How to Add Volume to Thin Hair Home Remedies


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volume to thin hair home remedies

Having luscious bouncy and thick hair is not only charming and glamorous for a women but also is a sign of her health and beauty too. Having wonderful hair adds grace and uplifts a woman’s aura, so we have a compilation on how to add volume to thin hair home remedies. These are some spectacular ways to add magical benefits to your hair. Hair fall, frizzy hair and other hair related deformities are common and the below steps will help cure them adding nourishment and radiance to hair in addition to thickening them. Home remedies are simpler, quicker and comparatively safer than whats done at hair spa and treatment centers. They may cause more harm than benefits so better to adopt natural ways.

[Read: Benefits of papaya for hair]

How to add volume to thin hair home remedies include:

1- Eggs:


Eggs are naturally occurring protein rich conditioners which not only add volume but also add shiny smooth luster to the hair too. Regular protein treatment by applying eggs give us thicker and stronger hair. Eggs have a natural conditioning appeal and regular usage of egg guarantees excellent hair care. Read more about benefits of egg for hair growth and nourishment here
How to apply eggs on hair:

(A) Procedure one:

  1. Apply one egg beaten including the egg white and egg yolk on your scalp
  2. Leave this for 30 minutes
  3. Now head wash with shampoo
  4. Repeat twice a week for great results

(B) Procedure two:

  1. Mix some egg yolk with hair oil
  2. Add warm water
  3. Massage your scalp thoroughly with this solution for 15 minutes
  4. Now leave it wearing a shower cap for around half an hour
  5. Then wash your hair with shampoo

(C) Procedure:

  1. Mix some egg with henna
  2. Now soak this overnight
  3. Apply on your hair the following morning
  4. Keep it for 2 hours with shower cap on
  5. Wash with water, do not shampoo
  6. Repeat once a month for great results

2- Fenugreek seeds:

Fenugreek seeds

Fenugreek not only promotes hair growth but also maintains hair color and shine too. It is a natural anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant with immense properties for hair and scalp. It also prevents hair fall and dandruff with its antiseptic and healing properties.

How to use fenugreek seeds for hair:

(A) Procedure One:

  1. Soak fenugreek seeds in water for overnight
  2. Add this to a blender and put some coconut milk to blend it into a smooth paste
  3. Now apply this paste on your hair and scalp
  4. Leave it for an hour by covering with shower cap
  5. Wash your hair lukewarm water
  6. Repeat once a month for great results

(B) Procedure Two:

  1. Boil fenugreek seeds in a cooker and let it rest for 15 minutes
  2. Now sieve the seeds and collect the water
  3. Apply this to rinse after shampoo every time you wash your hair

3- Castor Oil:

Castor Oil

Castor oil is highly viscous and antimicrobial oil with antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal properties. It is also a natural anti-inflammatory and analgesic. It has immense benefits for hair growth and nourishment in addition to keeping them nourished and clean. Just apply a few drops on castor oil and gently massage your scalp. Apply to an entire length of your hair twice a week. And see the miraculous results. In addition, you may also warm the oil and use cotton pads to apply on the hair roots and scalp. It’s stick and thick properties keep the hair strengthened and free from deformities. Thus adding volume and shine.

4- ACV or apple cider vinegar:

ACV or apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a miracle potion for all skin, hair and health ailments. Its natural anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antimicrobial, astringent and healing properties are exceptional.

Apply ACV mixed with warm water on your hair to rinse after shampoo, leave for a few minutes and wash it away with cold water. Additionally, you may mix ACV with lemon juice or coconut oil and massage your hair. This will strengthen the hair from roots and increase hair volume too

5- Banana:


Banana is rich in phosphate and other vital minerals and vitamins. Banana not only adds volume but acts as a natural conditioner too. Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties help in enriching hair from roots. Banana can also bring back the lost sheen to hair and prevent hair fall.

Just blend banana and honey in a blender and apply this mask on your hair. Keep this on for half an hour and wash it with lukewarm water. Repeat once a week for great results

6- Aloe Vera:

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a natural anti-inflammatory, antiseptic with soothing properties. It is a gel based solvent that occurs naturally and gives both nourishing and moisturizing properties to hair. Just cut a fresh ale vera leaf and use the gel for hair. Either apply the aloe vera gel directly or mix it with egg yolk or coconut oil to make a rich paste. Rub it with gentle circular massaging motions for around 15 minutes. Leave it for 30 minutes with a shower cap on. Now rinse it off with lukewarm water. Repeat this every week for excellent results

7- Honey and onion:

Honey and onion

Both honey and onion have some wonderful properties and add immense nutrients to the hair. Just blend the two in a blender and make a thick paste. Apply this as a hair mask and leave it on for 45 minutes, wearing a shower cap. Now rinse with cold water and repeat every week for good results.

Some more tips to prevent hair fall and thinning of hair:

tips to prevent hair fall

  1.  Eat a healthy and balanced diet
  2. Sleep well and restlessness cause hair fall.
  3. Do not keep hair open in pollution or ultraviolet rays of sunlight as they harm the hair, cover every time you head out
  4. Use proper hair oil for massage once or twice a week
  5. Do not use harsh chemical based shampoo, conditioners or hair colors as they cause deformities of hair

[Read: Diet for healthy hair]

thin hair home remedies

The above compilation on How to add volume to thin hair home remedies is based on experiences and readings over time. As much as I vouch for home remedies or natural remedies, I would like to share my long, soft, shiny and still black in color hair post 30, is credited with the minimal use of shampoo, no use of chemical based colors and less frequent hair wash of once in a week. The more you wash the more hair looses its moisture. Treat oily scalp rather than washing hair every day as it doesn’t cure but adds further deformities. For more serious cases visit your dermatologist immediately as hair and skin issues must be checked immediately.

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Minu Manisha