3 Recuperating Ideas Of Weight Loss After Pregnancy – Get Back In Shape!


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Weight Loss After Pregnancy
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Every woman who is blessed with a baby is elated as she enters the world of motherhood. Motherhood is a drastic transition in a woman’s life, she has two people to take care of and she is taking another birth all over again in terms of her health and over all well being.

Due to hormonal changes post pregnancy a woman tends to either lose a lot of weight or put on weight. What are your thoughts on the possibility of weight loss after pregnancy?

Are you a mom and you want to walk towards taking steps to lose weight? or are you going to be a mom and you are conscious of putting on? There are ways to curb this fear stuck in you by understanding ways to lose weight after having a baby.

This article, will take you through the tips on weight loss after pregnancy. See how can you alter your habits and diet after pregnancy or rather catch up with the absolute transformation in your body.

Best Ways To Lose Weight After A Baby

Lose Weight After A Baby

It is mandatory to follow tips to lose weight after a baby otherwise it is tough to maintain your physique in the manner that it used to be before pregnancy. Everything you need to do for weight loss after pregnancy is circling around your diet, the physical activity you do and your sleep pattern

Normally, it should take around 6 weeks to lose weight after delivery. On an average it just takes about 6 weeks to lose weight after pregnancy. If you see that you haven’t lost weight in a long time, you have to work on it.

Let’s break into all the aspects that contribute to weight loss after pregnancy

Diet Ideas To Lose Weight After Pregnancy

Diet Ideas To Lose Weight After Pregnancy

The very source of our existence is through food and when there is a disturbed pattern followed in your food diet it can lead to weight gain or weight loss. Talking of how to lose weight post pregnancy is a great idea. However, you should not go too fast on stressing your body and right after child birth you start following tips to lose weight.

Give it sometime and after 6 months think of how to lose weight if it has drastically gone up. Follow these diet ideas for weight loss after pregnancy.

Diet Idea No 1: Timely Meals

Timely Meals

Have all your meals on time. Starving can lead to weight gain and it is not good for the baby too as your baby is looking onto you for food.

Diet Idea No 2: Increase Fiber Food

Increase Fiber Food
ImageSource: www.womenschoiceaward.com

The reason a pregnant woman should take appropriate amount of fiber food is to stabilize the blood sugar level in the body and retain their energy. Fiber keeps up the moms and baby’s health.

Diet Idea No 3: Get down your carbs intake

Get down your carbs intake
ImageSource: www.staticflickr.com

Minimize the carbs you take in your diet. Ensure not to stoop down on the intake of carbs diet too much, if you do that then it could affect the milk production.

When intake of carbs is in place you do not have the tendency or need to feel hungry every now and then. Carbs are essential too for the body because the help in maintaining the glucose in your body.

Diet Idea No 4: Shoot up your intake with plant based food

Shoot up your intake
ImageSource: www.wikimedia.org

If you are looking at weight loss after pregnancy then you should eat whole plants such as grains, nuts and fruits and avoid processed food. Some of the plant based foods that you can eat are beans, peas, walnuts, flax seeds, apricots, almonds, broccoli, spinach and avocado.

The logic behind eating a sufficient amount of plant based food is because it is rich in fiber, minerals and vitamins. There are less chances of being affected by diabetes and plant based food help in sustaining the right body weight.

Diet Idea No 5: Take small meals often

Take small meals often
ImageSource: www.publicdomainpictures.net

Focus on eating around 6 small meals in the entire day and keep in mind that you choose on eating healthy small meals such as sprouts, vegetable salad, good fruits etc.

The idea of taking mini meals in the entire day is because it will improve your metabolism and that in turn will help in weight loss after pregnancy.

Diet Idea No 6: Stick to low fat diary

Stick to low fat diary

Diary products have tons of calories in them and adding on to your diary intake can be a barrier for you to lose weight easily after pregnancy. Reduce your intake on milk, cheese and clarified butter. Although, they will do god to your body after pregnancy and are helpful during breast feeding. Just limit yourself in eating these foods.

Diet Idea No 7: Drink enough water

Drink enough water
ImageSource: www.staticflickr.com

Drinking water after pregnancy helps you lose weight because you feel sufficed and you do not feel too hungry. Water also heals your body after your body has gone through stress during pregnancy. Set an alarm and ensure you have your water bottle handy to sip it down as and when possible. The more water you drink, the more good for your body.

It is better to avoid cold water and drink luke warm water early in the morning to make all the toxins vanish from your body.

Diet Idea No 8: Say no to fried foods

Say no to fried foods
ImageSource: www.mildlymeandering.com

You can switch on to having foods that are boiled and baked instead of having fried foods because when you eat too much of fried foods you are feeding your body with too much fat, calories and trans fats which is a block when you think of losing weight after pregnancy.

Diet Idea No 9: Eat Healthy Snacks

Eat Healthy Snacks

You might feel hungry in the evening and want to munch on something nice, think about your aim to lose weight and limit yourself to eating snacks that is a great source of fiber and protein , what you can possible eat is wheat bread, peanut butter, boiled egg and boiled carrot.

Diet Idea No 10: Strict No to aerated drinks

Strict No to aerated drinks

Drinking fizzy drinks can make you put on weight because of the artificial sweeteners present in those drinks. Avoid drinking aerated drinks and instead sort to fruit and vegetable juices for weight loss

Diet Idea No 11: Limit eating sweet food

Limit eating sweet food

Avoid eating too much of sweet, sugar. See to it that there is no saturated and trans fat that you are taking in. Now, these trans fats do not do any good to the body and they add on to the LDL levels and they also cause low levels of HDL which can lead to coronary artery disease.

Diet Idea No 12: Avoid Dieting After Pregnancy

Avoid Dieting After Pregnancy

It is a bad idea to diet after pregnancy. It is bad because the fate in your body shoots up and the mass in your muscles go up. This excessive fat in the body can lead to other health complications. When you diet you are not alone causing harm to your own body but you also are hampering the health of your baby.

Ideas to Sleep Better and Avoid Gaining Weight After Pregnancy

Ideas to sleep better
ImageSource: www.staticflickr.com

The science behind a good sleep and maintaining the right weight has a genuine study, your sleep affects your activity and diet. Do you agree?

There is a hormone called leptin that comes in form and is responsible for controlling your appetite and it pushes your body to produce more energy. When you do not sleep well, this leptin goes down and when leptin goes down you feel like eating all the more and that can lead to weight gain and it gets tough to put to use weight loss ideas after pregnancy.

Here are some best ideas a woman can consider to sleep better so that sleep does not become a reason for drastically adding weight after pregnancy.

  1. Keep aside all your electronic gadgets when you are sleeping so that it does not disturb your sleep.
  2. Try and sleep during that time when your baby is asleep because you can give time to your baby once you are awake
  3. If you are finding it difficult to sleep then read a book, it will add strain to your eyes and you will automatically sleep.
  4. Keep yourself on your toes the whole day so that you don’t need any time to go to sleep.
  5. Keep your eyes closed even if you aren’t able to sleep because you will automatically fall asleep.
  6. Listen to guided meditation music to sleep well.

Follow these ideas if you face issues in sleeping well. It is important that you give your body enough rest that it needs otherwise it will absorb your energy and you won’t have energy to take care of yourself and the energy your baby requires from you will not be up to the mark.

Useful Exercises For Weight Loss After Pregnancy

Useful Exercises
ImageSource: www.freestockphotos.biz

Exercise is one of the aspects that contributes in weight loss. One must be determined and take out the time to do some light exercises at home that could help in weight loss.

Before you begin to workout. Consult your doctor and only then begin to start a workout because a woman is delicate after pregnancy because of the changes in hormones.

Exercise:1 Walk the Walk

Walk the walk

Walking is a great way that could help you lose weight, it is easy to spend at least 45minutes to walk everyday. This is one of the simplest exercise for a new mom.

Exercise 2: Get into the Fish Mode

Get into the fish mode
ImageSource: www.freestockphotos.biz

For those of you who love swimming and know how to swim, swimming is a good option. It is completely safe, provided you choose to very gently make your strokes in water just to be careful post pregnancy.

Limit yourself to swim for less than 45 minutes. Do not overexert yourself. Swimming will aid to better sleep, tone up your muscles, keep your weight in control and also develop the oxygen content in your body.

Now, weight loss is on your mind so it will help you focus on losing weight more than adding on to your calories, when you swim after pregnancy you have the tendency to lose your belly fat really quick.

Exercise 3: Tap Your Feet to Aerobics

Tap your feet to Aerobics
ImageSource: www.staticflickr.com

Aerobics is a form of dance and an idea of dancing to lose weight after pregnancy is stupendous.

Now, aerobics can be looked up to as an option to exercise post pregnancy as it will keep you happy which means you are mentally fit and it will cater to the development of your body. Like, better stamina, control on your weight and a sound sleep.

Exercise 4: Gear up with Pilates

Gear up with Pilates
ImageSource: www.freestockphotos.biz

Pilates is an exercise that can be done at home it aims at helping you strike the right balance in your body posture and make you flexible, flexibility is vital for a woman post pregnancy . The exercises look plain sailing but then, it does consume energy.

Being in touch with Pilates can help you lose weight for sure.

Exercise 5: Side Stretching To Burn Your Fats

Side Stretching
ImageSource: www.defense.gov

Side stretching is a good form of exercise to burn down all the fats in your hips. To do this exercise you have to

Step 1: Sit down with your legs folded
Step 2: Place your left hand (from your elbow to your palm on the floor or on your thigh)
Step 3: Lift your right hand up and slightly bend it towards your left and feel the stretch
Step 4: Breathe normally while you are in this position
Step 5: Taking the support of your hand that is down, slowly come up

Repeat the same procedure for the other side too

Exercise 6: Planking


Planks is a good means to increase your stamina and burn down your fats. It is simple to do this exercise for weight loss after pregnancy. It is a great source of relieving you of the stress and making you feel good.

Step 1 : Be on your side with your elbow on the ground and the elbow and shoulder in one line
Step 2 : Keep your body straight like a bridge
Step 3 : Stay in this position as per your convenience.

Repeat the same on the other side too

Exercise 7: Lunges

ImageSource: www.restlesspinay.blogspot.com

Lunges is an all in one effective exercise that shows its benefits on your lower body. This exercise primarily does good not just on your muscles but also does good to your hips, glutes, quads, hamstrings and core.

Follow these steps to do this exercise

Step 1 : Keep one leg on the floor and sit on one knee
Step 2 : Place your hands on your hips
Step 3 : Alternatively stand up and go on your knee

Repeat this procedure with both your legs.

Exercise 8: Yoga Poses For Weight Loss

Yoga Poses For Weight Loss

Yoga is the best for a woman post pregnancy because it calms a woman’s mind with doing good to her body. Here are some yoga poses you can look at for weight loss.

1. Bridge Pose

Bridge Pose
ImageSource: www.restlesspinay.blogspot.com

This pose works on the thighs and lower back and it will help in losing weight on your thighs.

2. Frog Pose

Frog Pose
ImageSource: www.musely.com

This yoga exercise, makes one’s body flexible and helps in weight loss after pregnancy.

There is a day and night difference in how a woman looks before pregnancy, during pregnancy and post pregnancy. There is a burden of mixed emotions to deal with and the tornado like changes in a woman’s body can make her look completely different.

Weight loss after pregnancy is not questionable at all. One can make up to the changes and go back to form when there is control and caution in one’s habits.

All the new mom’s ! Take care of your health by eating specific food that is good for you post pregnancy, be in touch with light exercises to come back in shape. Do not stress and sleep well. Now its time to get all pumped up to get to your normal form and collect all the energy to run around with your baby.

Follow all the tips for weight loss after pregnancy and be an active mom!