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Some links in this article are affiliate links. We may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through these links, at no extra cost to you. We only recommend products we find useful to our readersHugs are the most reassuring and comforting signs of affection. Sometimes you may not even realize that you need a hug. It could have been a difficult day or just Monday blues, but a tight hug from the right person is almost always the answer. Just wrapping your arms around someone and letting their warm reach your soul could just make your day in ways unimaginable. It makes you feel appreciated and cared for in a manner so simple, that it humbles you. Mom hugs, dad hugs, sibling hugs, romantic hugs- the list is endless. But the one element they share in common? -the sense of love and comfort. Hugs do not always have to be romantic, they are also a universal form of expressing endearment. This form of physical contact goes a long way in expressing affection and admiration and lift someone’s mood in a matter of seconds.
Hugs also tend to lower blood pressure and increase the secretion of Oxytocin and serotonin to help you feel lighter instantly. It reduces our cortisol levels and hence we feel good. Hugs convey what words can not and help us strengthen our bond with one another in ways that are almost miraculous.
And though these wondrous hugs are truly a gift that helps us feel relax and loved, no two hugs are ever the same. In fact there quite a few different types of hugs and they mean a whole lot of things. And with the evolving face of physical expression, it is only normal that boys and girls alike would get confused about what a particular hug means.
But do not worry, we have rounded a list of the 10 types of hugs and what they mean to understand the intricacy of this adorable form of expression:
1. The All Engulfing Tight Squeeze
2. The Bear Hug

This has to be one of the most comforting hugs ever. It can be from a loved one or your partner but needless to say, this hug is filled with emotion. Not only is the hugger saying that they will take care of you, this hug also symbolizes: I will never let go. it is way providing requisite security and is usually given at the beginning of a relationship. Delight and safety are the main elements of this hug, and it is pretty similar to the tight hug.
3. The Polite Hug

This hug is a formal one and is often associated with slight awkwardness or nervousness. More or less this type of hug is just for the sake of it, or to end a formal meeting where you are not sure about how much appreciation should you show while still being respectful. This hug involves minimal touching and is often accompanied by a smile on the face. It usually does not go beyond two to three seconds and is done out of sheer politeness.
4. The Hug With Back Rub
Oh, this one is a good hug! The one that makes you fuzzy all over. This could either be romantic or a close buddy, either way, the healing power of this type of hug are insurmountable. The warmth, adulation and simple consideration this hug provides is so nice that it could make anyone happy. The gentle rubbing on the back is reassuring and is usually shared with people who have a strong bond or connection. It also signifies deep care and in romantic terms, it means that they are protective of you.
5. The Hug Around The Waist

Romantic at its very core, this hug has a sexual rhythm and can make any girl go weak in the knees. Combined with nuzzle on the neck and whispered nothing and the mood will become just right! In these types of hugs, guys like to snake their arms around the waist of the girl and the girl’s arms usually go over their arms. This types of hugs symbolize the genuine care, and it also shows that the couple do not, mind being vulnerable with each other. For the guy to have the freedom to touch a girl so intimately shows that they have a close bond and are definitely attracted to each other. Touching his pelvis to the girl’s shows that he is extremely attracted to her sexually. If his hands move farther down, it means he is even more aroused and this feeling of being desired and wanted is something that should definitely be enjoyed slowly.
6. The Quick Pat

This hug is probably one of the lesser intimate ones and is sure we have seen this before. This usually happens between two people who do not want to be seen with each other. If you get hugged very quickly with just a pat on the back, they’re embracing you out of politeness but they would rather not be doing so. This is definitely another form of a polite hug. This is the way of dodging unwanted perception and just getting it done with.
7. The One Arm Side Hug

This could either be informal or awkward. It is usually a half hug, it could stand for closeness or comfort depending on the person. Sometimes it could happen while you are walking or simply if you are movements are limited to have a proper hug. It is also the buddy hug predominantly and is often accompanied by a back slap. If you get it from a date, there is a strong chance that she does not wish to take this any further.
8. The Hug From Behind

This one is a sneaky and thrilling type of hug where the guy engulfs you from behind. Romantic in nature with sexual undertones, these type of hugs mean that the guy wants you to feel wanted and protected. These hugs leave you feeling really loved. These hugs are really important coming from guys you like, or anyone for that matter. These hugs basically tell you that your partner is feeling especially affectionate toward you and can actually set the right mood for some bedroom action later. But most importantly they are ways to tell the girl how much they are adored.
9. The Straddle Hug

This is definitely one of the intimate hugs which signify that the two romantic partners cannot bear to be apart, even by an inch. These hugs linger and bring in the bodies closer to convey the sexual tension. These hugs are whimsical and adorable and are usually accompanied with kisses. These hugs usually make both the parties feel desired and express passion. Basically, it’s a hug where one person is elevated and the other person stands between their legs and hugs them. Besides the physical proximity, another requisite for this type of hug is the openness and emotional connection. Straddle hugs convey the feelings of wanting to get frisky or intimate with your partner the best.
10. The Strong Hug

This neutral hug is the best and can be shared amongst close, loved ones. They signify a strong bond, deep trust and general openness. These hugs reassure you and give you the support you need. It is a silent expression of love and confidence that does not require words. Whoever hug you like this, will always stand by you through thick and thin. It means that they want to protect you and they cherish you. This is definitely the most genuine expression of love and fondness that exists out there.
The significance of Hugs
No matter how cold a heart is, the penchant for great hugs is hared by everyone. They are simple gestures that say more than what words can. These are not the only types of hugs that exist out there, but a broad categorization. Symbols of affection can often be the only thing that lift your mood, and everything does not have to be super romantic, a quick hug from your best friend could probably be all you need to get through the day. It is marvelous how intense the power of touch is, and in our longings, we realize that how similar we are. So hug it out, be kid, you never who must be feeling a bit lighter, a little moved by your simple act of hugging them.