Why Is He Texting You When He Is Not Interested? (10 Possible Reasons)


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Why Is He Texting You When He Is Not Interested

The unpredictable weather is way better than that of a man telling you he is not interested and still confusing you with his texts. Can you relate or think of an unfair man who spoils your mind or even broke your heart like this? or was it your fault to hope and get him wrong?

Most women are likely to find this kind of a man who sounds like he is not interested but doesn’t allow you to let go of him. Also, women find men who are crystal clear about not seeing a future with you but they still text you for their selfish reasons or because they value you as a person. Now, how much you understand his intentions is solely on your personal observation through conversations and situations with him.

It so happens that one part of your brain thinks, “Oh, he may like me but doesn’t want to say it” and you forget that his actions and words are conflicting. But, get this right, if he is hiding his feelings, your intuitions would hint you, you would get to know through his friends or he would time and again be concerned for you.

Is he confusing you or are you getting confused? It is important to analyze it on your own. Read this article and get to know possible reasons why he is texting you even if he is not interested in you. You will slowly understand what is true and false.

Reasons He is Texting You Even If He Is Not Interested

If you are trapped, then this kind of man plays it smart. If you’ve been taking it wrong, then you better open your eyes and gather yourself. Take a look at the points below and get answers to your questions.

Read: 15 Mature Ways To Get Over A Guy Who Doesn’t Like You!

No 1 – He Is Clearly A Jerk Who Loves Playing


For men who confuse you, it is their hobby to play with you and many other women at the same time. They always want to have options so if one of the women wants to stay away, they get to cling to the other. This kind of man would not be with you fully and because you have feelings, you’d always try to understand and adjust to his behavior.

For instance, he will play in wonderful ways that you cannot think of. He would talk to you as per his convenience. When you want to discuss something with him, he won’t be there for you and he would be good at making excuses all the time.

Solution – Clearly ask him to back off and let him know that you are not the one who can be taken for a ride.

No 2 – He Only Wants To Show Off In Front Of His Friends

The player kind of men are clearly selfish and immature, he is probably texting you even if he doesn’t have feelings for you to have your attention at all times. As he knows that you are heels over in love with him, he wouldn’t want to miss even one chance of gaining all the attention and showing off in front of his friends that a woman is totally crazy about him.

At times, he does it to prove it to the other men that even he is good enough. The immature men usually have this habit of flaunting about the women in love with them. This thought process might psyche you, but there are men who think this way and instead of believing that they have feelings, try and understand every bit of their behavior.

Solution – You won’t know if he is showing off in front of his friends, until and unless a situation of that sort comes up. However, if you sense that he is being artificial and his only aim is to gain attention for false reasons, cut off with him.

No 3 – He Wants To Have You Fulfill His Physical Needs

For a few men, it is all about sex. They don’t mind hanging around with a woman they don’t live as long as they get what they need. Though every man doesn’t think that way. Most of them do.

Don’t think they are foolish, they know how to get you fulfilling their needs. If you have a man who doesn’t want to commit to you but insists on seeing you naked and thinks of only sexting even though that’s not on your mind, you better understand that he thinks on only one track.

You might not want to believe it but he must be only sexually attracted to you and doesn’t want to miss even once chance with you.

Solution – Never talk back to a friend who wants to use you. It is not worth being around toxic people.

No 4 – He Genuinely Loves Being Your Friend

It is not necessary that your feelings would always be reciprocated. You might love him as someone special but he might love you back as a friend and he is probably texting you even if he is not interested because he truly believes in you and enjoys your company.

As mentioned earlier, not every man wants to use you for selfish reasons but they definitely seek comfort in your company. If you have a friend like that, never let him go, people like him are rare and if you love him then let him be happy the way he wants to be even if that’s not in being your lover.

No 5 – He Has A Soft Corner But He Is Holding Back

He feels connected but there must be some factor that is missing. Probably he isn’t as attracted as you are or unsure of you as a partner. You never know what are his reasons, he would almost make you feel like he is there and not there.

It is difficult when you have to be half in the air. Somewhere, you start to build hope and on the other end, he is not on the same page. Yes, men can be equally complicated.

Solution – If you are being dodged, it is better you keep yourself away and forget that there could ever be something in between the two of you.

Read : 15 Signs He Likes You More Than A Friend – Know What’s Hidden!

No 6 – He Is A Flirt By Nature

A few men are witty and they love making women laugh and they don’t mind flirting with them forever. Probably, he is texting you even though he isn’t interested with nothing bad for you but to bring a smile on your face. This world has different people. Amidst the players, you will find a chocolate boy who has the ability to attract every woman. Probably he is having his part of fun and wishes to see you happy too.

Read : What Does It Mean When a Guy Calls You Babe

No 7 – He Needs You For Emotional Support

The guy texting you constantly might not be interested in you for a relationship but he might need your emotional support throughout, he feels good after sharing things with you and always needs you to back him up emotionally. Well, this is truly possible.

Now whether you want to do that emotional backing without any expectation is totally on you. In one way, you must go-ahead to be there for him, and on the other hand, this isn’t the best idea for you because in the bargain it might damage you emotionally. It is understandable that you have feelings for him but forgetting that it could be bad for you and obligating yourself to be there is not a good idea.

No 8 – He Cares And Doesn’t Want To Leave You Alone

If he is texting you even though he is not interested in the way you are, he may care for you ever since you both are friends. Like the jerks and the chocolate boys, even the good men exist. If he texts you after understanding that you are indirectly hurt because of him, it is true care and regards. Appreciate his goodness.

However, if he is being sympathetic because he thinks your heart will break, it is best that you keep away from him until you feel strong and get a grip over your feelings. While this can be a hard move to make, you can always let him know what you are going through and ask him to leave you alone for a while so that you can take your time to feel better and perhaps get back to the good old times you both had.

No 9 – He Is Clueless About What He Wants

He must be a chicken who is terrified about getting attached. He might not want a relationship he is not prepared for but he is way too close to you and that is why he must be texting you even if he is not interested.

Well, this might be bugging you that he doesn’t want to commit but still wants to message you like the two of you are committed. He doesn’t want to have you and is not letting you go because he is scared about losing you.

Maybe he is buying time to commit to you or is sure that he doesn’t want to commit.

Solution – If you like someone and he is doing this with you, clearly tell him to get clarity on what he wants to do rather than stringing you along for nothing. If he truly loves you, he will find away. If he doesn’t love you, he won’t get clarity and you know what to do next.

No 10 – You Are Living In A Fantasy World

Sometimes, you can’t blame the man. He must be texting you even if he is not interested because he is friendly by nature and respects the bond you share with him. You might be getting it wrong because of hoping or holding on to the fact that he will change his mind someday or the other. In a way, this is like emotionally harming yourself.

A few men are clear and sure of what they want. So, building castles in the air is not good. On the other hand, if he draws his lines and still talks to you, then you are getting it wrong and he is not giving you any sort of hints.

Solution – Whenever you go in that mode of fantasy that the two of you are together, immediately tell yourself that this is a wrong imagination and you should be over it. Don’t push hard, but keep reminding yourself that he is only my friend and we can never have a future together.

In conclusion, a man who is texting you even if he is not interested is possibly having the following intentions

  • He is confused about what he feels for you and isn’t understanding the importance of being clear
  • Is being a total jerk who wants to show off with the attention he gets, is looking for a sexual relationship, and wants you to be there as his backup
  • He is clear that he is not interested to be that special someone but is looking for a friend in you
  • You are confused and hoping that he would change his mind
  • He is feeling sorry that you like him and he doesn’t like you back
  • He doesn’t want to lose you at any cost and seeks comfort in your company