What To Talk To Your Boyfriend When You Have Talked About Everything


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Practically, when you are in a relationship, especially in one where you’ve been together for years and know each other in and out, there will be times when you won’t know what more to talk about and how to make conversations interesting.

It is not surprising to feel that way since we humans are constantly looking forward to something new. Not just that, you may be waiting for him to initiate and perhaps he is waiting too. It could be that two of you are reserved by nature or you guys don’t enjoy conversations with each other but otherwise, there is love.

Guess what? On your fingertips, you can pick up topics and have interesting, fun and meaningful conversations with your boyfriend even after you’ve talked about everything.

Read this article and get to know about how to bridge this gap of not knowing what to talk about. Don’t just read the tips, we would suggest you implement these tips to make your bond an interesting and strong one

Topics To Talk When You Don’t Have Anything Left To Talk With Your Boyfriend

Let problems trespass and time pass by, you must always look at how well can you keep the spirit of never being bored with each other in a conversation.

To break what normally happens in a relationship (is that couples get bored of each other over a period of time) requires your time and strong will to constantly keep nurturing conversations.

Besides, when couples can be like blank papers with each other and without being afraid of being understood/judged speak their mind about the silliest to sensible thoughts, a scenario like ‘I am bored and don’t know what to talk about’ will never arise.

Here is how we will figure out how to keep the conversation going even if you think you’ve spoken to your boyfriend about everything in the world.

Tip 1 – Unwrap Yourself And Speak Up

Everything begins by taking little steps. Having said, it is you who has to open up and start being vocal to engage your boyfriend in a conversation. If you are too wrapped in your thoughts, you can never bring up a topic.

Open up and get into the practice of talking whatever comes to your mind. While you don’t have to obligate him to hear from you, give him that space to let you know when he is not in the right frame of mind.

How to Open Up?

If you are talkative then you know how to break the ice and if you are an introvert, you are anyways used to talking to yourself. Consider your boyfriend as your mind and speak up. You will have to pretend to make it happen.

Tip 2 – Nail A Conversation By Talking About His Passion

Most of us talk, but forget to focus on a conversation. This is where most people are put off and they might be disinterested to have conversations further.

The only way to catch his attention is by getting into his shoes, understanding his areas of interest and picking topics that will take him on cloud nine.


  1. Pose a question and hear him out, let him speak everything he wants to
  2. Don’t interrupt and give your views right off the bat.
  3. Don’t just give your ears, but undivided attention.
  4. Example – If he loves cricket, ask him his crazy experiences and learning about cricket.

Tip 3 – Pen Down What You Want To Speak About

If you are not good with randomly starting a conversation, you can do a little homework and automatically you will know how to kill all the awkward silence.

It means, jot down everything that comes to your mind and important things you want to talk about so that the moment you guys sit to together, you will be prepared to shoot questions. This one need not be formal, keep it natural and casual.

This idea can work well when you have many things to say and you want to keep a track of everything.

Tip 4 – Rekindle Old Dreams And Memories

It is always a pleasure to go back to good old times and laugh at them. At the same time, you must take your boyfriend to that place where both of your dreams took birth. Doing that once in a while is super romantic.

Choose to talk about the good old times instead of the bad ones. If possible, discuss about how many dreams have the two of you fulfilled together and what’s left.

A wish together can be anything. Right from cooking a meal or traveling the world together. Bringing this happy topic is the sweetest thing to do when the two of you are running out of things to talk about.

Tip No 5 – Sometimes Speak Little And Express Love

To make a conversation interesting and boost joy between the two of you, sometimes it takes affection and love in between too many words. Tried that ever?

It is not wrong if the two of you are not able to communicate much. The silence should have compensation of emotions and love in it.

Pampering him, giving him a kiss on his forehead, hugging him while speaking a word or two are the simple gestures you must show him once in a while.

Once your partner and you learn to speak through gestures, the emotional bond gets stronger and even if the two of you run out of things to talk about, your gestures would help.

Read: Sure Signs He Is fighting His feelings for You

Tip No 6 –Talk About A Secret Compliment You Never Gave Him

If you are looking at how to have a perfect conversation, you should begin on a positive note. Why don’t you give him a compliment you always wanted to but never got a chance or you were shy to give.

First off, a compliment will make the rest of his day. Secondly, he would be curious to know why didn’t you tell him in all this while and what else you like about him.

If the two of you are a romantic couple then the conversation will go a long way and the two of you might end up making love.

Tip No 7 – Ask Him About How Does He Number His Priorities

If you feel you have talked about everything with your boyfriend and totally confused about what more to talk, you can ask him about how does he number his priorities and why.

This way the conversation goes far and you get to discover things you never knew about. Isn’t it an amazing idea?

Ask him about how would he prioritize work, time for himself, time for you and friends. Don’t be offended or feel sensitive if you don’t top the list, as long as he values it is enough.

It is not that you don’t know about all this, it is just that your conversation gets longer and the two of you get to spend meaningful time together.

Tip No 8 – Get To Know About What He Doesn’t Like In You

Try this only if you are sportive to accept and hear what your boyfriend genuinely doesn’t like about you. You don’t necessarily have to change, but, depending on what he says, you will know if it is time to introspect or ignore his viewpoint.

Two things happen when you are open to listen. One, the two of you learn to be more transparent with each other. Two, the conversation goes on with an exchange of thoughts and opinions.

If you are not open to hear him, you can skip having a discussion.

Tip No 9 – Tell Him About What’s Been On Your Mind Recently

It is always good to share thoughts with your partner. Let him know about what’s been in your mind about work or your personal life.

Discuss your future plans or something interesting that you came across during the entire week. If he is totally into you, he will be happy to hear you talk about yourself and discuss your thoughts in detail.

Likewise, ask him about what’s been on his mind. When it is a two-sided talk, the conversation with your boyfriend gets interesting.

Tip No 10 – Ask Him About When Did He Push Himself The Most

Life is a test and each of us are tested at every situation. A few of us escape the test and the rest of us stand brave and face the test. Talking to him about how does he push himself is a good idea.

Whenever you don’t know what to talk about. You can ask him about how he motivates himself when he is demotivated or for that matter when he is least interested or lazy to complete his work, understand as to how does he push himself.

Having a conversation on a topic like this is quite meaningful and interesting.

Tip No 11 – Get to Know About Things He Is Addicted To

Talking on topics like addiction and exchanging views on how to break an addiction is one of the best ways to bring up an interesting conversation and have a great talk with your boyfriend.

You can answer how you deal with your addiction as well. Ask him detailed questions such as what does he do to keep addiction away, how does he manage the struggle in not getting what he wants and automatically this would take your conversation even further.

Tip No 12 – Talk to Him About What’s Happening in the World

There can never be a time when you would have nothing to talk about. The only time when you cannot talk about anything is when the two of you are upset, unwell or stressed.

So, if you quickly want to strike a conversation with your boyfriend, why don’t you just talk about technology, current affairs or an inspirational video that you watched in recent time.

Tip No 13 – Play A Game Instead of Talking Sometimes

When the two of you aren’t in a mood to talk and you want to spend quality time with your boyfriend, why don’t you just pick an indoor game and start playing to feel de-stressed and enjoy in the moment. The two of you can go outdoors and maybe hit the gym together. It is a cool idea to do a couple workout.

Tip No 14 – Plan An Outing With Friends

This must be sounding insane that how would going out with friends help the two of you have a conversation?

As insane as it sounds, it is true that going for an outing with friends will help you have a conversation about the place you went out to and how much you enjoyed the company of other people.

For all you know he might have a compliment for you and you would have something for him. If not for anything, go out to spend quality time with him.

Tip No 15 – Other Fun, Serious And Interesting Questions To Ask Him

Along with starting a conversation with your boyfriend on what’s mentioned above, you can even look further and ask him some of these interesting and fun questions. Take a look!

  1. What do you think about women?
  2. What are the three crazy things you want to explore this year?
  3. Would you forgive me if I cheated on you?
  4. Give me 5 things that you are most particular about?
  5. What comes first for you? Your morals or happiness?
  6. What are two things that has kept us together so far?
  7. Am I the kind of partner you always wanted or someone else?
  8. If you had a chance to steal one of my traits, what would that be?
  9. What would be your reaction if I told you I want to marry you in the next 6 months?
  10. What kind of a non-monetary gift would you expect from me?
  11. How would you react to criticism from a person who always compliments you?
  12. In what situations will you put yourself first and then the others?
  13. How would you feel if your favorite thing falls and breaks?
  14. In what situations will you choose your emotions over being practical?
  15. If you fall in love with someone else, will you be honest enough to come forward and confess it to me?


There are a different kind of couples around the world, a few of them can do without talking to each other and they will still be connected, there are couples who talk a lot to each other but they are still be bored with each other and there are people who never get bored with each other’s talks

If you truly enjoy each other’s company, you will never be bored or come to a stage where you start thinking that you have talked to your boyfriend about everything and you don’t know what’s left to talk about. If that’s the case pick up a list of these questions and start a conversation with your boyfriend.

In love conversations never end, you got to work on keeping them going.

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