What Does It Mean When A Guy Calls You Cute, Hot Or Pretty?


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What Does It Mean When A Guy Calls You Beautiful

The pupils dilate, smiles pop up or butterflies dance in the stomach when a guy calls you cute, agree?

Women are more than happy to be complimented. Especially, if she is complimented from a guy she least expects it from or even a close friend who was never so vocal every before. How do you feel when a guys says you are cute?

Do you think he is interested in you? Is it just a compliment? Is it in his nature to observe the good and be sweet? Too many questions in your mind?

Don’t think it over so deep! Enjoy the compliment. If you see him say it constantly, you can observe him and figure things out.

Let me tell you, you will never be able to trespass a man’s mind and perfectly know what he thinks. Having said, there are a few evident reasons as to why a guy calls a girl cute, hot or beautiful. Read this article to know it all!

What Does It Mean When A Guy Calls You Cute

What Does It Mean When A Guy Calls You Cute

The thought process, likes/dislikes of ever man won’ t be similar. What matters and should be noticed is in the way they say it. See the reasons as to why a guy calls you cute

No 1 – He Is Mad About Your Expressions

If a guy loves the way you laugh, talk or express emotions, he might find you cute in how you naturally are. He must be charmed with your extreme happy and sad expressions. This can come from a known, known and close or unknown guy.

No 2 – He Finds You Adorable

A person would utter the word cute only when a woman is adorable, kind, innocent or smart. When a guy says you are cute, he must have felt that ever since he saw you or over the time he noticed the overloaded cuteness.

No 3 – He Wants You For Life

If the guy looks into your eyes and says it in a special way that you are cute not just in your looks. But, I like the kind of person you are and I just don’t want to leave you ever. It means he wants you for life. He might want you as his partner or even a close friend.

No 4 – He Enjoys Being Around You

There are a few people in our life whom we can be ourselves with and we love their company no matter what. Found that one person ever? It could be a girl or a guy, but everyone has that one person they enjoy with, like and find them cute.

Same is the case with him, owing to the fact that you must be chilled out, non-judgemental, sweet and good to him, he thinks you are cute.

No 5 – He Loves Your Attitude

A few people have a cute attitude. For instance, people who are foolish and truthful or people who don’t allow things to affect them are cool for real.

Could be that he calls you cute for the way you deal with situations that come your way.

No 6 – He Likes That You Are Shy

Sometimes a guy mind end up admiring you for something you thought a guy would never like about you and that’s in the way you feel shy. Good for you, he would himself initiate the conversation and you might probably get a new friend.

No 7 – He Must Be Impressed With Your Talkative Nature

Guys like talkative girls, unless they are too serious and don’t believe in having fun. It might sound strange, but a few guys like fun-loving and lively girls. They can make life colorful with their non-stop talks.

No 8 – He Is Happy To Watch Your Flaws

One set of guys look for perfection and interestingly a few others fall for your flaws. He must have or not fallen in love as such, but, he probably has fun see you drop things, seeing your late reaction to things and what you think is dumb might be a ‘wow’ factor for him.

No 9 – He Wants To Compliment You And By Fluke He Says Cute

There are guys who have something in their heart and end up saying something else. He may be finds you pretty or hot. In that fear of not being able to be vocal about it, by mistake he might just say you are cute.

No 10 – He Finds You Cute For Being Real

It takes guts to be our real selves and he might find you cute because you don’t pretend to be someone you are not. Usually, guys don’t like girls faking things. They appreciate it if a girl is real.

No 11 – He Thinks The Way You Look Is Cute

A guy might call you cute if you are short, with big eyes or what he perceives as cute.

No 12 – He Finds You Understanding

One of the biggest and special quality that men admire in a woman is how understanding and approachable she is. If he feels thinks you hear him out and understand everything that he says, he is likely to think you are cute.

No 13 – He Looks At The Child In You

As mentioned earlier, every man has a different choice when it comes to being fond of a woman. A guy might call you cute if the child in you is alive. Every girl doesn’t want a smart and hot girl. A few guys love surrounding themselves with innocence.

No 14 – He Feels You Are Worth Being Loved

At times, a guy doesn’t call you cute for your personality, behaviour or attitude. He must be in love and that emotion makes him compliment you as the most cutest girl.

No 15 – Guys Find Delicate Girls Cute

A guy would call you cute if he is emotionally touched with your gentle nature and the way you carry yourself.

No 16 – He Must Be Genuinely Flirtatious

Not all the time it is true when a guy says you are cute. He is just having his part of fun and is secretly enjoying watching you blush.

No 17 – He Wants To Cuddle You

If your boyfriend, husband or close friend calls you cute all of a sudden and if you see that their eyes are doing all the talking, with no doubts, it implies that he feels like hugging or cuddling you by moving your hair behind the ears.

No 18 – He Feels You Are The Best

A guy thinks that the girl is the best and he must be calling you cute because you don’t play cheap tricks or try hard to have the attention of all the other guys. However, they naturally give it to you.

No 19 – He Has Fallen For Your Simplicity

A guy feels like calling a girl cute when she is satisfied and confident with whatever she has. Also, if he sees that you have a beautiful charming smile even when life throws big challenges at you.

When he notices how you prefer being comfortable rather than wearing something uncomfortable to look the best in a crowd, he might want to tell you with all his heart about how originally cute you are.

All in all, a cute woman is always special. It is not that a sexy and pretty woman are any less or a cute woman is less. Every category of beauty is praiseworthy.

Men think that cute women are extra-ordinary and call them that because of their nature, attitude, looks and many other sweet factors.

What Does It Mean When A Guy Calls You Beautiful

What Does It Mean When A Guy Calls You Beautifu

When a guy says you are beautiful, he is probably wonder-stuck with both your internal and external beauty. Read through the reasons for why a guy calls you beautiful!

No 20 – He Is Muddled By Your Looks

Metaphorically, when we find a flower or beautiful scenery. We are in a different zone and nothing besides that view is visible to us. In short, we are happy being lost. Isn’t it?

Likewise, a man who calls you beautiful feels the same way. He must be attracted to your lips, ears and the way you look in your beautiful dress. In a way you can call this infatuation. It is sweet when men observe little details in a woman’s beauty.

No 21 – He Loves You From The Inside Out

When a guy loves your internal as well as external beauty, he will call you beautiful. He will have thoughts to kiss you on your cheeks and stroke your hair instead of going a step ahead and taking you to bed. When he says you are beautiful, for him you are cute, pretty and a nice human being.

Finally, a guy calls you beautiful either because is an admirer or he is passionately in love with you.

No 22 – He Is Not In Love, You Are Only Pretty For Him

Most women have this misconception that the guy loves me or wants to go on a date with me because he calls me pretty. At times, a guy is just appreciating beauty and he means nothing more or less than this.

Finally, if a guy calls you pretty or beautiful. He is truly in love with you or he might be appreciating your beauty.

What Does It Mean When A Guy Calls You Hot/Sexy

What Does It Mean When A Guy Calls You Hot-Sexy

When a guy calls you hot, you need to understand that there is a battle between his self-control and hormones. Take a look at what it means when a guy calls you hot!

No 23 – He Is Impressed By How You Carry Yourself

Being hot or sexy is just not with clothes, it comes with attitude too. A man might call you hot or sexy if he thinks your features are in place and he must be a great fan of how you carry yourself in a crowd.

No 24 – He Loves Your Figure

The terms hot and sexy easily or casually don’t come up. Having said when a man calls you hot or sexy after checking you out, it is clear that he is attracted to your body.

No 25 – He Likes It That You Are Doing Well In Life

Men like intellectual and career-oriented women. They think its sexy when women are totally devoted to their aim and how their thoughts are well aligned.

To sum it up, when a man calls you hot, it means he is attracted to your appearance and features, the way you carry yourself and his lust for you is the most dominated factor. You can’t presume that he is calling you hot just because of the way you dress or your body, it can be more than that.

How to Respond When He Says You are Cute, Beautiful Or Hot

How to Respond When He Says You are Cute, Beautiful Or Hot

When a guy is saying you are cute, beautiful or hot, you are fortunate to receive that attention, if he has chosen you from the entire lot of women out there although he might be complimenting the others, it is still a positive approach.

If you have admire him, then I am sure you will be on cloud nine and if he is an unknown person, it might attract you or you might take it casually.

To all the compliments, you can just smile and thank the person. If it is coming up from someone you like or a close friend, you can even give that person a big smile and a warm hug.

In conclusion, when a guy calls you cute, beautiful or hot, you will be able to understand what he means and why is he giving you that particular compliment based on how much you know him as a person and the level of friendship the two of you have.

The fact that you are receiving compliments shows that you are noticed.