14 Wedding Day Regrets Almost Everybody Has


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wedding day regrets
ImageSource: www.easyweddings.com.au

No matter how special your wedding day was chances are that you have a few regrets. Whether it was the wedding ceremony, or your dress or something about the pictures. There is a full possibility that something did not go according to your plan. And that’s not very weird, do not worry as women all over have faced something like this. Considering how we have been imagining what our wedding would look like since we were little girls, it is totally possible that you find reality a little less magnificent than your vision of a perfect wedding.

No matter how much you plan ,something as big as your wedding day will definitely be clouded with what ifs’. Lets have a look at 15 most common regrets women have had on their big day :

1. Hire a coordinator

It is important that on your most important wedding day you are able to relax and savour each moment. It is obvious that it will also be one of the most stressful day but you cannot waste all your time trying to go over each detail again and again. Leave it to a professional so that you can spend your time taking care of the more important things.a wedding co ordinator who can keep things running smooth whilst making all your wedding dreams come true is a must and not having one is one of the biggest regrets some married people have had.

2. Remember to wear chap sticks

Champagne isn’t a source of help for those endless wedding photos. You will be smiling THROUGHOUT yes, endlessly. So remember to tuck in a small tube of chap stick in the groom’s tux because any form of wedding gathering can be an exhausting ordeal for a new bride and ou obviously will not be running to the loo every 5 minutes.

3. Photography

ImageSource: www.aminoapps.com

Allot a big part of your wedding budget to photography as that is what actually counts. As you will be busy running around, it is these photographs later that will remind you of how special and beautiful your wedding day was. Yes, professional wedding photographers do cost quite a lot, but the regret about not having enough photos is even bigger. Also remember to check your photographers portfolio before you hire them as you do not want shitty photographs, or bad quality images that distort your memories. But here is the thing even if you do not have the fancy budget to hire and expensive photographer atleast ask some of your friends to do the job of recording the most important moments.

4. Wedding dress

Another massive regret almost every bride remembers is the fact that she completely misunderstood her dress and her needs from her dress.too tight, too loose, not according to her taste, too big, uncomfortable material, the list is endless. In vest in manner that you know is feasible, do not make hasty decisions, be mindful about how you want to look on your wedding day.do you just want to look pretty and amazing for others or do you want to be comfortable for your own self! Go for a wedding dress tryout, see how you look, experience that feeling, and if it meets your expectations, then buy it!

5. Number of people invited

Because a wedding is probably the most important event of your life, it is likely that a lot of people will be invited, and with the responsibility of inviting people will come the obligation of inviting some people you do not even care about. But this is exactly what it sounds like – a social obligation. But honestly, you do not need to worry about that, it is YOUR wedding, and you should call the people you care about!

6. The breakfast

It can be extremely successful and the pressures of the wedding day might take a toll on you, so avoid being hangry and eat a hearty breakfast so that you have all the nutrition you need. Bustle through the day on a full stomach and an alert mind, instead of feeling drowsy, as weddings can be physically and mentally demanding, so it is important that you are at your best mood while dealing with any problems that might come up during the course of the day.

7. The venue

If you have been mindful enough about who to invite , another thing you can be mindful about is the venue you choose. Be practical and sensible, do not just look at the superficial worth of the place. But does it have adequate seating area and proper ventilation? In case of unpredictable weather will the guests have somewhere to go inside if it is an outdoor location? Do you need a bigger venue or do you need a more intimate venue- these are the things you need to ponder upon whilst looking at your list of guests. Make sure they do not end up feeling claustrophobic as that definitely has to be the biggest bummer t a wedding. Whilst your living your most important day you do not want to be thinking about how comfortable your guests are. So take care of it beforehand!

8. Decide your music

Decide your music
ImageSource: www.lovegetssweeter.co.uk

Your wedding day is probably the happiest day of your life, so for this special day decide the sounds you want to enthrall you and your audiences with, before hand. Make sure you choose a playlist that is happening, dance worthy and also that has some of your favorite tracks. Make it meaningful too, so that you and your partner have something to reminisce and smile about. It is mandatory that you choose a dj who is worth his salt, as a bad dj is complete no no. So he check him out beforehand and give him the playlist too.

Or if your going with live music, make sure you hear them perform once. You must convey the mood and intensity of tracks you wish to have, and make sure that the mood of the artist is similar to what you have in mind for the wedding. Both you and the guests are supposed to have a great time.

9. The shoes

This is probably the most universal wedding day regret almost every bride has. Considering the demands of the day, no matter how big your wedding dress is you will HAVE to run around, whether it is the photos or the guests, you will have to be on your feet for quite some time so it is advisable that instead of some impractical dressy shoes you go for something that makes you feel at ease .You do not want to feel limited or caught up, wince or hobble through your special day. Keep a pair of flats handy nevertheless, this way even if you want wear extremely high heels for the show, you can slip in and out of them and give your feet some rest.but ideally go for a pair shoes that you know ill be comfortable and will give you the feel you need for a day that is bound to be tiring.

10. The videographer

Now this is a criteria you simply cannot compromise on, no matter what your budget. Your special day is going to be busy but mostly it is going to be a blur! You will not understand how it went by so fast. So it is important that you hire a videographer that knows how to record your special moments in a way you will cherish forever. Photos are great, but the beauty of being able to watch yourself down the aisle is truly something else. Your wedding vows, the first dance, best man’s speech- these are things that can never be recreated, so you should definitely hire a good videographer to avoid any such regrets. Check his portfolio before hand to endure quality, as it his skill that will help you in reliving one of the most important days of your life.

11. The cake

The cake
ImageSource: www.staticflickr.com

Yes, this one is a sure winner amongst the biggest regrets. Considering how much we abide by when it comes to family, it is only given that you will choose a wedding cake everybody else other you loves. But hey, guess what, this is your wedding. So it is mandatory, that YOU love the cake.do not go for flavours that you don’t like, or designs that will look goo or what others want. Like we mentioned before-b a little mindful and choose a cake that you would enjoy too. And remember to take back the leftovers. Have some take out boxes for the extra wedding cake so that nothing goes to waste. Who said you can’t have your cake and eat it too!

12. The food

Probably the most important reason why anyone even comes for a wedding! The food. There is nothing worse than having your guests complain about how the food served never made them full or that it was bland. Make sure you hire a caterer you trust with servers who know what they are doing.your food is supposed to make your guests feel like this is the best wedding they have aver attended. A lot your budget specifically and think of what you want before hand, its okay to have more food , you just should not run out of it. Remember to give it away in boxes if a lot remains or else just have another eating sessions with friends and family the next day, this will give you some time to bond over too. But never , ever compromise on the quality or quantity of food on your wedding day, as that is what people will remember.

13. The guests

All the people you are calling for your wedding are definitely people you want your special day with, so make sure that you get to speak and thank them at-least one.how you treat your wedding guests is one of the most important aspects of a wedding celebration. Make the rounds to have a chat with-no matter how brief, make sure they are having a good time, so that later when you look back at you wedding photos, you know for sure that the people who were present were actually there for you, and not only that they were people who were happy to be there!

14. Spend some time with your spouse

If there is one thing all newly weds keep talking about is that how hectic it all is, and that everything was just rushing past this. Whether it is a few moments in the reception hall, or a small walk before the shoot, take a few peaceful moments with your partner, away from the chaos and remind yourself of why you are doing this. This is different from the first dance or the car ride to the reception hall.It is the day for both of you, make sure you relish that feeling. Have a moment together, before you get thrown into all the chaos and celebration. Acknowledge the most important bit and the reason why you did this in the first place.

Yes, Weddings can be nerve wracking..

It is very important to take a moment and relax , as the stress could get to you, do not let it all rush past you. Instead of being overwhelmed, take a deep breath and take your surroundings in and express your true gratitude to the universe.enjoy the little moments of your big day, it is your day so make sure that you do the things or think the way that will help you have fonder memories of the big day, think long term. Take a breath, sip on a drink and cherish the fact that your dream wedding is actually happening. The bundle of nerves and little annoying bits will not even be significant enough to remember in front of all this wonderment.