Top 11 Period Myths that Must Banish


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period myths

Period myths are simply more prevalent than the actual facts. For the mysteries involved in menstrual cycle are so different for every women. There are multiple old school theories which are dispelled by science. But yet we stick with them for their traditional roots. As a woman, it is important to know what are these period myths and the top period myths that must banish for health and hygiene. We must not pass them on to our generations ahead as they only complicate. For they are not only displeasing, but if believed may cause unexpected and abrupt repercussions.

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Top 11 Period Myths that Must Banish:

1- You can’t conceive during your period:

conceive during your period

Well, there are cases crashing this myth already. Implantation bleed, ovulation during periods and contraceptive failures have been prominent. Despite the safe and fertile period calculations, exceptions are there and on an increase. So do not take this myth for granted. Plan when you got to PLAN and don’t end up being in a soup.

2- Swimming in the ocean during periods will get you eaten by sharks:

Swimming in the ocean during periods

First myth before addressing the period myth is, can the women swim during periods. Well! Why not. There are ample aids to ensure hygiene and no leaks, also, it is believed to have soothing impacts for menstrual cramps.

While the sharks may never know whats beneath or which part smells more blood, but the theory is far prominent in the western world. There has been absolutely no record for sharks attacking menstruating women. Avoid the movies, but in reality sharks have never killed or attacked just for menstrual blood as there is ample more blood.

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3- Hot water bath increases period flow:

Hot water bath increases period flow

There is absolutely no evidence to uphold the myth that hot water bath increases the flow. Though it is always advisable for hot water bath or shower for relieving pain from menstrual cramps and for maintaining hygiene. But period flow is more a function of your body and can not be accelerated by hot water.

4- Irregularities in periods cut your chances of reproduction:

Irregularities in periods

There is no proof for this period myth, irregularities may or may not have any impact on your fertility or reproduction. There are ample reasons aggravating the period schedules. Hormones, stress, diet, fitness, lifestyle reasons, pregnancy and even some unidentifiable reasons. Be sure to check with your OB-GYN for more details. It may be normal for a cycle to be 28-45 days and every women has specific period cycle set for few years before they mature and age. Even a women may have different no of days between periods when young and after they reach 35

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5- Periods blood is different from normal body blood:

normal body blood

Well, if the body could fetch a different blood from outside it would have been absolutely factual. But the circulatory system does not have any outsourcing units around. The products of our body remain the same despite from injuries or cute and from periods. There may be more toxins and waste than what’s purified in your body. But the blood is the same, no matter what

6- Period blood is pungent and has strong odor:

Period blood is pungent and has strong odor

The menstrual blood has no odor at all, it is made up of blood and tissues which are shed from our uterus. When this menstrual blood mixes with our own body’s bacteria around vagina it develops odor. So get checked for vaginal infections as soon as you find bad odor.

7- Head bath causes the blood flow to increases, or some say decrease or some more say decrease fertility:

say decrease or some more say decrease fertility

Well head bath may or may not affect period blood flow, but it does enrich the blood flow within our body. Some period myths make it important to wash your head on first day, some call for washing on 4th day and some more don’t let you wash for the 7 days. This must not be imposed but more about choice. Based on your hygiene and need go ahead and wash hair when you have to.

8- Every time you miss a period you are pregnant:

Every time you miss a period you are pregnant

Well then there won’t be any family planning ever. There are chances you may have conceived, but reasons related to hormonal changes and other lifestyle issues may also cause the delay. Check for pregnancy rather than following the period myth.

9- PMS or premenstrual syndrome is a myth:

PMS or premenstrual syndrome is a myth

PMS may be far more prominent than just the days of the periods. They are not just in your head. The mood swings, cravings and menstrual cramps are scientific and have been a part of every women’s biological cycle. Some even face these a week ahead of their periods. The symptoms may include dizziness, fatigue, swelling, bloating, changes in appetite and many more. Every women has their own discomforts and pains during their periods.

10- It is gross to have sex during your periods:

It is gross to have sex during your periods

It is more about your choice than about anything else. Though studies suggest menstruation triggers arousal and sexual desires in women. There are also cases where women find relief from menstrual cramps by intercourse. Just remember to maintain your hygiene and use protection as STD and pregnancy can’t be overlooked even during periods.

11- You must hit puberty by age 13:

You must hit puberty by age 13

There is never a certain age when will you begin your periods and until when menopause won’t be a concern. Everything depends on your body functions, lifestyle, level of maturity and interests too. Some girls even get by age 8 and some don’t get it until 15. The rules and facts are not scientific for any age.

The above compilation on Top 11 Period myths that must banish is based on experiences and learnings over time. There are ample more traditional and cultural stereotypes that have added so many more myths to the above. It is more about the choice of a women than about how social norms make-believe. Every women needs the peace of mind and relaxation she deserves. Be sure to check with your OB-GYN for any specific issues. Unusual pain and bloating may have other causes so get yourself checked immediately. Never take medicines to change your normal menstrual cycle.

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Minu Manisha