Why Sex Education is Important for Young Girls at Home??


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sex education
Image Source: www.patheos.com

With the advancement in digital world and coming of age visuals all around, it is increasingly important to make the young girls aware about sex. There are cases of unaware and unprotected sex which is leading to kids under 15 getting pregnant. And when it comes to choices the young girls make, without proper sex education there would always be a fear of STD or conception.

The children at early teenage and grown teenagers mostly grasp half knowledge from various sources.The narrow idea raises thousands of questions in their minds.  There is also a possibility of young girls have misconceptions between sex and sexual abuse. The mislead thoughts and information at young age can affect their mind in long run. To avoid the harm to their mental and physical health, all the mothers should know the importance of sex education for young girls. 

As a parent specially a mother of young girl, we must know why sex education is important for young girls and how we must ensure it. Here is a guide about sex education for young girl before you take it forward. Keep these bits in the mind before speaking to your girl.

When Sex Education Should Be given To Girls? By Whom?

Importance of sex education is to be given basing on few conditions. Randomly talking about sex can be overwhelming for your younger one. It must be a gentle piece of information that doesn’t freak her out or scare her. Remember that the younger minds are sensitive hence you must be supportive through out the discussion. 

As we are asking you to be mindful, we also would like to tell what all to consider about sex education for your girl child-

Know These Preconditions Of sex Education For Young Girls

Educate your child about sex

Understand their mental state

How to start about the sex education for your girl child? It depends on the mental state of your child. If she is fragile and sensitive then don’t fill her mind with too much information. You must know where to stop based your child’s mental condition. If she is feared about sex and expresses her thoughts to you then just calm her down. Be supportive and patient and make her feel secure. Then you can take it forward like a casual education about an important subject.

A strong minded child may come up with questions. Neither this must let you reveal everything. Be friendly and ask what does your child know about sex. She would include the myths and facts which is from an unclear source. You must handle the innocence and correct her where she is wrong. You must explain the practicality, biological dimension of sex and sexuality.

Build a good parent child relationship

The open conversations between parents and kids are effective with a strong bond. The friendly bond can help you both take the conversation forward without uneasiness. Actually, some conversations without a bond wouldn’t affect the parent but it affects the child. Sex is one such topic that needs your closest bond with your young daughter. They cannot open up to you on the topic unless they are completely comfortable with you.

If you are daughter is not closer to you then build up a bond out of care. Try to start discussing the casual affairs, studies, your good experiences. Once you are confident that you both are close enough then you can pick a fine day to discuss it all. Before that, you must still consider you child’s state of mind.

Establish a foundation before speaking more

After considering the mental state of your child and have good bond, you are not yet ready to just begin with the conversation directly. You need to just follow it like a protocol for their better understanding and smooth flow of conversation.

Prior to talking about sex, let her know why sex education is important for young girls. Then start with general topics like personal hygiene, reproduction and gender differences. Don’t portray sex like something unnatural for your kids. Explain it like a natural process.

15 Reasons To Say Sex Education Is Important For Young Girls 

Statistical evidences are a proof enough that kids as early as puberty need the formal sex education to prevent undue pregnancies, miscarriages, abortions and sexually transmitted diseases. Some of the main reasons why sex education is important for young girls include:

1- Sex education is not just a theoretical depiction of pornography but rather it is a detailed and chronological account of biological structures, human bodies and reproduction in addition to age and stage details

Sex education
Image Source: www.huffingtonpost.com

2- Children need to understand how life goes and how being a responsible person makes it simpler to prevent any undue circumstances

3- If the child indulges in any improper encounters this may affect their sexual health too. Which in any case with affect the physical and mental well-being of a child

4- Many kids by the time they are about to reach puberty begin having assumptions about self and get shattered image of self due to inadequate information. Sex education helps in a holistic awareness about mind body and soul which helps in formulating a self image which is appreciable and confident

Many kids by the time
Image Source: avasaraleadershipfellows.org

5- Many times young girls don’t know what is what, and they end up being forced into acts they may disdain of. The right way to prevent such situations is making them aware of all sorts of details which go about right and wrong kind of physical contact. And how sex is not just a physical freedom but a more holistic meaning it carries

6- Sexually transmitted diseases must be understood in details and moreover what is protection and methods which must be adopted before proceeding with sex. Specially the repercussions of unprotected sex in terms diseases like HIV and also pregnancy

7- Data shows around 71% of Americans have sex before they reach 18 and thus it is increasingly important that young girls are made aware at the right time with right amount of information.

8- Sex is now more about a status than anything. As soon as girls pass out of middle school they begin framing a self image based on how physically attractive and appealing they are for others. This sometimes forces them into sex and other improper physical contacts which may or may not be their idea at all

Sex is now more about
Image Source: www.trbimg.com

9- Sex education does not encourage kids to proceed with sex but rather it prepares them to understand the right age and stage along with right protection techniques which are a must.

10- Random sexual acts can cause irreparable damage to human body and thus it is very important for everyone to understand the implications of their physical endeavors.

11- With abuses and assaults at school and even within social circles, it is very important to make the young girls understand how to protect themselves from sexual predators around. What is appropriate and inappropriate in terms of touch and gestures of other people around them

12- Sex education can help in curbing the evils or STD and preventing abortions in young girls whoa re not even 18. Even before legally being able to get married they may end up cursing their life, by getting involved in sexual activities without proper education

Sex education can help in curbing the evils
Image Source: www.healthyfitfocused.com

13- Sex education must be medically correct and structured, which does not cause anxiety or uproar rather calms and pacifies youth and makes them appreciate the biological changes in and around them

14- Sex education can also help in preventing body shaming and low self body image issues and it gives a complete information on body changes and why some have quicker growth spurts than others.

15- Sex education if given by parents, will most definitely involve the religious and society dimensions too. While some cultures may be open and how respecting one’s faith and not rushing into something which is just externally imposed and not meant to be. The kids must not be ashamed and there must be an open fearless communication between young girls and mothers to avoid any lapse in this important issue

Sex education if given by parents
Image Source: www.chmhst.com

Resources We Can Use To Give Them Sex Education?

Visual explanation

If sex education is for young girls above 13 years, then you can explain it through visuals. You have the sex education videos online which are to the point. Make sure that you watch it along with your child and explain the things without any misleading thoughts.


Books are an independent source of sex education for young girls. You can choose a good book that covered crucial topics about gender, sex and reproduction. But pick the right book and give it your child to read it. 

Be approachable for her to ask you any questions and discuss what she understood from the read. This can help her better in understanding and feels comfortable to read further.

Other ways

You can show animal mating and paintings of sexuality can help you talk about sex to young girls. While taking the examples or sources for sex education, explain it like a natural part of human life. This can make your child’s view right about sex thought they have unclear idea or no idea about sexuality.


What is the best age to tell?

Pre teens (9-12 years old) must know basic information about safer sex, menstruation and contraception (R). At later age, you can elaborate about STIs, basics about pregnancy and about different contraception ways. You must relate these topics with their age then educate them accordingly.

Should boys and girls be taught together?

Gender split classes make it more comfortable for the children to ask questions openly. It is a culture based approach for parents and children. But you must teach all the “boys” related topics for girls. But gender split classes can also be make it a shy topic for young girls again. Consider your child’s comfort, culture and age before deciding for gender split or co ed sex education.

The above compilation on why sex education is important for young girls is to share how being a mother gives us the most important responsibility to keep our little girls safe and aware about sex. Giving details on STD and pregnancy also protection and being mature to handle is important than just following the impulses.

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