13 Good Tips To Deal With Loneliness – Chase The Emotion!


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13 Good Tips To Deal With Loneliness

Loneliness and coping up with it is a long battle. It can ruin your peace of mind to an immeasurable extent. Ever felt lost amidst known people? If yes, then probably you sensed loneliness.

Feeling alone is nothing but a state of mind wherein a lonely person feels insecure and afraid. Many times, you have everything, yet incomplete. Most of us go through this and it only has to be dealt with.

Find out about ways to deal with loneliness and get a hold of your life.

All That You Should Do To Deal with Loneliness

All That You Should Do To Beat Loneliness

Each of us feels loneliness differently. You could feel lonely because you don’t have that special someone and you feel the pinch of emptiness. On the other hand, you have everything but you lack the right kind of freedom to live your life.

Whatsoever be the reason, loneliness needs to be addressed at the right time. One of the best ways to handle loneliness is by relying on your own self to feel better.

No wrong in taking help, but if you seek comfort in the company, chances are that you might feel all the more lonely when you don’t have that person around.

As per studies done by various psychologists, lonely people who are already suffering from mental disorders find it even more difficult to come in terms with this feeling.

Here’s how you make the right efforts into dealing with loneliness. here’s what you need to do!

1 – Begin With ‘Self-Motivation’

Start with Motivation

Self-Motivation lasts for long and it can make you forget every upsetting emotion.

Whenever you feel lonely, do a lot of talking with your inner-self. Let that person inside you recall all those times you were on the verge of breaking down and how flawlessly you held yourself back.

Remind your mind that you can do better and dealing with loneliness is a clingy phase that shall pass.

When the ‘self’ is motivated, you will overlook feeling low.

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2 – Scribble To Express Loneliness

Being expressive is a way of letting out every simple to complex thought that’s stuck in your head for no reason or valid reasons for that matter.

Whenever you feel lonely, just pick a pen and paper, write down details about what loneliness feels like, and what according to you is the best mantra to take it positively.

As days pass by, and the more you keep reading your own feelings, you will realize how you are just a decision away from fighting loneliness.

3 – Perceive Loneliness As A Part Of Life

As a matter of fact, we are all going to feel lonely during a few phases in life.

For instance, when you move out of the home to live by yourself. You are going to feel empty and alone when there is no noise around. So, it is not new to feel it.

Sometimes, it could be the age factor. For instance, you might feel lonely when you grow old and your kids get busy. Besides, it could be your own emotions or the people you don’t make you feel like you belong. It could be anything.

So, take it as a part of life and let it get over like a phase. Avoid letting it into your head. It is nothing but human tendency to feel aloof at times.

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4 – Invest Time In a Hobby

Invest time in a hobby

Everyone certainly has a hobby, some people know of it. While the others are unaware of what they enjoy the most.

The best thing to do when you are lonely is to immediately divert your mind onto something fruitful. This would keep your brain and body engaged in a way that you can easily forget how lonely you are.

Investing your time only into something that you love truly helps. If you are clueless, learn a skill. Ultimately, make sure to replace loneliness with learning.

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5 – Stop Brooding Over Loneliness

Stop brooding over loneliness

It is human nature to regret a few experiences and feel empty when you are left all alone.

Why hold that loneliness and brood over it so much that you forget about the good things. that can happen to you?

Give the negative part of your brain a long break.

Look at it only as a small obstacle. Don’t consider loneliness like a big problem in life.

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6 – Go On A Date All Alone

Go Self-Dating

This idea of self-dating might seem laughable, but as funny as it sounds, it totally helps.

When you can’t handle feeling lonely, cheer up, just go on a date all alone either for a movie or go for a beautiful walk at the beach.

Self dates are good ones, you learn that you are not lonely if you are aloof, it is even as good as experiencing solitude at times. You will enjoy the precious time to yourself.

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7 – Vent Out To Your Mains!

Vent Out To Your Mains

Sometimes all alone you do not get great ideas on overcoming loneliness. For a change, talk to someone reliable when a thought or situation is eating you up.

Your mains might have the advice as they know you in and out. No wrong in taking their help. They might even end up telling you their experiences about loneliness and how did they deal with it.

Do what you feel like but lend them your ears too. Then analyze if what they are saying is feasible for you to follow or not.

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8 – Dance To Your Loneliness

Dance to your loneliness

Dancing is as simple as tapping your feet or swaying around to a beat. It is not always perfect steps and synchronization.

When your mind and body co-ordinate with the music that is playing, it is clear that you are no more glued to loneliness.

Twist and turn or head bang, you are certainly going to feel d-stressed and elated for a while. This way, little things that you do will help you come out of loneliness.

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9 – Volunteering Works A Way

Volunteering can work a way out

Be thankful for where you are instead of feeling bad about what you do not have. There are many physically challenged and mentally disturbed people who have bigger reasons to feel lonely.

Try and connect with victims of loneliness and helplessness.

The best you can do is to take part in volunteering at an orphanage or an old age home, see how they cope up with their real loneliness. Then, compare your state of loneliness to theirs and you will get all your answers.

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10 – Be Open To Make New Friends

Be open to make new friends

Be sensible on this aspect, now is the time that you need to be surrounded by a crowd that keeps you away from feeling lonely.

Be mindful that you do not get too close to people as your idea is not to feel lonely again but it is to be able to find new people, learn from them, and stay diverted.

By meeting two things happen, either you forget your loneliness or you get to implement something significant from your observation.

11 – Check If You Can Be a Chef

Check if you can be a chef

For most people cooking tasty food as well as eating it all helps get over a sad mood.

Lookup for recipes or be creative and try making a dish when you feel the need to break through loneliness.

Just cook when you feel alone. Reason being, your nose would get busy smelling delicious food and you won’t be able to stop yourself from relishing good food. Trying to be a chef will make you forget how lonely you feel.

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12 – Get Some Sleep

Take a sound sleep

It is always good to take a power nap whenever you feel lonely. It recharges your mind and body in such a way that there won’t be any room for negative or strenuous thoughts.

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13 – Design a New Routine

Design a new routine

To let the feeling of loneliness fade, it is of paramount to set up a schedule that helps you bounce over the feeling.

Include activities to keep your mind and body busy as well as peaceful, how would you do that?

Do a physical workout, practice your hobby, follow a good diet, meditation to calm your mind, and get into the habit of learning something new every day.

Make it a back to back routine by adding all these tasks so that you don’t get time to feel lonely.

Take Away

In the end, it is all about what best you can do on your own to beat loneliness. If not all tips, but if you can even use one of these tips, it is possible to balance and change your state of mind.

Loneliness does not have a physical form. It is a created form of our own thoughts. Having said, if it is created it can be destroyed as well.

So ladies! Cheer up because loneliness is not a final destination, it is just a bumpy road.