What Does It Mean When A Guy Says He Is Thinking About You?


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What does it mean when a guy says he is thinking about you

It is a blessing to have someone thinking about you. If he has told you he’s been thinking about you for long now. It can mean two main thoughts ticking in his mind and the rest is just related to the latter. What is it supposed to be? Can you guess?

If a person is investing time into thinking about you, you must be special or he clearly admires you for your personality. More or less, it is something related to two of these thoughts. Nevertheless, we cannot accurately say what is he thinking about you unless he himself says it to you. However, we can think of different perspectives.

Read this article and understand everything that it means when a guy says he is thinking about you!

Reasons A Guy Says He Is Thinking About You – What Does It Mean?

No doubts, you tend to feel special after you get to know that a guy is thinking about you. Most girls feel that way especially if it is coming from someone you admire too.

When he tells you that he’s been thinking about you, questions like, do I really mean something to him that he is thinking about me, what special did I do that he is thinking about me, is he bluffing about having me on his mind or is he really thinking about me?

It is good that you aren’t simply flattered with what he says, instead you are thinking. It is good to think and question yourself, this questioning helps you find your answers.

This is what he means when he says he is thinking about you!

No 1 – It Is Infatuation Or Love

It Is Infatuation Or Love

When a man is emotionally connected or attracted to you, he is likely to keep thinking about you. Until and unless these emotions are in the scene, there is no chance of him thinking about you.

If it is love, you will always be on his subconscious mind and if it is attraction, on and off you are going to be there in his mind.

Therefore, it is impossible to immediately judge if he is infatuated or in love with you. It is time that will give you the best answer.

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No 2 – He Is Just Freeing His Heart

He Is Just Freeing His Heart

It is not easy for everyone to honestly come and open up about their thoughts. Men are shy or they don’t want to be put in an awkward situation if you said ‘I don’t think about you’. He could be thinking about you in a friendly way or he must be in love. Can never say.

It takes guts for a man to come and open up. Thus, if a guy comes and tells you he is thinking about you, it could be that he himself doesn’t know about his feelings. He just wants to free his heart by letting you know that you are on his mind.

Read: Signs He is Fighting His Feelings for You

No 3 – It Is His Way Of Testing You

It Is His Way Of Testing You

Infatuation or love. In both these situations, a guy might not be wanting to tell you openly that “hey I like you and what do you feel?”

If he tells you “I am thinking about you nowadays”, he could be indirectly trying to understand if you think of him the same way or not.

Directly he might not want to approach you either because he is afraid of making the friendship awkward for the two of you or he wants to save himself from building castles in the air before confirming if you think of him the same way or not.

Indirectly or directly, when a guy says he is thinking about you – It is easy to understand he is interested.

No 4 – He Admires You

He Admires You

A lot of times, a guy is just thinking about you because he admires either your talent, looks or attitude. Your assumptions will travel a distance his mind would have never even thought about.

So, don’t presume admiration to be infatuation or love. A person can think about you even if he is an admirer.

Example – The role of an actor or actress might be impressive in a movie that you recently saw and you are constantly thinking about the respective person because you just loved the way they acted or spoke. On similar lines, he must be thinking about your quality that’s praiseworthy.

Read: What Does It Mean When A Guy Calls You Cute

No 5 – It Is His Trick To Impress You

It Is His Trick To Impress You

There are men who will do anything to attract or get you to like them. Especially if they know that you are emotionally weak. Chances are that he might be telling you that he is thinking about you just as a tactic to have you in his life.

Although he might not mean bad, it is one way of influencing your mind. Therefore, watch if he is trying to impress you for the sake of it. If he is doing so, save yourself and don’t get influenced.

For example, he doesn’t show up when he needs to and if he has suddenly started to tell you that he is thinking about you, his words don’t match with his actions and this is how you identify that he just wants to attract you towards him.

No 6 – He Is Concerned About You

He Is Concerned About You

No one will spend time in thinking about you just like that, if not for feelings. He could be a genuine friend and because he cares about your well-being he could be telling you that he thinks about you. Sometimes it is as simple as this.

No 7 – He Misses You

He Misses You

You think of a person more when they aren’t around or not in touch with you. Just as the saying “We value a person in their absence more than their presence”.

It could be that the two of you are good friends or you’ll were dating. If he tells you that he is thinking about you, it either means that he is guilty for what happened or genuinely wants to be friends again and get back to you. As mentioned earlier, it is a sign that he loves you and realizes his mistake.

Read: Signs That He Misses You

No 8 – He Means What He Says

He Means What He Says

There are genuine men who mean what they say and if he says he is thinking about you, it will not go unnoticed in his gestures and actions. For example, whenever you need him he will be around. In his eyes, you will see how much he is thinking about you. If this is the case, then you should acknowledge and understand his seriousness for you.

Actions That Prove He Is Thinking About You

Actions speak louder than words, so what if he doesn’t say he is thinking about you? His actions cannot conceal it enough. This is what he does if he likes you. Take a look!

  1. He will want to constantly meet you. If you think that its just been a day or two that you guys met, for him it might be like months and he will make it a point to visit you more often.
  2. He will often call and message you.
  3. He will show an unexpected happy expression the moment he sees you. One gets to see that expression only when he is thinking too much about you.
  4. He will go back into his phone and look at your pictures.
  5. He will mention you to his friends and enquire about you from your friends.
  6. Since he is always thinking about you, he will try to see you in every other girl who comes his way.

If you are wondering about how to respond when he tells you that he is thinking about you, don’t bother yourself much, just tell him what your heart says. If you don’t like it, be frank about it and if you are happy about it, you can accordingly reciprocate.

Psychic Signs That He Is Thinking About You

These signs are applicable to people who have part ways or if a guy is secretly in love with you. There are psychic powers that will clearly indicate that he is thinking about you. Here are those unsaid signs you should know about. Take a look!

  1. You will start feeling very low and different. You won’t be able to explain the feeling to anyone.
  2. You will experience a strange desire to be with someone and you will not be able to control that desire. This means, the two of you are subconsciously thinking about each other.
  3. As strange as it sounds, yet true, if your eyes start to itch all of a sudden and you have confirmed you don’t have an allergy. It is a sign that you are on someone’s mind.
  4. When you suddenly feel that your cheeks have started to burn and they are hot, it is a sign that someone is continuously thinking about you.
  5. The person who is thinking about you, might not tell you in some cases and subconsciously he will just know for a fact that he wants to be with you. Surprisingly, it gets hard for that person to get over this psychic impulse.
  6. Hiccups is the most common sign that a person you have a connection with is thinking about you.

When a guy tells you that he is thinking about you. It is because he is attracted, in love, admires you, wants to get back to you, trying to impress you or indirectly finding out as to what you think about him. Apart from this, you will be able to notice it through his expression or in his actions that he is thinking about you.

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