What Do Women Want In A Relationship – Get To Know 15 Things!


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Women Want In A Relationship

All women are often given this tag of being “complicated” species. Call it stereotypical or the ways few men feel. Could be true in regards to a few women. That being said, be it any relationship, a woman is the most transparent and she is easily predictable about what she feels although it would be shocking for men at times. Have you ever been in this situation where you just expected a little, forget understanding but he never got the head or tail of what you feel or what you tried to explain, been there?

Yes! this happens to the majority of the women. Most of the women feel that their man finds it problematic to comprehend or relate to what their lady feels and needs from a relationship. No doubt, women can get cranky for not being understood or for that matter throw tantrums, only if she is understood this situation would never come by.

This article is for all you ladies to make your partners read through and understand the science and mathematics of understanding what a woman is probably seeking from a relationship. It is not that men can never understand or women are way too unpredictable. It is just about understanding some basic things women want in relationships.

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Things That A Woman Wants From A Relationship – Learn All Of Them!

Women Want In A Relationship

Be it, men or women, it is not always easy to understand each other. All it takes is time, patience, and how much the two of you are willing to get along with each other by passing through the thick and thin times.

Why this happens is because not everyone can accommodate well with one another because of a difference in their basic thought process, extremely opposite beliefs, culture, and the way each one lives life.

Having said, for a man to understand what a woman needs from a relationship he will need to just understand her nature, get familiar with everything that puts her off, and what are those little things that can make her happy as a clam.

Generalizing woman psychology, most women would want their relationship to be similar to the one they have always admired from childhood, at times it could be their fantasies and strong desires, all those things that make them feel cozy and secure and the last one would be what they think is lacking in their life.

Take a look at what a woman would want from a relationship.

1 – Woman Seeks Basic Respect

This expectation of a woman is realistic and valid, for that matter, it is not too much to ask for. Every woman wants to be respected for who she is and for her identity, she may not want a lot from a man. But she certainly would like to be respected on par with her man although he might be doing great in life. Thus, respect is one of the key ingredients in a relationship.

2 – Clarity And Transparency

Src: simontransport.com

A woman likes to achieve transparency in a relationship. It is not essential that a man needs to update her about every little thing that he goes through. All she would appreciate is the fact that a man makes sure to give preference for opening up his views, feelings, and problems with her.

She would never welcome a man being diplomatic, manipulative, and over smart with her. She would like it if a man is frank in a polished way. The main idea is that women would never like a man hiding things from her and not being upfront about his problems or feelings with her. This is a fair expectation from a woman because only when you speak up will the opposite person understand the state of mind you are in.

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3 – Never Defame Her Self Respect


A woman’s self-respect is truly precious to her. By chance, if her self respect is hurt she can tear apart or be her worst self. No man would want to see that side of a woman, isn’t it? For any person, their self-respect stands as a priority beyond anything else.

A woman’s self-respect should never be questioned or pinpointed. When a man has issues in terms of trusting her or is agitated with her to the core it is essential that he talks about problems in a closed room, he should never defame her in front of an outsider.

What a man can possibly do is, get his facts right, communicate his issues with her, and confront her before making wrong notions, or pinpointing her character in anger.

4 – Betrayal Is Never Accepted By A Woman

Src: longroom.com

In any relationship, no one can give a guarantee card that happiness and love between the couple would last forever. Given the problems and stress, we all have, at times we get that happiness elsewhere because we expect it from our partner and do not get it from them. It is natural for unfair things to happen, falling out of love is natural and not being sure of your partner is also a part of the play.

Having mentioned the problems, a woman would never want to be cheated in a relationship no matter what. It can break her and hurt her way too much. When a man is in a relationship with a girl to whom loyalty and commitment mean everything, it is important that he is sure of the woman and god forbid if he does not want to be in a relationship with her then cheating her is something he should never do. A man should state his problems, say the bitter truth, and then call off the relationship rather than dragging a relationship where there is no love.

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5 – Give Her Emotional Support At The Right Time

Women are born with this trait of being emotional and given the problems she goes through with her hormones it can get tough for her to keep her emotions in control at times.

A woman just wants a lending shoulder to lean on and feel comfortable. It is important that her man should be by her in times when she feels her lowest, give her that emotional touch, and assurance that you are there to hear her out and always lend ears to her.

Not necessary that he would have a solution to all her problems but the best he can do is to just be there with her physically and mentally. This is one of a woman’s biggest expectations and only when this bond builds between a man and woman she would feel that real peace and comfort with a man.

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6 – She Needs Undivided Time And Attention

Src: numerologysign.com

Two people come together in a relationship because they want to spend their time together. A woman would never like it if her man does not give her the right time and attention especially when she needs it. A woman will understand a man’s other commitments provided he explains them well to her.

Every man should be clear about the time he can give his woman, making it clear is one of the best gifts a man can give to a woman in a relationship. Talking of attention, it is practically difficult to give her that attention 24/7, there are times when you are just hearing her out but not listening to her. Based on the severity of the situation a man should communicate with a woman if he cannot really listen to her with all his attention.

Only when a woman gets time and attention from a man she will feel loved and happy in a relationship. There is no point if a woman feels lonely in the relationship

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7 – Add Humor To Make Her Happy

Src: mantelligence.com

It is nice to make life interesting by adding some humor to it. A woman is attracted and pulled to men who find the knack to make her laugh. Having said, if a man is not the clown kinds it is still okay as long as he can share something to make his lady giggle. Can you beat the excitement and happiness when there is humor between a man and a woman? It can be awarded as one of the cutest relationships.

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8 – A Woman Wants A Man To Emit His Positive Charm

Src: wholelifechallenge.com

Every woman wants her man to be strong, bold, confident, and be motivating. No one wants to be with a man who takes away all the peace and positiveness in life. She would love to discuss her day, her dreams, and her plans with a man who is filled with positive energy.

If a man wants his woman to be happy and satisfied with him in a relationship then being a friend and always teaching her to accept the bright side of life will help nurture the relationship. A woman would want to grow with a man who helps her grow as an individual. This aspect of a relationship matters the most in the long run.

9 – She Would Love Her Man Being Her Shield

Src: onedio.co

Who in love does not like to feel protected, even if it is a man for that matter, he would love to feel protected and safe with his woman’s presence. In the case of women, when she expects a man to be a shield it does not mean that he has to be a superhero, she can protect herself as well.

A woman seeks for protection on the right things. For instance, she would want her man to be man enough to take a stand for her against people who treat her wrong and just give her a word that he would support her through his presence and make her feel sure that she can rely on him to seek genuine and sensible advises and suggestions in life. Support does not mean that a woman expects a man to give her excess luxury, all she wants is his presence and a promising partner.

10 – She Would Love Being Acknowledged And Patted

Src: cancermaninlove.com

To win a woman’s heart, men should know how to appreciate her for the little things. A woman might not say it directly but she would always want this to happen and this is one of those hidden thoughts at the back of her mind of wanting to be appreciated, complimented, and acknowledged for all those times when she does an excellent job.

There would be so many occasions where she would have sacrificed and cared for her man or been with him through the crazy roller coaster. It is not that a woman expects materialistic appreciation but just a sweet line for her would do. These small things when noticed it gives a woman a feeling that her choice is one of the best.

11 – Women Love Gentlemen

Src: whisper.sh

Every woman would feel nice to be treated with gentleness by her man. Women want in relation to taking pride in the fact that their man is a gentleman. Women see how well does a man treats everyone, how proactive is he in taking care of his loved ones, the way he carries himself, his mannerism, and does he have those qualities of the right attitude and a sober approach towards life or not. A man should treat a woman with the utmost care, encourage her, and make her feel comfortable in his presence.

12 – An Approachable Man


A woman gets comfortable with a man who gives her that space to be able to come and share everything with him. If a man cannot give her space and understand her priorities in alignment with his then it is tough for a woman to find happiness in that relationship. In any relationship, the right amount of space and understanding is essential otherwise the purpose of being together is lost.

13 – She Loves To Be Loved

Src: cloverhillsdental.co

We all need love at the end of the day, every woman desires to be loved. She certainly needs a loving man in life. She expects her man to shower and express love emotionally, mentally, and physically to keep that warmth alive in a relationship.

A man should show and express his love in some form. May be kisses, cuddles, and hugs would work perfectly. Apart from this, she expects her man to say the three magical words with all his heart and make her feel loved always. It does not mean that if a man does not say it he does not love her but saying it just makes her feel all the more loved. Thus, expressing love often is good to light the lamp of love in a relationship.

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14 – Expects A Man To Make Genuine Efforts

For a relationship to go forward, efforts matter the most. A relationship needs both the people to be putting in that effort. A woman would notice on how much is the man initiating to have a conversation, whether he is taking the woman for granted or does he value her just as he valued her day one, does he express love just the way he used to and how much of the promises that he made is he keeping up to. No matter what is the nature of a woman she will always look up to a man having the quality of making efforts.

15 – A Woman Expects A Trust Worthy And Matured Man


Trust is the foundation in a relationship, what is the point if a woman cannot trust her man and she lives in that relationship in doubts. Trust means everything to a woman. She should be able to feel sure that the man she is with is genuine about how he behaves and the person he is. When there is a lack of trust there is space for insecurity and doubts that would one day break the relationship. No woman wants to be someone whom she cannot trust.

Maturity is another aspect that a woman looks at, a woman needs a mature man because only if he has this quality will be able to understand who she really is and not judge her on temporary situations. Maturity and trust are the other key aspects for a relationship to go on smooth.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, it is all said and done about what a woman expects from a relationship. However, what really matters is how realistic are a woman’s expectation and is the woman good enough to understand the man as well.

Men who want to be in a relationship or fall for someone need to analyze if they are ready and sure enough in fulfilling these basic expectations for their lady love. This article was for all the men to understand that women do not just look into material factors, there are many other things and it is a reminder for the women to analyze the man they are with and make sure that they are not being unfair with the man.

Things women want in a relationship are not a demand but they expect it out of love, every man should respect his woman by fulfilling her expectations and a woman should in turn value the fact that her man is trying and making the effort.