How to Get Rid of Uneven Skin Tone at Home


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uneven skin tone

The skin and the face are two things that affect the self confidence of each of us.An uneven skin tone can be a cause of great stress for men and women and men. Acne, pimples, blemishes or old scars can also cause the difference in skin tone.many turn to make up and other short term respites to make their skin look normal but almost everyone is waiting for a more permanent and healthy solution.

The ultimate dream is obviously to have skin that shines and is smooth and polished looking. The type of skin that glows on its own.the unevenness may be the result of a lot of things some of which may include pigmentation, hereditary problems or even hormonal imbalances. Instead of trying to hide the problem one should look for a solution which is beneficial in the long run.While you may wonder about the expenses such treatments might incur, we bring to you home remedies that will help you in eliminating the unevenness.

What Causes Uneven Skin Tone?

The overproduction of melanin in the skin is what leads to hyper pigmentation. Melanin is the pigment that protects our skin against the harmful effects of the UV rays. When hyper pigmentation occurs the skin tone tends to get extremely uneven all across the face and the body.

Another reason uneven skin tone might occur is some previous injury or scarring or it can even be due to hormonal changes within the body.

Overexposure to sun, vitamin E deficiency, dehydration or even poor lifestyle choices can effect the texture and tone of your skin. Other than protecting your skin against the UV rays, the top tips are to exfoliate, and target hyper pigmentation through spot reducers and protecting the skin against pollution.

But other than these, we also have natural ways in which you can help your skin and reduce the uneven skin tone:

1. Sugar Scrub

Sugar scrub

Exfoliating your skin is extremely important but rather than turning to artificial products, you can use ingredients that are available in your kitchen. For example, this simple sugar scrub can be your weapon against hyper pigmentation as sugar has natural exfoliating properties. Just mix sugar with a regular face cream and one tablespoon of water to form a past. Now apply this mixture on your face and scrub for about two minutes. Do this twice a week to remove the layer of dead skin cells which are responsible for the uneven skin tone.

2. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera

Aloe Vera has to be the number one product used in the house for remedial purposes. Its effects are truly marvelous and it always heals whatever its treating. It is also the best natural moisturizer out there and it will also help in reducing scars or any type of dark patches, especially the ones that lead to uneven skin tone. What you can do is extract the aloe vera gel from the leaf and apply to your desired spot. Let it sit on your face for about half an hour before washing it off. Do this daily to see desired results.

3. Baking soda

This is another extremely common product that is available in every kitchen and has numerous health benefits. The consistency of baking soda is what makes it a such a great exfoliator for any type of skin. The effects of this are extremely gentle and it does damage your skin whilst removing any signs of scarring or pigmentation. Make a paste of baking soda with water and apply it on your face. Now using your fingertips rub the paste over your face evenly for about 3-4 minutes before washing it off.

4. Orange


Orange is not only one of the tastiest fruits but also a natural remedy for uneven skin tone. Considering how it has the most excellent skin lightening properties, it is only natural that we recommend oranges to help you get the smooth, shiny skin tone of your dreams.use a pinch of turmeric powder with two tablespoons of orange juice to make a paste now apply this paste on your face.

You can obtain the orange juice by squeezing the fruit and its natural bleaching properties are extremely help in getting rid of the dark spots. Just let the paste remain on your skin overnight and wash it off in the morning, remember to repeat this process daily.

5. Yogurt mask

Yogurt mask

A simple yet effective technique, its almost unbelievable how magical the effects of a simple yogurt mask are in eradicating the dark spots and uneven skin tone. Yogurt also has natural bleach properties that help in lightening skin tone . use some homemade yogurt and keep it on your face for about 20 minutes before washing it off. Repeat daily till you seed desired results.

6. Lemon


The citric acid that lemon contains can be extremely helpful in naturally bleaching the skin. This in turn will help in reducing dark spots and it also helps in getting rid of the blemishes. Squeeze a lemon and use that juice with a cotton ball for the process. Apply the juice on your face and let it sit for twenty minutes before washing it off.the lemon also cleans the top layer of the skin , which also gets rid of the dead skin layer. We all know that removing dead skin is an essential part of the entire process if you want to remove dark spots and uneven skin tone.

7. Cucumber


Cucumbers are the most versatile useful substance that have various other benefits but most importantly they bind collagen to give you the kind of firmness that can only be found in young baby skin. It also helps in lightening skin tone pretty nicely and it is for these purposes that we recommend it as a cure for uneven skin tone.all you need to do is mix it with one teaspoon of lemon juice and apply the mixture to your face .now let it sit for about twenty minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water.

8. Oat meal

Oatmeal has one of those fine qualities, the usage of which leaves you with smooth, polished skin. Just mix oatmeal with tomato juice, and do it well. Apply it on your face or body and leave it for about twenty minutes before washing it off wit cold water. Remember to slightly scrub your face whilst you washing it off as this will help In getting rid of the dead skin cells. Then repeat this procedure daily to get the best results, that is a completely even skin tone.

9. Rosewater


Not only does rosewater have anti ageing properties it is also and excellent remedy for uneven skin tone. It helps in maintaining the skin pH balance and also manages the excess oil. You can mix it with various other ingredients to give you more benefits. It also helps in reducing the effect of blemishes and scar.

10. Tomatoes


The acid present in tomatoes is excellent for managing the excess oil in also helps in maintaining the natural pH balance. Also the vitamin C is essentially the most important for skin lightening purposes. Apply some tomato juice to your face and let it dry off for about 20 minutes then gently wash it off with cold water and do this daily to get desired results. You don’t even need to always mix it with something as tomatoes on their own also have excellent bleaching properties.

11. Coconut oil

Coconut oil

Coconut oil helps in smoothing the skin, and its application also helps in reduction of scars and other various skin defects like other skin discolorations such as stretch marks, freckles, age spots, birth marks and uneven pigmentation. Coconut oil also helps in nourishing and moisturizing the skin. The vitamin A and E that is present in coconut oil may help in lightening your skin tone too. Also these antioxidant properties fight off any free radicals that may cause skin darkening. You can just apply coconut oil regularly like a face cream and leave it overnight before washing it off.

12. Sandalwood

A sandalwood mask is an extremely efficient way of getting rid of the uneven skin tone. Sandalwood has been trusted for its various benefits since time immemorial, and if you mix it with turmeric the effects are indescribable. Not only will they even your skin tone but it will also make you look fairer naturally. Add one teaspoon of sandalwood power and add one table spoon of milk to form a paste in a bowl. Then apply this paste on your face and let it dry for about half an hour as that is when the actual action starts. After that wash it off and then pat it dry. As you do this atleast two to three times a week you will notice a considerable amount of difference.

13. Milk


You can use a fresh milk face wash to treat uneven skin tone too. Another natural remedy that always works wonders. We all know that milk is extremely good for skin as the lactic acid in it holds beta hydroxyl that can gently exfoliate off the dead skin cells. This process makes the skin extremely soft and supple, evening out skin tone to its natural luster and colour. Preferably goat milk should be used for faces as its pH is the closest to our skin’s pH. Use this regularly to see miraculous results.

14. Papaya


We all know that the natural benefits of papaya have been used since forever to treat skin problems and it is just as effective when it comes to reducing pigmentation. Infact most of the skin care products that are available today have papaya extracts in them, such are its benefits.this is because papaya contains natural bleaching properties that make it such a good solution.

You can just apply it directly and allow it to dry on its own or you could mix raw papaya pulp with a table spoon of lemon juice and apply that to your face. Let it sit on your face for about 30 minutes and then wash it off. You can use this method once a week till you get desired results. Not only will your skin tone be lightened it will also be moisturized.

The Benefits of natural ingredients on the skin..

..Are innumerable which is why it is advisable to rely on them rather than harmful artifical products. Not only are they easily accessible, they are extremely easy to use and are extremely versatile in nature. And the fact that thing like uneven skin tone and texture can be corrected this naturally is a very good factor. Nobody should feel under confident because of problems that can be taken care of so easily. A smooth lustrous skin that helps you embody confidence is not so difficult to attain.