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Some links in this article are affiliate links. We may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through these links, at no extra cost to you. We only recommend products we find useful to our readersYour eye contact talks tons about your personality. Gestures mean more than words and a gesture of making contact speaks volumes of one’s emotion and the state of mind of a person can be read through their eyes.
Eye contact ignites what’s unspoken. Be it in friendship, love, in work-life, or when you cannot utter a word through the seamless things you are going through.
Focusing on giving contact is one side of the coin, one must know how to tactfully deal with the other side to this and that is on how to make contact the right way.
In this article, let’s just brush through what’s already known by getting into the intricacies of the importance of contact with eye in a relationship, during public speaking, and when you are having casual communication.
Why Making An Eye Contact Is Important
There are many reasons as to why you must make contact of eye and what are the plus points it shows in a person when that eye contact is in place.
1. Portrays Your Confidence

When you want to convey a message or you have been put in a spot, the best way to deal in such a circumstance is by just looking into the eye of a person.
When you are sure of your points just look at the person and talk, even if you aren’t sure still make that eye contact. It will instantly portray your confidence and indirectly you learn to be confident even if you aren’t.
Read: 10 Must-Know Tips To Be A Confident Woman – Let it be Your Jewel!
2. Exhibits The Attention You Give
When you talk to someone it is a basic courtesy that you lend your ears and time to them.
It is important to make eye contact when a person is speaking to you because there might be something really important that they want you to know or they are seeking your assistance on something they are finding difficulty with.
If you want to convince a person that you are genuinely listening to them, you have to tap this non-verbal gesture of eye contact. Giving the appropriate contact talks of you that you are all with them and that makes the opposite person so content.
3. Convincing to confide in you
Striking the necessary eye contact is important because when you make contact a person doesn’t feel it is a big deal to trust in you.
The right eye contact influences someone to believe in you or makes you believe in someone, that’s how its charm is.It is obvious, if you do not make an contact with eye and you are trying to make someone believe in something and your focus is diverted all around.
The person will doubt your loyalty. Do not let that unnecessary doubt cook up in someone’s mind. Be pro-active in giving the right eye contact.
4. Doorway to Attraction
When you are attracted to someone for their looks or personality or you just connect with them unlike the others, it is just there in your eyes.
If you want someone to be attracted to you, whether it is in a relationship or a friendship or when you are building a rapport with your colleague. It is important to give them the right eye contact and you notice how they instantly like you and that paves way for the attraction to happen.
5. You are Valued

Everything starts falling in place unexpectedly when you start to make the right eye contact. You do not have to be in the limelight to be valued by all. But, being valued is such a pleasure.
The reason people value you when you make good contact with the eye is because they notice that you pay attention to them and you look into their eye and talk to them. It is how you made them feel that they are naturally drawn to value you.
6. Displays your Generosity
When you look elsewhere and talk and in a situation of empathizing with someone it shows that you are least bothered, this gives a very bad signal to the opposite person that you do not care and the person may be offended or hurt
When you give someone the right contact specifically when they are feeling low and need motivation from you, they find you really kind. One does not deliberately have to be kind. The gesture of firm eye contact says it all.
7. To Gel Well
At times we are shy to talk to people. When they come to talk to us and when we give them the contact while exchanging our ideas, it just makes the other person want to come often and talk to you.
People at times strike with each other when they communicate through their eyes, they do not know each other for long or they haven’t communicated much in the past. Yet, they still tend to gel well with each other just with the contact of the eye.
Either way, it is important to make eye contact if you want give in your best to gel well with someone.
Avoid these mistakes while making eye contact
In the quest of ensuring up-skill ourselves with the social skill of making the right contact we end up making blunders. Avoid making these blunders and have the right eye contact.
1. Do not stare
Do not stare at a person and make them feel awkward. Blink in between while you are making eye contact. The wrong contact of eye can lead to discomfort and a person might be offended by your behavior
2. Do not give inappropriate eye contact
Your contact should be just for the right purpose and that is to look into the person’s eye and not observe what they have worn or what they are doing or stare at them inappropriately. If you over stare at someone more than required they may get a negative signal
3. Do not neglect different culture
Be aware of the culture of a place and accordingly make contact with eye. For an instance, you are from a place where people are shy and they do not give attention to eye contact and you carry with you the same thing in a different place.
This may either show that you are weak or you are not confident and you do not want to give someone the wrong signal
4. Do not divert eye contact
Do not divert from the contact you make. Say, suppose you are looking at someone and giving them enough contact and that’s making them speak and share stuff with you.
If you drift away as they have gained that confidence this may make them feel you are disinterested and diverted and can have a bad impact on your relationship with that person
5. Do not judge through an eye contact
Do not judge someone at the spur of the moment by just analyzing them through the way they are making contact. And never ever over read a person with contact, there are possibilities of going wrong
6. Do not make eye contact for the heck of it
It is important that you keep this in mind while you are making contact with eye. You may miss taking care of this gesture.
When you are walking across the street and you find someone you know when you smile and make contact of eye with them do not look away fast, wait for few seconds, and then move your eyes. They may want to have a conversation with you and it might show that you just wished them for the sake of it.
7. Do not keep your eye contact glued when in a crowd
When you are in a crowd, at times it so happens that you restrict looking at just those people whom you know and comfortable with. Avoid doing this strictly because it shows that you do not really care about anyone there. Keeping moving your head and give decent eye contact with everyone in the group.
How to let go of an awkward feeling while making eye contact
It isn’t as easy as it sounds, making contact of eye as a communication tool takes a smart effort and the skill to do it right. It is essential to strike the right balance between gazing around and making a firm.
All the pretty ladies, display your confidence by giving the right eye contact and be adored by all for effective eye contact.