Troublesome Ashy Skin – 7 Ways To Get Rid Of It!


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Isn’t it enough that our moods fluctuate like changing seasons that the skin has also started showing its mood swings causing the skin to get all ashy, for a matter of fact we all get ashy skin due to the change in weather and it is quite a disturbance, will you deny it?

It will be useful to get to know about why does the skin get dry itchy and looks powdery in an ash color. This almost feels like there is a skin epidemic out there. What do you think it is? An epidemic or just a condition?

Read this article to clearly know what is it, its causes and workable fix to get rid of it. Besides, you can even read about products that make it disappear and sensible tips on preventing it in prior, too much to process? Stay eased out, you will know it all!

What is Ashy Skin?


Ashy skin is a temporary skin condition. At times it might seem to you like a major infection. However, it is dry, flaky, ashy, dark and a chalky appearance on your skin. For the most part, you will notice this odd skin condition on your legs, arms, knees and elbows.

Here are the signs of ashy skin

  • As you touch your skin you will find it rough and bumpy
  • The color of your skin will be a blend of white and gray
  • If you have it on your elbows and knees you will see thin cracked lines as well
  • You should note that if your skin is not too dry then you won’t experience flaking. However, if it is extremely dry then don’t be surprised to see your skin peel off

What Causes Ashy Skin?


Well! It is quite essential for you to know what causes this kind of ashy type skin so that you can remain aware the next time it happens and even before it attacks you the next time you will be well prepared.

That being said, listed below are the reasons as to why your skin gets ashy!

No 1 – No Moisture

It is understandable that your skin is getting highly dehydrated because it is craving for moisture.

No 2 – Absence of humidity in the air

Your skin tends to get bad and ashy when the weather out is horribly cold and dry, if the temperature has moisture, it still won’t do bad to your skin. However, if there is humidity in the air, it will show its ill-effects on your skin.

No 3 – Clinging on to excess water

Well, your wish to keep your body clean is a good thought. In the bargain don’t forget that exposing yourself too much in water can make your skin ashy. Besides, using hot water is equally bad for your skin.

No 4 – Chemicals are a culprit

It is but obvious that chemicals are responsible for the ashy effect on your skin. These chemicals are present in products you use everyday, such as soaps, lotions and detergents.

No 5 – Repercussion of a medical skin condition

If you are already going through issues with your skin, the ashy effect tends to increase. Having said, take a look at when does it happen

If you already have contact dermatitis and an adding substance such as a soap or cream aggravates causing itchiness in your skin, it will get ashy

If you have eczema on your skin, it turns into red rashes and then becomes ashy on your skin.

It you have psoriasis, your skin gets scaly and this worsens your skin’s condition making it even more ashy.

No 6 – Going Overboard In Scrubbing Your Skin

Exfoliating your skin is vital, being harsh with the exfoliation is bad. That being said, while scrubbing, the layer of the skin that’s on the top starts to scrape off and when this excessively happens it leaves your skin getting ashy.

No 7 – Consuming Alcohol

Alcohol is yummy for the ones who love it and its nice to relax yourself sometimes. However, you should know that not drinking alcohol the right way can have adverse effects on the skin as well.

That being said, when you don’t hydrate your body enough while sipping alcohol it will end up making your skin ashy.

How to Get Rid of Ashy Skin


The biggest and most important task of knowing what causes ashy skin has finally come to an end. Why not look further and understand ways on how to deal with ashy skin. Take a look!

No 1 – Boost Your Skin By Moisturizing It


Where there is a will there is a way, instead of waiting till your skin’s condition gets worst due to the weather, why not moisturize your skin well to get rid of all the ashy skin, its quite simple and doable.

Follow These Tips

  • Even before winter begins, start to moisturize your skin well. It is okay if you haven’t been doing it all this while. Begin from now
  • Moisturize your skin as you take a shower and right before you go to bed
  • Keep your moisturizer handy in your bag
  • Once a week use home remedies to keep your skin moisturized
  • While picking a moisturizer look for ingredients such as humectants and barrier repari compounds such as glycerine glycol, linoleic acid, ceramide and many more ingredients
  • Pick for yourself an alcohol-free moisturizer

No 2 – Pamper Your Skin With Oils


When your skin is ashy and excessively got dry because of lack of humidity in the weather or whatsoever be the reason, you can just be generous with your skin and fill it with sufficient oil.

Follow These Tips

  • You can use oils such as almond, coconut, jojoba and olive oil. They are amazing for dry skin
  • You can give yourself a nice body oil massage right before you go to bed so that you skin benefits from it as well as it relaxes you
  • Slightly heat up the oil and then apply it on your skin
  • Focus on applying oil where it is ashy the most so that all the oil seeps into your skin

No 3 – Sip Down Enough Water


What is in the inside is what displays on the outside. Water is one of the best example and only when your system is well hydrated it will be able to fight the dehydration that is externally visible in the form of the skin type of ashy. Does it make sense?

If you are someone who doesn’t drink enough water, you better get going by making it a point to drink atleast 4 liters water everyday. Once you start drinking water regularly, you see how soft and healthy your skin remains.

No 4 – Avoid Using Steaming Hot Water


The reason your skin gets ashy if you are not alert about the water temperature you use on your body is because it directly impacts the pH level on your skin, your skin’s natural pH level gets too acidic in nature whereas it is supposed to be neutral.

Therefore, why take a chance with your skin? Simply use luke warm water or cold water when you go for a shower, you will enjoy it and all your laziness will disappear if you choose to have a bath with cold water unless the weather is not too cold.

No 5 – Apply A Layer Of Petroleum Jelly


The reason petroleum jelly is good for your skin is because it pumps up the moisture in your skin. Simple reason to this is because it is a natural humectant.

Therefore, if you completely want to get rid of these ashy you can use petroleum jelly. The only point you must keep in mind is that you should not use it on your face, you can use it on the other areas on your skin.

It is good because it never causes irritation, it is greasy and it seals moisture into your skin. It can cause acne if you use it on your face.

No 6 – Set Up A Humidifier


Air must have humidity so that it can balance the moisture levels in our skin and when the air lacks it we have to make provisions for yourself and create an environment that can compensate for lack of humidity.

What to do? It would be great idea to fit a humidifier in your room and fix the ‘no moisture’ issue. This will be a great way of preventing as well as treating it.

No 7 – Make Exfoliation A Part of Your Routine


You might be in an impression that it is enough to keep your skin clean with a cleanser or a toner. That’s not how it works, you need to do an extra step of exfoliating your skin once or twice a week.

When dead skin cells gather and make your skin dry, it is essential to let it shed off and a gentle exfoliation can help with clearing all the ashyness over skin.


  • Choose natural products for the process of exfoliation
  • Moisturize your skin before scrubbing it
  • Always choose mornings for exfoliation
  • Once you are done with exfoliation make sure to moisturize your skin
  • Don’t forget to exfoliate your knees and elbows as these segments on your skin are most likely to get ashy

How to Prevent Ashy Skin

If you love your skin you should be proactive and prevent your skin from getting ashy. Here are effective tips on preventing this kind of skin type. Take a look!

No 1 – Apply Creams Not Lotions For A While

Even before winter approaches you, it is important that you take care of your skin and save it from getting ashy, buy a cream instead of a lotion.

Creams have a better way of locking the moisture in your skin when compared to body lotions. Thus, protect your skin and you can save it from getting ashy.

No 2 – Keep Nails Away From Your Skin

Skin is a sensitive aspect in one’s body. Just as your skin starts to bleed if you prick it, same goes with scratching it. Completely stop scratching your skin if you don’t want it to get ashy.

Although this is a small step, it is still a preventive measure you can take.

No 3 – Stop Using Soaps With Harsh Chemicals

If you truly want to prevent your skin from getting ashy, simply stop using soaps or body washes that are filled with chemicals.

Instead look for products that have mild and natural ingredients that will make your skin healthy as well as prevent it from getting ashy.

Best Products for Ashy Skin

Even before winter hits your skin and makes it ashy, why not use a product that gives your skin a rich and creamy formula to fight ashy skin.

That being said, here are a few products that you should try if you don’t want your skin to get ashy. Look through them!

No 1 – Body Hero Daily Perfecting Cream



You will love to use this residue-free and non-sticky cream. It softens and moisturizes your skin, so there is not chance for your skin to turn ashy and it is made out of plant extracts, thus, it is safe lotion for ashy skin

No 2 – Vaseline Intensive Cocoa Butter



If you want your skin to glow at the same time get rid of all the dryness, you should try this lotion that is formulated with cocoa butter. It is a rich moisturizer for ashy skin.

No 3 – Lumbriderm Advanced Therapy Lotion



If you have a lotion that will prevent your skin from getting dry with its extra moisturizing and non-greasy properties, why wouldn’t you be attracted to use it?

This product is no ordinary, it is clinically proven and tested b dermatologists and it is filled with Vitamins.

No 4 – L’Occitane Almond Supple Skin Oil



This oil is good for ashy skin, it is a mixture of almond oil, camelina seed oil and carrot vegetable oil. It pumps up the moisture in your skin and it is paraben-free as well as non-greasy on the skin.

No 5 – JR Watkins Body Oil Mist



This oil will help prevent and treat this kind of skin type as it is a mixture of Vitamin-E and other natural oils. Being paraben-free it is safe for use.


Any woman would feel unhealthy about having ashy skin. One can prevent ashy skin by doing the needful like moisturizing, staying hydrated or staying away from scratching skin for that matter.

Through these simple tips you will either see your ashy skin go back to normal or you will be able to successfully prevent your skin from getting ashy. Either ways, all the tips and preventive measures will genuinely work on your skin.