Top 30 Excuses to Get Out of Work


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Top 30 excuses to get out of work

Mondays are never easy for anyone and when they come after a wonderful and tiring weekend fun they become even more horrifying. While most of us cant get off work easily but for few of those days when it gets darn necessary to take work excuses and use reasons to call out of work. Use these best excuses to miss work and still stay in the good books of your boss and peers. This work excuses are reliable and believable and are fair reasons to call off work. Let us know some easy and never fail also good excuses for missing work.

How to get out of work, if you yourself are the manager and have senior executive above you. Well for that you need to have that one big excuse which is larger than life and use it. Health and emergency at home are the best work excuses for anyone. Also be sure to remember your last excuse to not repeat it again and again.

Good excuses to get out of work:

Looking for excuses to get out of work, well! Look no further. We have a awesome full proof compilation here including all the reasons to call off work, which will be great for anyone anytime. But provided your boss has not read it yet. Best excuses to get out of work include:

1- A food poisoning is safest and most believable excuse, which can get you off work easily. You can pretend a diarrhea and vomit too, no one needs a proof for them though. A simple text or call to your boss over the strength of food poisoning you have can get you a day or two off easily

believable excuse

2- Appointment with your doctor:

This is safe too, just make an appointment with your doctor excuse sound realistic and be sure not to roam around in the visibility areas of your office after taking day off. Also for an early morning excuse make this doctors appointment strategically placed such that it delays and you no more have to attend office at all this day

3- Car trouble:

A puncture or breaking down incident on your way to office is simple and believable. It can happen to anyone anytime. If the distance between your home and workplace is big, you have the whole day off already

Car trouble

4- Death of a distant relative:

Be careful as this may be tricky you cant make the same relative die again and again so keep a note of who all have already gone for your leave grant

5- Sprain in your neck:

A fine morning, of course Monday morning you woke up with a neck sprain and now you cant move. Even taking bath is not possible because of the strength of pain so this excuse works well for a leave for one day

6- Relatives in town:

You have your grandparents or relatives visiting and there is no advance plan that you could inform. So you have no other choice but to take the day.

7- Migraine:

The most painful and yet no need for medical certificate for this leave. You had a painful migraine attack early morning and now you cant even get ready so you have the work off excuse already in place


8- Dental emergency:

Wisdom tooth or cavity pain is safe excuse and you can get more than a day off with this one. Remember to show the pain next time to go to office

9- Conjunctivitis:

Pink eye or conjunctivitis is contagious and safe enough excuse which can grant you as many as 3 days off. Remember to wear your shades the next time you go to office to make this excuse more believable an realistic

10- My glasses broke and how can I work now:

Remember you have just a few hours or max a day with this work out excuse. And you cant say that you have more pairs of glasses than just one ever.

glasses brok

11- If your boss is a pet lover then a pet emergency is most believable excuse:

You dog or cat suddenly got sick and you had to rush to a vet. You cant leave them alone now and this a day off

12- Your neighbor or cousin who stays close by has gone into labor and there’s no one to help:

For anytime after this excuse you can be asked about how is that neighbor or cousin and their child. So remember it well, but a believable excuse for all

13- Woman issues:

Best is when you have a male boss, you say I am suffering from woman issues and he can never object or ask details in this matter. Rather no man would ask further

Woman issues

14- Lice attack in your hair:

You had a lice attack in your hair and now you need at least a couple of days off to clear and treat it at home too. No one would want you to carry all the lice to work and you get your easy time out from office

15- Bee stung:

Since bee stung happened a night before now your face and body is too swollen for you to drive to work today so your work out excuse.

16- Your carpool group forgot to pick you up today:

Now that you stay far off and don’t have any other medium of transport left in your situation. You will have to take the day off.

[Read: How to talk about body odor at workplace]

17- Your nail chipped while you were closing the door of your house, so now you have rush to ER for dressing.

18- You home was burglarized last night and now you have to install security system:

Well most often the boss would not question, but if you use this repeatedly it may be tricky. Just say you have the security system installation guys coming so you have to take the day

You home was burglarized

19- You are running temperature and cant walk properly:

In changing weather this looks more believable and gets you a day off easily

20- You are universal donor and blood bank has called you now:

Since you have to donate blood on an urgent so you cant go to office today and it calls for some respect for you too

21- Your roommate met with an accident and now there’s no one to help

22- You have caught some infection and you cant come to office as it is contagious

23- Your parents have come down for a day and you have to spend this time with them

24- Hemorrhoids have swollen up and bleeding again so you cant sit at one place to work

Hemorrhoids have swollen up

25- You have burnt your some hidden part on the body and its a first degree burn so you need to take the day

26- You have an eye test appointment this morning and this may take long too

27- The garbage gates have locked out and I cant open them to have my car out

28- My car keys are locked in the car and I have no duplicate key. Waiting for locksmith to come who takes ages to do it thus a day off.

29- You came near the office and something bad spilled on you. Your whole dress is soiled and now you have no choice but to go back home. Which is far off and no point but to take the day off

30- Your child has a function or sports day at school and you have to attend,, or there’s a parent teacher meet which you cant miss so the day off.


The above compilation on Top 30 excuses to get out of work is to give you some believable and realistic work excuses. We all need a few days off work to recharge and unwind but getting a day off from our boss is not simple. Be careful when you use these as no one should be repeated again and again.

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Minu Manisha