Top 15 Secrets for Shiny Long Hair


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Long hair

Long hair is a reflection of physical and mental well being. For some hair types, it is easier to grow long. Long hair with bounce, volume and shine make for a great hair health. Long hair are pretty and feminine for their beauty and appeal. Getting the perfect long locks isn’t a quick fix, it takes years of nourishment and care. To keep the hair as rich and radiant as they are in teens and early adulthood is a challenge for most. Greying and other signs of aging affect the natural color and shine of hair. To look great, hair must be internally also strong and healthy.

[Also Read: Quick hairstyles for long hair]

Sharing top 15 secrets for shiny long hair:

1- Shampoo every 7-8 days

Shampoo every 7-8 days

Do not use shampoo everyday, as chemicals in the hair cause the natural oils of hair to fade. And they make hair dull and dry. Washing hair with plain water also must be restricted to twice a week. As water also causes loss of moisture.

2- Don’t apply shampoo directly:

Shampoo must always be diluted and then applied on hair. Mix little shampoo in cold water, mix well and then apply gently.

3- Do not use chemical or dye based shampoos:

Chemicals are the worst harmful ingredients for your hair. Never use dark colored shampoo also, as it contains harsh chemicals.

4- Use cold water for washing hair:

Use cold water for washing hair

Never use hot water on hair as it reduced hair strength and makes it loose its shine. Normal tap water (soft water) must be used for washing hair

5- Use conditioner:

Use conditioner

A mild conditioner must be used overtime you wash your hair. Conditioner will help regain the moisture lost while washing hair. Do not use chemical loaded conditioners.Remember to wash well with plain water after using conditioner.

6- Oil massage:

Oil massage

At least 3 times a week, apply nut based oils of olive oil. Massage gently with your fingertips. Do not apply hot oil, just mild warm is fine for hair. Apply more on the roots of the hair.

7- Use home made products for hair strength and shine:

Use home made products

Like banana, honey, egg, Yogurt. Use herbal and organic treatments in addition. Try to minimize hair spa appointments and proceed at home by yourself.

8- Don’t comb your hair more than 3 times a day:

Don't comb your hair more than 3 times a day

Combing more causes hair to get stretched and fall. Its necessary to comb at least 2 times a day but avoid overdoing it.

9- Do not use hair dryers and hair straightening rods everyday:

hair dryers and hair

Rather avoid using them at all, heat makes the hair week and brittle. They start falling with continuous use of these appliances. Let the hair dry naturally and be as their own natural curly weavy tress.

10- Never brush your hair when they are wet:

Wet hair are delicate and too sensitive. They break easily when wet so never use comb or brush when hair is wet

11- Get hair trimmed regularly:

Get your hair trimmed every few months, this will remove the tailings and split ends. It in turn adds to fast hair growth.

12- Cover your hair when out in sun or pollution:

Extreme heat and pollution are very harmful for hair. Cover them when out in scorching heat or during heavy traffic.

13- Do away with rubber bands:

Do away with rubber bands

Rubber bands cause hair loss and sometimes we are not even aware. The short front growth of hair strands around upper forehead or sides is due to breakage from use of ponytail-holders. Try using textile based bands and give up on plastics

14- Eat a healthy diet for hair

Do away with rubber bands

Add more proteins in the form of greens and milk, eat a healthy diet. This will help in keeping the hair strong from inside

15- Keep yourself away from stress:

Keep yourself away from stress

Stress is bad for hair and bad for health too. Have a proper fitness regime with yoga and meditation days. Spend time with family and friends and be sure to sneak your own moments everyday. This will help you relieve and freshen up for the day ahead.

[Also Read: Benefits of egg for hair growth and nourishment]


1- Use herbal home based colors
2- Do not bleach hair
3- Do not change shampoo frequently
4- Follow a haircare pattern for massage and home steam or spa weekly
5- Add more of ginger and garlic in your diet, they are natural hair boosters.

Personally i have been using it all ever since i remember and i still have huge long locks. Some of my old school methods have helped in keeping them black and smooth shiny even in late 30s. The above article is based on my own experiences in grooming and nourishing my shiny and long hair. Have a good night sleep in addition to a balanced diet and fitness regime. Our beauty lies more inside than what we can cover up from outside. Haircare is essential for shiny long hair forever.

Be sure to see your dermatologist for any ailments and deformities. Before applying any chemical or home based product get your skin and hair type checked and patch tested. Proceed with extreme caution when applying dye or colors to hair. Avoid bleach or harmful chemicals.

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Minu Manisha