Top 10 Food Tips to Gain Weight Quickly


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tips to gain weight quickly
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Wondering how to gain weight and not get any health issues, well! for most of us its a daunting task. Sometime you just wish to put on some weight for an upcoming celebration or event and cant find ample ways which are healthy and beneficial. For those quick fix and yet healthy ways to gain weight we have some awesome tips. Let us look at top 10 tips to gain weight quickly and find how some nutritious food choices can help in getting those extra pounds quickly

Top 10 food tips to gain weight quickly:

For those quick 3-5 pounds use the below ways which are not just quick but healthy too. These have been used by stars and models from decades, to put on quick weight which does not add fat to our system but balance the calorie in and calorie ratio to get desired body weight

1- Banana:

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Banana is rich in phosphorous and helps in adding ample vitamins and minerals to our diet. According to Ayurveda banana can add up to adipose tissues and thus helps in gaining quick pounds. Banana if taken with milk can help in adding flesh to our body and thus increasing weight Just eat 2 bananas and drink a glass of milk immediately

2- Coconut:

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Coconut also helps in gaining quick pounds in a healthy way. Drinking coconut water additionally enriches the weight gain process dramatically. Just eat 3-5 ounces of coconut and drink at least 12-16oz of coconut water daily. But be sure to spread this in 3-5 times during the day

3- Carrot:

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Carrot is rich in natural sugar. Drinking carrot juice regularly helps in increasing weight quickly. Though controlled amount of carrot must be added as it may. Drink carrot juice two to three times a day just after meals and see the difference

4- Sweet cream butter:

Sweet cream butter
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Consuming sweet cream butter in addition to the oil and butter you have in your meals can help in quick weight gain. Also you can add some more health to the butter by adding it to your bread or toast. This helps in bringing relishing and yet fat gaining ingredients to your diet

5- All kinds of nuts:

All kinds of nuts
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Eat more nuts like pecan, walnut, almond, peanuts and others as they help in quick fat gain. Though they also add a lot of proteins and are considered very healthy and nutritious too. Eating around a few ounces twice a day can help in quick weight gain

6- Milk:

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Drinking more milk in a day can not only help in keeping you fit but also gain weight quickly. Milk gives a balanced addition of fats, carbs and proteins to our diet. Milk provides whey proteins and casein which are healthy and also increases mass of our body

7- White rice:

White rice
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Eating more white rice helps in increasing calories quickly. It is rich in carbs, also adds calories and also helps in adding some proteins. Rice also prepares quickly so helps in quick calorie addition

8- Red Meats:

Red Meats
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Red meats like steak helps in quick weight addition. They are rich in leucine which is the key amino acid which stimulates muscular protein synthesis. This also adds new muscular tissues in our body thus enabling quick weight gain. They give more calories and fats quickly and are healthy too

9- Potatoes:

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Potato is a healthy starch which if consumed adequately and in a fulfilling way can help in adding quick fats. They also add muscular glycogen stores and thus promotes calories in our body.

10- Avocado:

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Avocado adds quick calories to our body. They are calorie dense and also contains vitamins, minerals and beneficial plant compounds. Just include avocados in your meals as much possible for quick weight gain

The above compilation on Top 10 tips to gain weight quickly, is to help you in determining healthy and wight inducing foods in your diet, which not just add calories but also are nutritious too. Do no over eat any of the foods mentioned above and check with your health care provider for more

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