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Some links in this article are affiliate links. We may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through these links, at no extra cost to you. We only recommend products we find useful to our readersHaving an engagement ring reflects you are truly loved by someone special. And keeping the beautiful ring as spick and span and sparkling not just means for jewelry upkeep but also for the sentimental value it holds for you two. And with time, the rock is meant to get hazy if you don’t take proper care. Diamonds don’t hold the same value if they stop gleaming, so we wish for some easy and quick DIY ways to keep engagement ring sparkling forever
How to clean engagement ring and make it sparkling like new:

Engagement ring holds the most important place in each of our hearts, and no matter what this ring would be the most priced possession you would ever have. For this part of bridal jewelry is more of sentimental value than anything else. For sparkling engagement ring follow the below:
1- Soap and water using bristles of toothbrush:

You need to be gentle when cleaning the engagement ring at home. And using a non abrasive soap will help you keep the original shimmer of the diamond intact. Plain soap and water is the first resort for all those who like to clean their ring at home.
How to clean engagement ring with soap and water steps:
- Add warm water to a bowl and a few drops of mild shampoo or body wash
- Soak the ring in the solution for about half an hour
- Use a super soft toothbrush to remove any residue which is stuck on the ring
- Be gentle and don’t use chemical cleansers as they will damage the ring, no matter how their label reads
- Then rinse it thoroughly and pat it dry, there must not be any soapy extracts or particulates stuck on the ring
- The engagement ring needs at least one such DIY cleaning session at home every few weeks to keep it sparkling and shimmering
2- Using Baking soda and salt for other kind of rings:

Baking soda by itself can be abrasive so use it gently and don’t let it stay on ring for long. Only if your ring is too dirty and cant be fixed with soap water solution.
How to clean engagement ring with baking soda and salt:
- Mix some baking soda and salt in equal quantities in warm water
- Now add some gentle dish washing detergent, say a few drops for froth
- Now soak an aluminum foil in the solution
- Aluminum foil creates chemical reaction which causes ion transfer which make the metal clean in no time
- Soak the ring in this for 10-15 minutes
- Now use a super soft tooth brush to remove the grime and dirt stuck on the ring
- Wash it with lukewarm water and wipe it dry
- No accumulation of baking soda or salt must remain on the ring for it can damage the metal
3- Using ammonia and water to clean the ring:

The dirt and grime deposition caused by lotions, cosmetics, perfumes and other solvents can make the diamond hazy. Ammonia and cold water can help in cleaning off this dirt and grimes easily from the ring. Be sure to contain the time you put ring in ammonia water solution as it can get abrasive if left for long
How to clean engagement ring with ammonia and cold water:
- Mix ammonia and water in equal parts in a small bowl
- Now soak the ring for 20 minutes in the solution
- Use a super soft bristled toothbrush to gently brush off the harsh dirt
- Wash the ring clean and wipe it dry
4- Using beer to clean your engagement ring:

Well if you thought beer was for the delectable offering or the beauty treatment, think again. For beer is great to remove dirt from your diamond ring easily without damaging the metal.
How to clean engagement ring with beer:
- Take a soft cotton swab or cloth
- Pour some beer drops on it
- Now rub it gently on your ring
- Be sure to wipe it clean with a dry cloth
5- Using club soda for cleaning engagement ring at home:

Club soda works effervescently for bringing the shimmer of the engagement ring back. Anything from diamond, emerald, ruby, sapphire or others can be cleaned with club soda treatment at home.
How to clean engagement ring with club soda at home:
- Take some club soda in a glass
- Put your ring in it for at least 3-5 hours
- For very dirty rings soak it overnight
- Use a supersoft tooth brush to gently clean off all the dirt the following morning.
- Be sure to clean the ring properly and no soda must stay on the ring
6- Using toothpaste for cleaning your engagement ring:

Toothpaste works great for all metals specially the tarnished silver ornaments. They help getting rid of dirty and harsh tarnish quickly
How to clean engagement ring with toothpaste:
- Take a clean cotton swab
- Put some toothpaste on it
- Now rub it all over the engagement ring
- Keep rubbing gently until all the grimy residue gets off
- Now wash it with cold water and wipe it clean
7- Using ketchup for cleaning your engagement ring:

Ketchup works brilliantly on tarnished silver jewelries. For any ring with a smooth surface ketchup treatment will be great.
How to clean engagement ring with ketchup:
- Soak the ring in a small bowl with ketchup
- Keep it in for 15 minutes
- Now use a super soft toothbrush to gently brush off the dirt
- Be sure to rinse it well and wipe it dry using a clean cloth
8- Using vinegar for cleaning your engagement ring:

Vinegar has some excellent cleansing properties. It is actually a magic potion for all our problems. A little amount of vinegar can help in cleaning the harshest of dirt stuck on our engagement ring
How to clean engagement ring with vinegar:
- Mix vinegar and water in equal quantities in a deep bowl
- Now soak the ring in it for 20 minutes
- Take a super soft tooth brush and gently brush off the dirt
- Wipe it with clean water and damp cloth
9- Windex window cleaner:

Yes you read it right, windex does help in almost everything. Not as it shows up in My Big Fat Greek Wedding but almost there. Windex contains HCL and alcohol which actually clears everything. It works great on most kinds of jewelries and its definitely a better choice that chemical laden jewelry cleaners
How to clean engagement ring with Windex:
- Just spray some windex on a clean cloth
- Use this to wipe off the ring and gently brush the harsh dirt away with super soft toothbrush
- Wipe it clean with lukewarm water then
How to get a sparkling diamond engagement ring stay as is forever:

Well its possible but you need to take a little more care than you do. Bridal jewelry is the most expensive item for anyone, and in every way. Both in monetary and in kindness its irreplaceable, and we all yearn to keep our most cherished possessions in their brilliance for long. So some preventive ways to keep your ring off dirt or germs and prevent them from getting hazy:
1- Be careful when applying thick lotions or creams as they can build up on your ring easily
2- Rings with metals and gems are the most fragile items which need immense care. Take off your ring when dealing with heavy or hard or edged items, you don’t want it to be damaged par repair
3- Get it serviced once in a while at the jewelers. It is important to take thorough care when it comes to maintenance of your bridal jewelry.
4- remove your ring while cooking and keep it away from all the heat and smoke, some place dry and safe
5- Never do the art and craft stuff wearing your ring, as the color or chemicals may damage the sparkling engagement ring

For all your worries like my engagement ring doesn’t sparkle and how to clean engagement ring, it is important for us to lay top priority on our bridal jewelry specially the sparkling engagement ring. Follow the above DIY ways to keep engagement ring sparkling and always ask your jeweler before proceeding with any of chemicals or above home based products, you never know what the ring is made of and what damage could the solvent have on it. Designer bridal rings are expensive and need to be taken extra care of, be sure to check with the designer for engagement ring care basics.
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