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Why in the first place do we put our heart and soul into a relationship or try to impress your boyfriend? No second thoughts or doubts in the fact that we constantly want to express how much we love our partners and how they mean the world to us. Have you been there trying to impress your boyfriend if you have ever had one or have one?
It is true that it does not necessarily mean that you have to impress your boyfriend just because you are in a relationship and keep up to a tradition of trying to impress that person.
Talking of impressing, no occasion calls for it, do it when your heart wants to and make your boyfriend feel happy.
Whether you want to do something like building a castle for him or you want to do something tiny to fill his heart it does not matter, what matters is the very thought of going out of your way for him. These little gestures should be there to make your relationship a happy one and for him to know that you are one of the world’s best girl friend.
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What Should You Do To Melt His Heart?

Men can easily melt provided you know the knack of making that happen. If you have not discovered it yet, its time you learn it. To learn it you should do a thorough study of his likes and dislikes and accordingly find out what makes him feel on “seventh-heaven”
Impressing your boyfriend is an add on to make the relationship more love dovey and happening. When you wait and expect it to happen from his end as well you are missing out on being your loving self in that relationship.
Thus, make your way and be that sweetheart for him. If you want love to increase between your darling and you you need to create a palace of love. If you want to build that palace of love, you will have to make little moves and make it possible.
Yes, the efforts in love accommodate two ways. However, when he sees love oozing out of you he would find every possibility to express love to you as well. The two sided impressing will make an impressive love story.
It is worth wracking your brains and thinking hard on ways to make his heart melt. To ease that task for you, here are successful and loving ways that would at some point impress your boyfriend. One of them should a way for you. Take a look and start to implement what impress your boyfriend and heart.
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Trick 1 – Be A Virtual Binocular

This tip would work when the two of you are babies in the relationship. While this might not be syncing with regards to being a tip to impress your boyfriend. In reality, it will sync only if you understand its metaphoric sense. Laugh at it.
Being a virtual binocular means you will need to observe him, know from his friends and family and personally ask him about things he likes and does not like. Keep an eye on every minute detail. Only when you are successful doing this will you be able to figure out as to how to totally impress him.
Take a look at what you can possibly extract and know about him
- Get to know about his hobbies
- Notice what he enjoys with food
- Understand if people make him happy or things make him happy
- Know his preference in what makes his mood or puts him off
Got an idea about what to do? So first make a note of this and then get going. If you know it all and the two of you are like a decade old in the relationship then you can do the little romantic things that the two of you did from where you started of as it is a way of adding color to your relationship.
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Trick 2 – Plan Every Move You Make

Why is a plan important before you execute it? It is necessary because you would not want to see yourself in a fix, would you? but just put your legs in those shoes for the sake for a moment.
Hypothetically, if you planned a dinner surprise for your boyfriend and your lack of planning with regards to managing time makes you end up burning the dish, how would that feel? Disastrous!! is it now? If you don’t want all that happening then you better have a well executed plan. We are forgetting something here, you need to see that your plans synchronize with his as well.
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Trick 3 – Is He A Filmophilia? Take Him For His Kind Of A Movie
To put forth what one feels about watching movies is just fun. You must surprise him and take him for a movie of his kind. You would be aware when the trailers are out. From then on, plan taking him for a movie. You could probably force him by telling him that you want him to go along with you for shopping and the day you have the movie planned, you could directly ask him to reach the theater or take him there. He is going to be delighted.
Read : Ways to make movie date interesting and fun
Trick 4 – Is He A Bibliophile? Get Him A Book To Be Glued To

For all the book lovers, you give them a book and that is nothing more they could ask for. Having said, gift him a book pertaining to his interest or get him a membership in a library. Either of them sound like a plan. You will need to do the right research before you shell out money to buy him a book.
If you are buying him a book then to know from him you could probably strike a conversation about books and indirectly ask him about the kind of books that can make him happy. If this does not sound like a plan then you should reach out to his friends or family to get your information.
The more creatively you implement your style of impressing him the higher will be that lovey dovey impact in his heart for you. Having said, do not just give the book to him, you can go to his house and hide it under his pillow leaving a love note on it.
Trick 5 – Disturb Him A Little Everyday

Well, you do not have to stay in touch with him all day. However, just as you would stay in touch with your family member, you should not forget to check on him and give him the time he deserves, this is the least you could do and you should do it.
Say you love him, it may sound cheesy, but cheesy things work better at times. You cannot imagine how happy he would feel. Happiness will make your relationship and if you can make him happy with little things you are almost there to make him feel impressed.
How would he be impressed? If that’s what you are thinking then he would feel wanted and important which is basic in a relationship.
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Trick 6 – Is He A Gamer? Gift Him A Playstation Or Take Him Gaming

If you boyfriends is one of those boyish boys who loves the typical guy stuff then you should be a cool sport and give him that experience to enjoy the game. Your guy is sure to be impressed for being his cool dude cum girl friend. If you cannot afford a playstation then just going gaming should serve the purpose.
Gamer couples are the most happening and you need to do these activities to add to the thrill of your togetherness.
Trick 7 – Be Encouraging And Respectful Towards His Passion

His passion might be music it could be a sport. There are chances that you might not really understand or share the same interest. You can impress your boyfriend the best way if you know how to respect his passion and encourage him to give it the time he wants to.
Do not be one of those dominating girlfriends who is selfish and wants all of her man’s time. Infact, be a part of his passion, try and know more about it. He is always going to open his heart out and talk about his passion. Talking to him about what he loves is one of the best choice or conversation to strike.
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Trick 8 – Take Him For A DE-Stress Activity

If you know that your man is stressed out and he is having a bad day you can do something relaxing for him. You should take him out for a Spa, head massage or a facial, he will feel relaxed and stress free. He is going to be impressed by the way his girlfriend takes care of his little worries. He might find it creative and see how considerate you are as well.
Trick 9 – Write A Book Of Love Poems

The old school idea of writing works well. Especially, if you write things coming right out of your heart. Either write him love lines or either write him a bunch of love notes making it a collage in a book. Use all your creative ideas and just express it to him. If you are falling short of words then fill up the book with I love you and send it to him by post.
While this might seem like a small idea, it is still going to make a place in his heart for you. Expressing love now and then is essential for that person to feel that warmth every now and then.
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Trick 10 – Food Makes Everyone Happy

Have you heard of this saying, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach? It is true. While this might be something that you would have probably done. No worries, do it differently and feed him a tasty dish. Have your surprise go and surprise him, which means you must send the food to him in the most craziest or artistic way.
Find a way that would impress your boyfriend. You could reach out to his friends to help you, you could ask them to leave the food at his work station much before he reaches or you could go to his house before he reaches home and hide in his room with the food. You would need to co ordinate with his family to implement this plan. He would be truly impressed with the effort and time you would take out for him.
Trick 11 – Cuddle And Seduce Him

The success of a relationship even depends on how much you express your love through the sense of touch. Feeling each other is a blessing. Make love as much as you can, a man truly enjoys that. We are all just made in a way that we seek love.
Men are more drawn to be physically involved with the one they love. Try new ways of cuddling him and love him in such a way that he craves for more of you. These memories with him will make your bond even more special. He is going to be heels over in love with you all the time. Make the most of it! He is your man and you are his girl! Nothing to think about, just flow through.
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Trick 12 – Connect With His Family And Friends

It is not about a man or woman. It is general psychology that anyone in a relationship would be happy if their partner bothered to connect with friends and family and had thoughts of uniting with everyone for the sake of love.
A guy would totally be impressed if you did that. You do not have to force yourself to do so. However, it would be a great way of wining his heart. You would as well feel nice about connecting with his people.
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Trick 13 – Be That Perfect Girlfriend Material
To be a perfect girlfriend material you need to have certain qualities and avoid doing certain things that would annoy your boyfriend. That said, here is what you need to know about being a perfect girlfriend. This is truly said, at times the little things matter the most. Take a look at few of your qualities that can impress him
- Give him all the space he needs
- Trust him with all your heart
- Be patient with him
- Forgive and let go of the bad times you both witness
- Do not expect too much out of him
- Be a supportive friend more than a dominating friend
- Show up in times of happiness and pain and be by him
Read: 10 Fantastic Ways To Have A Good Relationship With Your Boyfriend – Be A Nice Girl Friend!
If you can possess few of these qualities and your boyfriend is sensible, he would be the most happiest and impressed about being with you. Guys love it if their girl friend is sensible and co-operative when needed, a child when she cares for him and a woman when she makes love. So you have to be smart and know how to impress him through every situation. This is totally an art.
To sum it all up, your boyfriend is going to be impressed if you can do ordinary things in an extra-ordinary way.
In simple language it means he would be the happiest if you can blend in well with him in the most unfavorable situations, more than anything, we all seek for mental comfort in a relationship and the other rosy things such as surprises, gifts and love making are all the toppings in a bond.
Go ahead and impress your boyfriend to show him all the love you have for him!