What To Look For In A Guy – 15 Essential Qualities!


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“What do I want from a man” – Ever bothered to ask yourself this question? If you’ve finally managed to decide on being in a relationship or marrying that imaginary someone or destiny’s gift to you, don’t go for it right off the bat! It is wise to take a while and think over some of the qualities what to look for in a guy that can hold the two of you and make you happy.

Nothing wrong in taking a while if you haven’t thought over it. Every woman has rosy wishes and probably wants a man who is heels over in love with her, he must have broad shoulders, a good personality and a heart of gold.

Out of the 100 qualities, you must expect at least 10 essential qualities in him so that you don’t feel out of place physically, emotionally and mentally. In short, you should know what you want to be happy and comfortable in a relationship.

Be it tips from relationship experts or committed people sharing their experiences. No one can give you a perfect advise on what to look for in a guy. It is you who has to decide. However, here’s an article with a set of essential qualities to look for in a guy.

Essential And Great Qualities to Look For In A Man


Reality will always be different from imagination. If you are lucky enough, it might turn out to be the same with the man having all the qualities you dreamy of.

Conversely, not every quality will be there in that person. You have to prioritize the aspects that matter to you the most and then decide. For now, stay positive, have reasonable expectations and most importantly, don’t over expect.

Strike a balance in the qualities a guy should possess and what can be overlooked.

Nevertheless, here are some of the basic and most important qualities to look for in a man you want to spend time or rest of your life with.

Remember! Whether you are spending a few years with him or the rest of your life, it is costing your precious time and energy that’s valuable to every individual. So, always remember to take it slow and be wise.

Taking into account important aspects that a guy must-have for any girl to feel good about being with him, we have compiled a list of essential qualities he must have. Read through each of them and understand its importance.

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#1 – You Should Feel The Vibe With Him


Right as we are introduced to someone new, perhaps after the handshake or when making eye contact, we get vibes. In other words, how we feel around the person.

Same is the case with the man you want to be with. Find out if he is trying to entice you to his personality? Or you genuinely feel the vibe with him?

Vibe is the foundation that will go ahead and make you feel comfortable with the man.


It is a must to observe vibes because you cannot risk being with a person you don’t feel nice with. At some point you might just want to part ways with the person.

#2 – He Must Have A Reasonable And Clear Sense Of Judgement


Every attribute is important when you are looking for the right qualities in a man.

That being said, you should look for a man who is wise and knows how to balance between what needs a reaction and what can be ignored. In other words, he should have the quality of being smart and wise to make the right judgement.

It is good for the relationship because a wise man will not be an escapist and hide when he is wrong. He will have the guts to openly tell you about your mistakes and talk about his.


Studies claim, relationships are intact when the man is smart. Therefore, look for this quality in him if you want to go a long way together.

#3 – It Is A Must For Him To Be A Gentleman


Would you like it if your partner doesn’t understand the importance of respecting another human being or lacked the wisdom to be nice? If you ignore this now, in the long run you will want to run away from his life.

It is essential for every girl to see if the man is kind, knows how to respect people, is sensitive to others needs and has the sense to behave civilized.

The more you secretively observe and spend time with the person, you will understand. He opening the car’s door for you is sweet. But, that’s not the only way to test if he is a gentleman or not. Keep that in mind.

For example – He should have no airs when communicating with people who are not doing well in life. Check if he is polite in his tone or not.


Clearly, you will not be able to see a promising future with a man who can’t behave. Moreover, if you prioritize behavior over everything else, you will not be able to be with a man whose behavior is putting off.

#4 – Notice The Way He Deals With Money


Have you heard of this saying ‘The quality of a man is defined by the way he deals with money’ – it is spot on and the most appropriate. If you want to marry the man, you need to see how he spends and saves.

If the man is habituated to borrowing money and takes a back step from paying people back. It is better you take a back step from your decision to marry him.

A man should not spend more than his capacity, he must stay firm in his commitment while dealing with money and he should be wise to save a little for future.

On the other hand, he must even know how to respect money and understand when it is important to draw a line between money and emotions.

While gauging this quality can be tricky, it still needs to be done.


Everything in a marriage should be shared. It takes the two to make it a happy one and managing finances is one of the most important aspects.

That being said, you cannot risk marrying a man who is filled with debts for the wrong reasons and if he doesn’t understand the importance of savings, you might find it difficult to financially adjust with him.

#5 – He Should Actively Take Interest In You


What’s the point in being with a guy who is as good as the walls in your house? It means, when you want to be in a relationship or marry a guy, you should see if he has the quality of taking interest in what’s happening with you in life.

For instance – If you come up with an interesting idea for home or your career, he should actively participate in the discussion, hear you out, encourage you, make you aware of the facts you don’t know and give you feedback in the most honest manner. I

If he barely hears you and you go on and on. There are ghost chances that you will be happy and satisfied in the long run.

Giving you the best comfort or being good in bed is not complete if he cannot participate in your life.


At the end of the day, all we need is a genuine person who can hear us out and make us feel better. If the guy cannot take interest in you, it is likely to make you wander for what is missing in the marriage.

#6 – Find Out About How Possessive Can He Get


Receiving attention when your partner gets possessive about you is cute until it doesn’t cause trust issues between the two of you or spoil your mental health.

It is instinctive to be possessive about your partner getting close to another man or woman more than you. But, if he starts to control your life, then you must stay away.


This an important thing to look for in a man. If he doesn’t give you enough space, faces a difficulty in trusting you with the others or doesn’t like it when you spend most of your time with friends, you exactly know what to do.

Read: Insecurities In A Relationship – 8 Peaceful Ways To Get Over It!

#7 – Are His Values Aligned To Yours?


We carry our values from childhood and an overnight change in values will lead to an unhappy relationship.

Values are deep-rooted and a part of our upbringing. For the most part, every parent teaches the same basic values such as love, care and respect to their child.

Both of you would have learnt the same things. However, a few values differ. If they are not aligned, unhealthy arguments will be an active part of your relationship.


Values might not necessarily play a significant role in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship. However, it will definitely make a difference if the two of you have to raise your child together. You cannot confuse your family with a day and night difference in your values.

Read: 10 Fantastic Ways To Have A Good Relationship With Your Boyfriend 

#8 – His Nature Should Shine With Confidence


A man should always be confident about himself irrespective of how right or wrong he is. You must see this quality of self-confidence in a man.

It is our confidence that truly shows how much we know ourselves. Every girl would want to be with a confident guy. It is a sign of being manly. This means, it isn’t enough if a man is good-looking, what’s impressive is how confident is he about himself.


There will be situations when he has to take a stand for you or for himself, it is only his level of confidence that will come to use and the happiness in knowing yourself is the best. This indirectly contributes to your relationship. Only when he is happy within, he can keep you happy.

#9 – He Should Know Tricks To Turn Your Frowns Into Smiles


Running about to make ends meet and dealing with stress is as it is making life serious. Above all, if you have a serious partner, you might miss out on having fun which is equally important in the long run.

That being said, your man should know tricks to make you smile or giggle. Laughing is a good exercise and it will spread happiness between the two of you. If he can’t make you laugh then you will need to find other ways to be entertained.

So, better look into this interesting quality that your man should have. You can do without it, if you aren’t inclined to having a fun partner. But otherwise, you must consider this quality.

Basically, whether you consider humor important or not, science does and it has proved that a good sense of humor is sexually attractive.


Humour adds spice to the relationship and it an lighten a person’s mood.

#10 – Look At How Mature He Is


Most of our maturity is absorbed through experiences. They might be good or bad. Yet, those experiences build us.

While looking for the right qualities that should be there in a man, it goes without saying that you need to check on his maturity levels. For making a decision on the spot or a well-thought decision, it takes the two people to act mature and face it.

To test his maturity, fight with him, and notice his reaction. If he tries to understand your problem by getting into your shoes, it is a sign that he is mature.

Bear in mind, you are not here to be judge his character. However, you are here to judge if he is mature enough to be compatible with you or not.


If the man is not mature enough to support you through this journey, it might get frustrating that you don’t have his back to deal with real time situations.

#11 – He Must Have A Positive Approach To Life


Life will always throw something at us, our positive approach is the only way to take on life. This even includes the people we are surrounded by. If our family members are negative, it is likely to be influenced with that thought process.

The guy you marry must be positive, he must always have the zeal to keep trying without giving up in life. He might not be as successful as you might dream of a guy to be, but, if he is filled with positive energies, he can keep you happy.


Whenever you feel like a loser if you have a partner who can boost you up with positive words. Life becomes a much better place to be in.

#12 – His Behaviour Towards Your Family And Friends Matters


When looking forward to be in a long term relationship or marriage, you must see if the guy has the quality of being cordial with your family and friends or not.

It is not necessary that he will be friendly. However, if he is nice to them, it is enough for you to understand that he is making a conscious effort to actively be a part of your life and show how important you are by treating your people important.

Why check this quality?

Being friendly with your friends and family is a sweet gesture. It shows the quality of a person and improves the amount of love between the two of you.

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#13 – He Must Have A Heart To Sacrifice Little


A little sacrifice is acceptable in a relationship, it is one way of being happy in that relationship without any expectation. You must see if a guy is ready to go that extra mile and sacrifice his wants over yours.

It is not that you must judge him if he doesn’t sacrifice. However, if he cannot do the little sacrifice, it is tough to be sure that the relationship will be valued in the long run.

It won’t be right on your part to allow him to sacrifice. Nevertheless, he should be able to sacrifice when needed.

For that matter, let’s consider a simple example like the two of you going out on a date and if both of you like different cuisines, how would he deal with it? If he picks a restaurant that serves his favorite food without even asking you if you are okay with it or not, he might not be willing to sacrifice always.

On the contrary, if he is clearly saying it that he can’t sacrifice his liking for you, then you can think of him to be blunt. Nevertheless, he should at least ask for your opinion.

Why check this quality?

In a marriage, there will be times to make a sacrifice, and if he cannot do something small. It can be tough to take that relationship ahead.

#14 – He Must Value Your Career


If a man truly respect your efforts, it needn’t have to be told that he should value your career. It is self-explanatory. At any cost, don’t miss on checking if he has this quality in him or not

Given the fact that career is the second most important part of our life, he will understand and co-operate if you cannot make time for him or if you prioritize work over him at times.

A true gentleman will always look out for you to grow and do good in your career even if that deprives him of the attention that you give him.

Why check this quality?

There is no point in being with a man who cannot appreciate or encourage you to grow and be a better version of yourself at work.

#15 – He Should Be Reliable


To spend time or the rest of your life with a man, it is important that he is reliable in front of you and when you are not looking at him. Would you feel good about living in doubts? No one wants that kind of relationship.

Always see to it that the man you choose to be with is trustworthy. While you will be able to build that trust over time, you still need to feel confident from the inside that he will never take undue advantage of the trust you have in him.

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Why check this quality?

The strength of a relationship is purely based on how much the two people trust each other.


If you are seeking 100% perfection in the qualities a man should have to win your heart for marriage. You are not going on the right track. But, if you are looking for the most important qualities in a man that are on par with your priorities, it absolutely makes sense and you own those right to find the most compatible and suitable partner for yourself.

Every quality that you should see in a man has a meaning and reason. Don’t be in a rush to say YES for a marriage or relationship, take it slow and do it right so that you end up being in a happy and balanced relationship.