Witch Hazel Skin Care Routine – Everything You Should Know About


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We are advancing for the better in the areas of a productive skincare routine. For the most part, it is majorly the natural ingredients that win over and take good care of our skin needs. You won’t deny that! Will you? Have you heard of Witch Hazel Skin Care Routine?

If you are travelling a disturbing journey filled with skin concerns such as large pores inflammation, sunburns, irritation and more to the list, you need to check out details about a shrub named witch hazel for a worthy skincare routine. It has natural as well as medicinal properties that can make a good difference on your skin.

Having said that, you should try witch hazel toners as there are several studies (R) talking of its boons on skin cells.

Read this article to learn about what is witch hazel, how is it a good toner for your skin and what to be aware about with regards to its side effects.

What is Witch Hazel ?


It is a boosting shrub packed with medicinal properties that is a saviour to the skin. In other words, it is a natural astringent.

Precisely, if you are experiencing any inflammation on your skin or scalp and by nature if your skin is sensitive then witch hazel is that one ingredient that should be used as a toner on your skin.

This natural ingredient is applied on the skin and scalp in the form of an ointment and it is one of the ingredients that is added in herbal teas.

How Does Witch Hazel Help Your Skin


As you are aware by now that witch hazel takes good care of the skin because it has antioxidants, antibacterial, antiseptic, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties that fights against germs and infections.

Apart from this, you should even be aware that the ingredient named tannin present in witch hazel takes care of the problems on your skin as well.

Benefits of Using Witch Hazel as Toner

Benefits of Using Witch


Read through the impressive facial benefits of witch hazel as a toner and derive the most from its properties!

Benefit No 1 – Takes Away Acne

You should use witch hazel on your skin right after you wash your face.

It has a great way killing the unecessary bacteria on your skin, clears the pores and saves your skin from inflammation.

The best part is that it fights all the acne on your skin without affecting the moisture on your skin.

Benefit No 2 – Treats Skin Burns

The fact that witch hazel is a natural astringent, it effectively treats all the burning sensation on the skin.

All the credit would go to the anti-inflammatory properties that help with stabilizing the free radicals on ones skin.

Benefit No 3 – Clears Bumps On The Face

Bumps on the skin look odd and using witch hazel as a toner helps with getting rid of them.

Given that witch hazel comprises of a combination of anti-inflammatory and astringent properties that work as a solution on the skin, it is useful with regards to clearing the bumps on your face.

Benefit No 4 – Eliminates Skin Inflammation

If you are suffering from major skin infections, you should use a witch hazel toner to feel better on the skin.

Its antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties have the ability to shield your skin and help you get over skin problems.

Benefit No 5 – Keeps Your Skin Youthful

The skin experiences early signs of ageing only when you fail to take good care of your skin that damages collagen production and there is a damage in your skin cells.

Applying a little witch hazel on your skin helps with treating the problem constructivley because it is good with tightening the skin pores.

Benefit No 6 – Clears Puffiness Under The Eyes

Puffiness and dark circles are caused due to lack of sleep or excess stress. That being said, a good fix to this concern is applying the witch hazel around your eyes.

It has been observed that massaging a few drops of witch hazel around the eyes will improve the skin and get your rid of all the puffiness (R).

All thanks to its anti-inflammatory and astringent properties. It works well around the eyes!

Benefit No 7 – Dark Spots Fade Away

You just need to pick up a witch hazel toner whenever you experience dark spots on your skin.

The toner is good with treating uneven skin tone and all the marks on your skin.

The plant compounds it is filled with makes it work wonderfully on your skin.

Benefit No 8 – Cleans Makeup From Your Skin

Never make a mistake of letting the makeup stay for long on your skin, remove it when you don’t need it.

Witch hazel can be used as a makeup remover and remove the makeup that is mixed with the greasiness on your skin. This is possible because of its astringent properties.

All in all, witch hazel toners as a skin care routine work on treating infections, burns, signs of ageing, minimizing skin pores, puffiness in the eyes, acne and discoloration on the skin.

Benefit No 9 – Treats Oily Skin

Did you know witch hazel is a useful shrub that can help you get rid of the greasiness on your skin? Has it been too long that you are suffering with the excess oil on you skin?

You should apply a few drops of witch hazel as its astringent properties will pull out the excess oil and dirt on your skin and it will retain the moisture in your skin.

Benefit No 10 – Psoriasis Disappears

Psoriasis, sensitive skin and eczema can be taken care of with a few drops of witch hazel.

In this process of treating psoriasis, first the oil from you skin is driven out without affecting the moisture on your skin, then the anti-inflammatory properties starts to treat the infection on your skin and scalp as well.

Benefit No 11 -Other Benefits

Besides solving problems with the skin, witch hazel has the following benefits!

  • It is proven beneficial on the scalp, it works well with cleaning the dandruff and it is safe for use on sensitive scalp
  • If you have an unfortnate bug bite on your skin, you can try applying a witch hazel cream, it treats the bite and helps you get rid of any infection caused because of the bug bite
  • Pregnant women use witch hazel to reduce the appearance of stretch marks. This hasn’t been proved medically, it has just worked for a few. However, avoid taking a step without consulting your physician
  • This astringent is effective in treating varicose veins
  • If you happen to experience bleeding from your nose, that can be got in control by applying witch hazel

How to Use Witch Hazel for Skin Care Routine ?

Since you have individually studied about all the benefits of witch hazel on your skin, it is time to you know everything about the facial routine with witch hazel in skin care. Read through!

Step No 1 – Take Care Of Important Details

  • Say no to an alcohol based witch hazel toner, it can cause irritaion on your skin and make it dry. Pick a product that’s alcohol-free.
  • Look for natural or effective ingredients while choosing a witch hazel product on your skin. Most importantly, pick a product that is moisturizing to the skin.
  • Never miss out on the step of doing a skin patch test of witch hazel on your skin, for all you know it might not even suit your skin. Thus, be safe, test it and only then use it.
  • See to it that the products don’t have synthetic ingredients and they have the ability to keep the skin’s pH level in control.

Step No 2 – Cleansing and Exfoliation

Cleansing and Exfoliation

The first part of your skin care routine would be to cleanse all the dirt and dead skin cells from your skin by using a face wash and practising exfoliation.

What to do?

  • Wet your face with luke warm water
  • Pick up a face wash based on your skin type
  • Apply a few drops of the face wash around your face and gently massage it in circular motions
  • Don’t be harsh while using the face cleanser/face wash, however, don’t skin massaging it on your skin
  • Repeat this process for a minute or two
  • Wash your face with luke warm water
  • Pat it dry with a soft towel

Step No 3 – Test Witch Hazel Toner On Your Skin


Once you are done washing your face, you will need to test the witch hazel on your skin to ensure that it is safe for use.

What to do?

  • Apply a drop or two of the witch hazel on one part of your skin.
  • Wait for a few seconds and check if your skin is reacting well to the toner or not
  • If you see that your skin starts to swell or turn red, you cannot use a witch hazel toner. If you see that your skin hasn’t reacted only then it is safe for use.

Step No 4 – Tone Your Skin With A Witch Hazel Toner


After a witch hazel patch test on your skin, you can be fearless and go about toning your skin with a witch hazel toner.

As cleansing and exfoliation is done, it’s time to use the witch hazel toner. Follow these steps!

What to do?

  • Pull out a piece of cotton and pour a few drops of witch hazel into it
  • Rub this toner on your skin. If you have acne, infection or oily skin, focus on rubbing the toner specifically on those areas
  • After a few minutes when the witch hazel completely dries on your skin, you can pick a good witch hazel moisturizer and make your skin feel nice. This step will retain the moisture on your skin
  • The witch hazel will help with keeping the pH balance on your skin and when you apply an alcohol-free toner, you will be following the right practice on your skin

I – Few of The Best Witch Hazel Toners Are As Follows

1. Quinn’s Alcohol Free Witch Hazel Toner



This is an awesome witch hazel toner if you want all the blemishes to disappear from your skin, it has a rose fragrance and it is alcohol-free.

2. Boscia Rosewater Mist WithWitch Hazel



You will love the natural ingredients this toner is packed with, it has extracts of jojoba leaf and another good herb.

It has been tested and proved safe by dermatologists and this toner keeps your skin fresh right before you apply makeup.

How Often to Use Witch Hazel on Face ?

You can use witch hazel on your face once a day, once your skin gets accustomed to it then you can make it twice a day.

It is necessary to moisturize the skin after using a witch hazel toner and you can either apply it in the morning or right before you hit the bed, the choice is yours!

Possible Side Effects of Witch Hazel on Skin

Here are a few side effects of applying with hazel on the skin. Take a look!

It is not necessary that witch hazel is safe for all, if it doesn’t suit your skin there are chances that you could experience irritation on your skin.

There is an ingredient named safrole that is a harmful chemical in witch hazel, there are minor chances of getting affected by it.

Take Away

Witch hazel is a natural astringent that has powerful plant compounds that treats several skin conditions.

For the facial benefits witch hazel has you should try it if the patch test results are positive. From maintaining cleanliness to taking care of an infection on your skin you will be benefited.

All in all, there isn’t any medical evidence on witch hazel treating skin conditions, it has worked for people and all its properties helps in keeping yor skin healthy.