10 Convincing Tips To Find Yourself – Open the Closed Doors!


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10 Convincing Tips To Find Yourself Open the Closed Doors

We are all lost in thoughts, moods and caught up in life. We go lost in life by choice and sometimes we just do not realize that we have got trapped in a world that we have forgotten ourselves, have you felt lost and felt the need to find yourself back? Here are some of the tips to find yourself!!

It so happens that most of us feel lost when we are unhappy, dissatisfied and confused with how are we living our life or we just get into this box where we think over even if we have ever known ourselves. It is okay to be lost but remaining lost is not acceptable because it can pounce on your well being and steal away many chances of being happy.

Get yourself aware of the different ways to come back from a lost world. Learn it all and regain every reason to remain happy and peaceful in life. The journey is not going to bring hurdles in your path. On the contrary, it is going to make you walk a better path.

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What Does It Mean To Find Yourself?

What Does It Mean To Find Yourself

This idea or thought of finding yourself is technically philosophical. Look at its inner meaning and you will understand that you missed out on the most integral aspect of your life and that’s “You”

What this really means is either discovering, inculcating or regaining qualities, practices or ideas in your life. Not necessarily to make a huge difference in your life, could be just a come back to what you were too. You have to find this out yourself!

While you would have your own reasons for feeling lost and would want to get a grip of yourself by finding out who you are or probably just tapping on the old you, it is necessary to understand what does it truly mean. That said, finding yourself could be the below mentioned points

  • Getting over clustered thoughts and thinking differently
  • Think of getting a new perspective to life and wanting to start fresh
  • being confused over what’s happening in your life and trying to sort things out for yourself
  • finally taking a step to be someone you have always wanted to be but you have always held back for some reason
  • willing to start living like a true optimist forgoing every negative thought

You could be living in one of these situations and when you have felt the need to change it means you are ready to get yourself back or find a complete new person who is hid in you.

To top it all of, you would find someone you never even dreamt of being or you would turn into someone making a difference somewhere in someone’s life after having found yourself. May be you have too much of thrill and adventures knocking at your door.

There is magic and beauty in discovering a new you or a true you, you would understand which is an apt title in your case.

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Signs You Have Forgotten Yourself – The Truth Is Naked!

Signs You Have Forgotten Yourself The Truth Is Naked

In moments when you were someone else and have forgotten that old you. Here are signs that say you have left yourself away. This is the most painful feeling, could be worse than losing out on someone else in your life.

Can you beat it if you no more know what you want, when you just do not understand what makes you happy or sad anymore? It is a deep struggle, even more than you would have thought of it as.

Take a look at the signs to sort things out for yourself!

  • When you do not smile to the silly jokes you used to
  • All that you see is your routine and you are blinded with a life that is beyond this routine
  • You have forgotten about the last time you felt the happiest
  • Not an easy task to describe yourself
  • Cannot differentiate between what is right and wrong for you
  • When you Have stopped doing everything that makes you happy
  • We shall give others priority over yourself you have started being over conscious with what would the world say about you
  • When you have stopped believing in yourself and lost confidence in who you used to be
  • If you have stopped having fun in life
  • When you no more make time for the things you love or the people you love
  • If you think have made room for excuses more than possibilities and opportunities
  • Think you have stopped focusing on your dreams in life
  • When you have more complaints than being thankful
  • You might have started to lose the goodness and charm in you
  • When you have started to take life too seriously

If you were a different person and certain incidents have changed you then you must take a step forward and go back to the life you were living if you think it is making you feel empty and happiness has bid farewell.

If you want to change for real then its you who has to make a move and if you want to see that change then only you have to be that change. It is not too far away or not too late, just go for it!

Thus, these signs were mentioned for you to take a control of your life and make it better. How you do it is your choice.

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Tips To Find Yourself When You Are Lost

Tips To Find Yourself When You Are Lost

“The willingness to do, creates the ability to do” – Peter McWilliams

If you are inclined on getting your lost self back then you have no reason to stop or delay. A new and better life is waiting for you.

Always remember to find yourself in reality, yes you can encourage yourself but do not try lose yourself in complacency because the chances of finding yourself back is going to be the least. In other words, be realistic in how you find yourself and at the same time do not be too hard on yourself.

Look at some of the tips on how to find yourself when you are lost!

Tip No 1 – Reflect Upon Your Life In Detail

Reflect Upon Your Life In Details

When you have lost something you would look around at places you kept it last, right? Similarly, when you feel you have lost yourself, there is a need for you to reflect upon your life and observe every slight change in you, if needed, make a note of those changes.

Ask yourself these questions when you think you are not where you are supposed to be.

  • Ask yourself if you are happy
  • Better give yourself if you are satisfied
  • Ask yourself if you feel everything is going the way it is supposed to
  • If you are doing justice to your life
  • Think if you are loving yourself as much as you deserve
  • Ask yourself if your decisions are made in the heat of the moment or are you taking into consideration every factor and making your choices
  • If your perception towards life is positive or not

Now you know what you need to reflect upon and what are the questions you got to ask to yourself. First go ahead and get done with it to have a better clarity.

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Tip No 2 – Get Refreshed

Get Refreshed

Taking a break from your normal routine is good once in a year. If you think you do not have the peace of mind to get a direction or any clarity you are in need of a break. Take a small break just to clear your mind and know what is the change you are looking for.

You are sure to find a way out when you take a break and treat yourself with a new experience. Getting refreshed for everyone might be different. For few it might be going for a vacation or just staying home and relaxing. Do all it takes to get your mind off the clutter and stress.

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Tip No 3 : Evaluate How You Deal With People And Your Life

Evaluate How You Deal With People And Your Life

Evaluating yourself on the basis of how you people with the people around you or the one’s you are close to gives you a reality check.

Take a look at how is your behaviour with your people and the outsiders, are you kind and approachable with them or have you changed and started to be rude with them? Is your level of interaction the same with them or has it changed over time? Do you value your relationships the same way like you used to value it in the past? Do you share the same bond with your people like you used to?

Asking these question to yourself vs comparing your behaviour to the times you are alone will help you get to know how much have you lost yourself and how can you get back if you have gone way too ahead.

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Tip No 4 : Do Not Run Away From Your Fears

Do Not Run Away From Your Fears

Do not run away from your fears, run towards your fears! An extra-ordinary life will follow!

Say suppose, you are afraid of swimming because you are still learning how to swim and you try and experiment swimming in a pool where the level of water is more than what it generally is.

Get into that pool and face your fears. How would you motivate yourself? All you need to do is apply the experience and knowledge you have about swimming, just get into the pool with the confidence that you are capable and if you are too afraid then swim from the corners to face your fear. Do not ignore it, face it then and there.

If you get into the habit of always running away from your fears you would not get to learn the capabilities hidden in you, for all you know, by facing your fear, you might be able to see a new quality in yourself, quite possible, isn’t it? When you have a chance to find that out, why do you want to stick around your fear?

You are not asked to get brave on day one, step ahead and take a chance!

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Tip No 5 : Take A Chance And Meet New People

Take A Chance And Meet New People

Meeting people teaches you to open up and only when you open up you will understand if you have been too closed or is there a new person in you who can be expressive and happier.

On the other hand, a new person might present to you a new perspective of life or teach you a lesson that will completely shape you up. Therefore, take chances, meet new people and keep your thoughts and mind open.

Tip No 6 : Closely Look At Your Strength And Weakness

Attempting in life is no wrong. Do not give up until you do not attempt. That said, if you truly want a clear understanding about your strength and weakness you need to be more accepting about your weakness and it is okay to have weak points. At the end of the day we are all made of the odds and evens, so it totally alright.

In terms of finding yourself back, gauging your strength and weakness is an essential step because you would know what is meant for you and not after you have assessed through your weakness and strengths and you would know where is it that you need to focus your energy on and find a way to know who you are and what is it that you can do.

Get this right, it is not about giving up, it is about trying, understanding your potential and there on heading to a direction that will quite help you be yourself.

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Tip No 7 : Life Is About Living Your Passion

Life Is About Living Your Passion

If you have lost yourself living too much in your routine, living your passion and finding happiness in being occupied with your passion would help you to find a lost person’s interests back.

Passion is a powerful tool to bring yourself back to life and help you understand what is it that you like and dislike. No matter how occupied you are in life, do make time to live your passion, make a difference to your life and achieve wonders.

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Tip No 8 : Don’t Be A Hypocrite With Yourself

Dont Be A Hypocrite With Yourself

Know yourself and be exactly what you feel like being. Never force yourself to be a person you do not want to be just because you have to be for another person or the society. You can truly find yourself only if you are not biased and true with what you want. When your inner feeling gives you a strong hint that you are right just go for it without much to ponder over.

Being truthful is one of the best gift you can give to yourself. Do not bother about the people around you, do what is convenient to you and what gives you happiness and a comforting feeling of being right and confident in the end.

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Tip No 9 – Have Unquestioning Belief In What You Do

You are supposed to be one of the best judge of your life. You exactly know the decisions you want to take, when you are in confusion and you want to find a way out, it is okay to ask to take guidance.

However, learn to rely on your own instincts and do not be influenced by anyone else’ s opinion. Believe in yourself and take accountability and the sole responsibility for all your decisions. Even if you are influenced by someone else’s decision it won’t do any good to you. If you want to find yourself, be as independent as you can.

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Tip No 10 – Believe In The Fact That You Are Self -Sufficient

Believe In The Fact That You Are Self -Sufficient

The motto here is about finding your lost self, right? There are times when people expect to be loved and seek the attention and might be you would have lost yourself in search of finding love, care or recognition for that matter.

Remember that you need to love yourself enough and realize that you are a ball of energy in your own-self and enough to remain happy. Remove this block from your mind that you need to be loved and cared for, do not expect it, you will lose yourself, give it to your own self.

What best you can do is, spend time with people who care for you and with whom you feel positive, stop waiting to be appreciated or loved by people who do no notice your presence, do not burn your energy.

In the end, you just need to understand a simple fact about life, you will have many instances where you would lose yourself. Every time you feel lost, you need not panic. You just need to find yourself in the most hassle-free manner.

Stay lost for a while if that’s one way of reviving yourself. However, do not stay so lost that you do not come back. Be balanced! Live your life as positive as you can and whenever you think you need a push to get back, always motivate yourself and talk about it with your close people.