty that they share. So among the zodiac signs that attract each other, they are in that list.

Just not that it gets on to the nerves of Scorpions if they are betrayed in friendship they are very rigid there. Aries can be a good friend to Scorpions because they help scorpions cool down when they are worked up.

Read: 10 Real Signs A Scorpion Man Likes You – Passionate Love!

Zodiac Signs that are attracted to each other’s Intelligence


To define intelligence is like a macro – study, there are distinctive ways of looking at intelligence. Intelligence cannot be narrowed down to a person being a bookworm, some could be spiritually intelligent, some could be smart in their approach to different situations, some could be intelligent in their Gk, and so on.

In this context, to understand one aspect of zodiac signs that attract each other, even intelligence plays its part. Why? It is because they get to exchanges their thoughts on a common subject.

Every zodiac sign is intelligent their way. Having spoken of intelligence there is no zodiac sign inferior or superior to the other, every sign is great in its way. But let’s see the zodiac signs who are attracted to each other’s intelligence.

Read: 10 Zodiac Signs Not Meant For Marriage – Stars Say It All!

1. Aquarius and Scorpio

Aquarius and Scorpio gel well in terms of their intelligence because their intelligence is a by-product of sagacious abilities.

Aquarians have great analyzing skills, they analyze by using their knowledge on a subject whether it is as simple as putting a thread in a needle or as complex as cracking a code, they carry it on well.

On another hand, Scorpions are intelligent in gauging circumstances with the keen observations they make on everything around them, be it how to deal with people and their presence of mind is spontaneous.

2. Gemini and Libra

Gemini and Libra but naturally get attracted to each other because they are both witty in the same sense. Gemini’s Link : (R) can grab the attention of an audience in the way they converse be it at a formal or informal occasion, they can interact with anyone easily, they are multifaceted in whatever they do.

Libran’s are diplomatic and mentally smart, they are sharp in exhibiting their work with all their hard work. What hitches the two is, both of their intelligence is a great combination to work on a project together.

3. Cancer and Pisces

Cancer and Pisces are a perfect match. They are good at understanding and empathizing with situations that others are struggling with. This is an ice-breaker wherein both these zodiac signs connect with each other on an emotional level.

A Cancerian is kind, emotional, caring and they pour out their emotions only to the ones they are close to. Pisceans are ever – giving and they will make sure to understand what a person is going through.

As the two have common generous traits they are emotionally very intelligent and they value each other’s emotions the best.

Zodiac Signs that make a Perfect Pair – Examples of our Celebrities

Zodiac Signs that make a Perfect Pair - Examples of our Celebrities

When it comes to being a pair, people with the same qualities or either opposite qualities attract. Interested to know of those zodiac signs that attract each other?

As a matter of fact, minor gestures in a positive direction like the cooperation, care, intimacy, space given in a relationship, etc revealed to each other make a major difference in building a relationship.

People grow in a relationship and their bond grows only when they have come to terms with each other’s flaws too. Let’s see a few of our celebrities whose zodiac signs have a genuine and everlasting wavelength.

1.Virgo and Scorpio

Virgo and Scorpio

A Virgo and Scorpion link come together to share utmost faith towards each other and are united with the role their signs play. In Astrological terms, Virgo is an earth sign and Scorpio is a water sign.

Virgo’s are down to earth in a way and Scorpions can relate to Virgo’s as a spouse as they can empathize with them or anyone for a matter of fact. When you consider living with someone in times when you feel low, you need that pat on your back to make u feel assured that you are understood and this is one of those minor gesture’s that Scorpions and Virgo’s share with each other.

These two share a profound intimacy, and their chemistry oozes out when they are physically involved.

This happens because Virgo’s are slightly complicated in their sexual desires and Scorpions having good instincts to understand Virgo’s expectations.

Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds are an example of a perfect pair that attracts, Balke Lively is a Virgo and Ryan Reynolds is a Scorpio, the two of them feel very fortunate of having found each other and they laugh at each other’s humor they truly enjoy the companionship.

Read: 15 Inevitable Signs That A Virgo Man Likes You – Unbreakable Love!

2.Gemini and Saggitarius

Gemini and Saggitarius

A Gemini and Sagittarian like to walk their life together because they have a strong reason that makes life interesting for them as they collectively dislike living a monotonous life, they like venturing out on new experiences and have a similar outlook in life.

These two sun signs have the same expectation from each other and it is that of independence in different ways. One likes to be physically independent and one likes to be mentally independent. Basically, their intimacy is good enough in a way that they flow with the flow and do not burden each other with their expectations when physically involved.

They want to build that rapport and emotional connection more than being romantically lost in themselves. Sagittarians represent the sign of fire while Gemini’s represent a sign of air.

Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie are an example of a perfect pair that attracts, Brad Pitt is a Sagittarian and Angelina Jolie is a Gemini.

Read: 10 Evident Signs A Gemini Man Likes You – Love Is Everywhere!

4. Aquarius and Pisces

Aquarius and Pisces

The former(Piscean) possesses a quality of being highly artistic in their thought process while the latter (Aquarian) has natural instincts of believing their gut. Concurrently, both have a vision of how they want their ultimate goal to look like. Pisces partner showers more affection for his/her Aquarius partner.

What is a challenge that Piscean and Aquarian go through is that the Piscean is more on the emotional side and can feel insecure at times, this inbuilt quality of a Piscean has to be understood by an Aquarian and that will keep them going through their differences in their relationship. Each of them must be approachable to each other and communicate to sort out their issues.

The intimacy between the two is exquisite as a Piscean is very emotional and hyperactive in expressing love while an Aquarian gets molded to any emotion expressed while they are together.

One of our Aquarian and Piscean celebrity is Oprah Winfrey and Graham Stedman. Although they are not married, still they have been together for almost 3 decades now.

So, among the best zodiac signs that attract each other, Aquarius and Pisces would be a part of that lovely list.

Read: 14 Signs That Say Aquarius Man Loves You- Love Predictions

5. Cancer and Scorpio

Cancer and Scorpio

To begin with, Scorpions are highly passionate in whatever they like and know how to make their way out by hook or crook, and Cancerians who give utmost importance to emotions like things being clear is to the point.

Cancerians and Scorpions strike with each other because of being intensely attracted to each other sexually, this makes them go forward, the technicality behind this attraction happening is that both are water signs and if we have to metaphorically connect the dots, water implies deep feelings and that is why they go a long way in keeping up to that freshness in their relationship, passion meeting emotion to spread love.

Cancerians have an upper hand in their relationship with Scorpions because and the reason they are that way and sound dominating is that they are upfront and a Scorpion won’t take it to heart because they look at things practically.

Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson are an example of a Cancer and Scorpion sun sign. Tom was magnetized by her for he found her peculiar in a way that he started to like her. They are happily together for about two decades now.

Interesting Traits of a man that can spellbind a woman

Interesting Traits of a man that can spellbind a woman

It is coherent for a woman to be attracted to a man for the traits that touch her heart the most. Majorly, when looked at, a woman gives priority to those qualities that she has missed on in life, or she is delighted to see men having qualities that she has witnessed in the men in her family, the way she has been brought up, and what she gives most priority to. Men who have those instinctive qualities that a woman seeks.

Traits of a Gemini Man

Women are easily attracted to Gemini men because they are very romantic and charming, they are soft-spoken and have the ability to read a girl’s heart and at the end of the day a woman wants to be heard and wants to be understood by what she does not say as well. A Gemini man barely has to make an effort into impressing a woman, they have a distinctive way of making a woman laugh. They are men of impetuous passion.

Traits of a Leo Man Aries men are usually down to earth, they have a great understanding of life, they are very career-oriented and they are flirtatious to the extent of a woman being comfortable. Women like to see what are a man’s morals in life and how he wants to see himself placed in life and Aries men are ardent about how they want to walk steps towards success.

Traits of a Libra Man

Libran’s are generally balanced minded people, when it comes to Libran men, women like the little efforts men make for anyone, they try their level best to keep everyone around them happy even if that has to be subjugating their own opinions or desires. They give special attention to their partner and have a very kind way of solving challenges without hurting the person they are dealing with. They have a very positive personality that makes them special.

Traits of an Aries Man

Aries men are considered exceptional for the confidence they carry, every woman loves to have a partner or have a male friend who is confident enough to stand up for what’s right, who is sure about what he wants, and who can confidently express his views to her, they are charming and considered the sexiest not just by looks.

But, also in the way they talk and they are attention grabbers. When they are in love when you look at this with the fairytale perspective they are just like the ideal Prince who changed Cinderella’s life. They can be the Mr.Right.

Zodiac Attraction Chart

Our stars symbolize a planet on the basis of our birth month and each month categorically has some qualities that we tend to have. See what your zodiac month says about your planets, traits and planets attracted to yours.

Zodiac Sign Planetary Ruler General Traits Attracting Planets
Leo Sun Ego, Individuality, confidence Sagittarius and Cancer
Cancer Moon Emotions, habits Taurus/Scorpio
Gemini Mercury Communication thought process Pisces/Virgo
Virgo Mercury Communication thought process Aquarius/Sagittarius
Taurus Venus Love, money, powers of attraction Aries/Libra
Libra Venus Love, money, powers of attraction Virgo/Cancer
Aries Mars Energy, initiative, temper Gemini/Taurus
Sagittarius Jupiter Expansion, good fortune Pisces/Capricon
Capricorn Saturn Restriction,responsbility,life lessons Aquarius/Taurus
Aquarius Uranus Independence, eccentricity Capricorn/Sagittarius
Pisces Neptune Vision, creativity, illusion Scorpio/Gemini
Scorpio Pluto Transformation, a major change Pisces/Leo


After reading a generalized character trait of your’s and your partner’s birth month along with the planets that revolve around both of your planets, helps understand zodiac signs that attract each other.

If your relationship is going perfectly smooth, yet, for no reason you pick out faults in your partner, sometimes it has all got to do with where the planets in your horoscope are and what kind of a role do they play.

Therefore, you should know that a few zodiac signs that attract each other are perhaps meant to be. On the other hand, if you are attracted to someone but your zodiac signs aren’t likely to get attracted then go by your instincts and experiences.

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Vihaa Nichani(Neha Makhija) is a content writer whose passion for penning down thoughts channeled into the right direction and became her profession. She is keen on deep diving into every topic she writes about and is inclined towards challenging her capabilities by writing on diverse topics such as women’s health, beauty, fashion, relationships and lifestyle. Besides this, she enjoys dancing, traveling, jogging and trekking.