What are Whiteheads and How to Remove them Naturally


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Most of us don’t know what are whiteheads and how to remove them naturally. Whiteheads are a form of acne, also known as closed comedones. They are formed when oil secretions from the skin, clogs the pores with grime, sebum and dead skin. They mostly appear on nose, cheeks, temple and forehead. They appear on the skin as small, yellowish white and round bump. They are like black heads but they form under the surface of the skin so they are yellow or white in color. And blackheads are black as they get oxidized from exposure outside.

Whiteheads are formed when excess oil from sebaceous glands clogs up the hair follicles on the skin. This mixes with other bacteria and debris and get trapped under the skin. Then whiteheads are formed. Whiteheads stay inside the skin, they are mostly invisible as they develop under the skin and if they are exposed they become blackheads.

Causes of whiteheads on nose, forehead and chin:

1- Excess oil secretion from pores:

When excess oil is secreted from pores skin gets too oily and traps bacteria and grime. Excess of exfoliation develops whiteheads other forms of acne also pop up.

2- Hormonal Imbalance:

Mostly acne is prominent during hormonal changes. Puberty, pregnancy, menopause and other time when there’s hormonal upswing, the skin secretes excess hormones and glands. This causes ample acne and whiteheads. This may not be a permanent situation, when hormones balance out the whiteheads will disappear.

3- Harmful chemical based products:

Using harmful chemical based products can be damaging for our skin health and nourishment. Some skin allergies and effects of chemicals trigger the acne and whiteheads on the skin

4- Genetic and hereditary reasons:

There are genetic causes and hereditary reasons for most of our skin deformities. Some people get the acne and oily skin from their parents. This is a difficult situation as it has more long term impacts and can only have curative measures, as it’s hard to prevent

Genetic and hereditary

5- Seasonal impacts from bacteria and dead skin:

Seasonal changes trigger oily secretions and acne on our skin. This is though a temporary situation, but causes a lot of whiteheads which may be extremely painful.

Methods to Remove Whiteheads Naturally:

1- Apply Steam or Hot compress:

Apply Steam or Hot compress

Steam opens up the pores on our skin and helps in making the whiteheads more visible. This will also loosen up the whiteheads and it is easy to rub them off using a towel or wipe. Apply skin cleansers with steam to get rid of bacteria and grime.


– Take a large bowl
– Add boiling hot water
– Now place your face over the top of the bowl such that it gives steam to the infected area
– Steam for 10-15 minutes
– Rub off using a wet towel or wipe

Alternatively, you can use a warm towel using an iron press or hot water, and compress on the infected area of the face.

2- Lemon and Sugar scrub:

Lemon and Sugar scrub

Lemon is an excellent natural anti-oxidant, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. It also has some healing and soothing effects which can help in replenishing the skin nourishment.This home made scrub will help in deep cleansing by exfoliating the skin to remove excess oils and debris off it. And since lemon has soothing effects it would not let your skin dehydrate or dry.


– Add one spoon of sugar to 4 spoons of lemon juice
– Add some honey for revitalizing effects
– Apply on your face
– With your finger tips gently massage on your face for 15-20 minutes
– Let it stay for another 15 minutes
– Now wash your face with cold water
– Repeat this once everyday if the infection is severe and otherwise 3 times a week

3- Apple Cider Vinegar:

Apple Cider Vinegar

When we talk about skin and curing any skin deformity, ACV is our most preferred partner. It is an astringent and antibacterial with added antiseptic properties. This helps in deep cleansing, and also revitalizing our skin. It helps in removing excess oil from the skin.


– Mix one tablespoon ACV in one cup water.
– Use a cotton ball and apply this over the face, gently in circular movements
– Leave it for 15 minutes
– Now wash it with cold water
– Repeat everyday until the whiteheads are removed

Alternatively, apply ACV and cornstarch mixture to the face. Let it dry and then gently rub it from face for exfoliation. Leave it for 20 minutes and then wash with cold water. Repeat everyday until the whiteheads are removed completely.

4- Baking Soda:

Baking Soda

Baking soda helps in maintaining the pH level of our body and also it works as an antibacterial. This would keep the germs and dirt off our skin pores and help in deep cleansing.


– Make a thick paste of baking soda and lukewarm water
– Apply on your face
– Keep it for 5 minutes and wash it off with cold water
– Repeat twice a week until the whiteheads remove completely

5- Yogurt and oatmeal:

Yogurt and oatmeal

Yogurt is a natural probiotic which nourishes and smoothens our skin. Oatmeal helps in exfoliation. They both absorb excess oils and open up the pores for shedding whiteheads off it


– Add yogurt to oatmeal, in the ratio 1:1
– Make a thick paste and then add little honey
– Apply this mask on your face and let it dry
– After it dries completely rinse it off with cold water
– Repeat it twice a week

Alternately: You can apply this mask and rub it gently with your fingertips similar to scrubbing. This will help in exfoliation and removing blackheads and whiteheads too. You may repeat twice a week.

6- Strawberries:


Strawberries are rich in vitamins and citrus. They are textured and give a soothing sensation to your face. It helps in removing dirt and grime from the skin pores. Also dead skin can be removed by using strawberries which will de-root the whiteheads from within our skin.


– Mash the strawberries
– Add a little honey to make it smooth and a textured paste
– Apply on your face and let it dry
– Now using your fingertips gently rub the face mainly where the infection is
– Rinse off with cold water
– Repeat everyday until the infection clears

7- Tea Tree Oil:

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a natural hydrant, and natural anti-bacterial. It rejuvenates and nourishes the skin. And also help in de-rooting whiteheads. Long term usage of tea tree oil will help in nourished and radiant skin.


– Use a cotton ball and apply tea tree oil on your face
– Dab and rub the infected areas gently
– Leave it on for an hour
– Wash it with cold water
– Repeat every day

8- Aloe Vera:

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is an antiseptic with healing properties. It helps in preventing scarring and acne. Just apply on the infected area twice a day and wash in clean.

[Read: Home Remedies for Dry Skin]

How to prevent whiteheads:

1- Keep your skin clean and hydrated by washing face at least 2 times a day and using adequate moisturizers
2- Do no use any chemicals or harsh substances on the skin.
3- Try to use natural remedies for most of your skin beauty and health
4- Drink plenty of water and fluids to keep your skin hydrated and nourished
5- Eat more fibers and whole foods. This will help in adding more nourishment to the skin and making it strong and immune to seasonal changes or infections
6- Avoid excess caffeine and alcohol
7- Use less makeup and cosmetics during weather changes, this will keep your skin naturally radiant
8- Add Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D to your routine. These help in revitalizing and rejuvenating the skin9- Use sunscreens when you go out

9- Focus on a balanced diet and adequate fitness routine, this will help in long term health and wellness

home based facials

10- Go for home based facials every month.
11- Use steam at least once a week and more if the infection is prevalent among others
12- Keep using natural makeup removers and do not wear make up for more than 2 hours at a time
13- A thorough check of the foundation and highlighter must be done, as any harmful chemical in them would cause skin deformities
14- Visit to your dermatologist at regular intervals must be done, they would be able to elaborate on specific methods for your skin types, and diagnose any skin deformity

The above article on What are Whiteheads and how to remove them naturally, is based on some serious skin deformities we have come across from seasonal impacts causing acne. Our skin is vulnerable to any external and internal change. Therefore, it is very important to keep the skin nourished and hydrated. The above are home based remedies and preventive measures, for specific conditions visit your dermatologist. Do not ignore any symptoms arising from your skin. As they may result into painful deformities ahead

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Minu Manisha