Things You Should Never Say To Your Boss – Be A Tactful Employee!


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Things You Should Never Say To Your Boss

Can you traverse back to an instance when you slipped your tongue while having a conversation with your boss? I am sure you would have felt like deleting that moment and regretted slipping your tongue, wishing you never said what you said. Isn’t it?

Well! Blunders of that sort unavoidably happen and you cannot reverse or take back what you said. The least you can do is mind what you say the next time just because it is simply not feasible to undo what’s done or said. Weird situations of that sort help all of us learn and get smart as we walk along the career path in our life.

Sadly, we all have to be tactful about what we say to our bosses and if required it is okay to be a hypocrite too. That’s how it is supposed to be and the reality does not change. In fact, it is better that way!

Read this article to clearly understand what you are not allowed to tell your boss unless you want to mess things up. See how much of these tips can you incorporate!

Why Do You Have To Be Careful About What You Speak To Your Boss?

Why Do You Have To Be Careful About What You Speak To Your Boss

When you are in the outside world, it is nice to have your mask on for the right reasons. This means you would have to step away from your real self at times and not be rude while saying things.

You are forbidden to be who you really are in every situation in your professional life. Especially in those times while you are talking to your boss.

You need to do it because you need your job and you do not want to get into controversial conversations to spoil your peace of mind. Do you?

The only answer to why you must mind what you say when you speak to your boss is because you are representing yourself, your conduct in a professional environment has to be in place and you need not necessarily be in the good books of your boss but you cannot be in the bad books either, so it is necessary to keep your lips zipped at times.

This practice serves well. You might not understand it while you read it. However, when you go ahead in your career it will all make sense to you.

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Never Say These Things To Your Boss – Zip Your Lips!

No 1 – I Am Totally Disinterested To Work

I Am Totally Disinterested To Work

Your boss might find a reason to point at you if you are completely truthful and tell him that you are disinterested to work. This will give your boss a wrong impression about you and he might end up feeling that you are losing focus. You will know its outcome when you are under-performing or he sees you chilling someday even though you are done for the day. Stay alert on that.

How to be tactful here?

You do not tell your boss that you do not have any interest in the work on a given day. However, you could tell him/her that you are unable to focus as good as the other days and maybe a new task or responsibility for that particular day would help you get your focus back. Got a knack of how to communicate it?

No 2 – I Cannot Work, I Am Not Sober Because Of A Hangover

I Cannot Work I Am Not Sober Because Of A Hangover

Tell me about hangovers! It is bad to have it when you have to report to work the next day. That said, you cannot avoid going for a gathering if it is in a working week. It gets challenging to handle yourself in such circumstances. No doubt!

If your boss catches you feeling drowsy it is still okay but you better keep your mouth shut and do not reveal that you have a bad hangover. Right before you step into your workstation sort yourself out with all the remedies to get over a hangover and then get in.

If you end up being honest, there are chances that your boss is going to feel that you lack seriousness at work, and his/her trust or impression about you that you would have slogged for would all get wiped in a day.

How to be tactful here?

In the worst to worst case. Say suppose, you are spotted looking the most drowsy, you will just smile and keep your eyes wide open telling your boss that you are just tired because you could not catch up on a good night’s sleep. This is how you manage it.

No 3 – I Need To Take A Leave To Find My Way To A Better Job

I Need To Take A Leave To Find My Way To A Better Job

It is not necessary that you always be truthful about what you are up to. That said, you need not let your boss know that you are going for an interview. It is okay to bluff. Yes, someday he/she would anyways know that you want to move out.

However, you do not say that to your boss unless you are sure that you want to move out. There is one right time for discussion and it is better discussed when needed.

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No 4 – What Do You Even Do All Day?

What Do You Even Do All Day

At any cost, you cannot be frank and openly tell your boss that he is, after all a boss and what would is his work at the end of the day. You can feel that way only until your shadow. You do not say that to your boss. Never!

Even if he does nothing you cannot openly show it out to him or tell him that on his face. You might not know but he would have his share of stress and targets. You never know what is the story of another person. Always be watchful about what you say.

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How to be tactful here?

It is not your place to talk about it. Therefore, it is better if you stay calm and do not give out your opinions. If you want to know what is his job role you could indirectly ask him about what keeps him occupied in the entire day and how does he manage to cope up with stress.

No 5 – Why Should I Do This Task?

It is good to have your boundaries set. Transparency is one way of adding professionalism in your work. It is not that you cannot deny. However, when your boss delegates work to you, you must not tell him/her that it is not what you are paid for.

As an employee, it becomes your basic courtesy to co-operate with your boss. Even if you are denying to do the task or you do not know anything about the task, you can always be clear that you would need help because you yourself are clueless about the task.

How to be tactful here?

The only means to be tactful here is to say that you would try your best but you cannot assure that you would reach up to expectations or you could be honest and say that it is not your cup of tea giving him/her valid reasons. Never ever will you say things like “it is not my job” or “I will not do it”.

No 6 – I Do Not Like The Policies

I Do Not Like The Policies

If you say you do not like something about the workplace it could offend your boss and it is better to be quiet than to say anything at all.

Never criticize the policies at your workplace in front of your boss, whether you like it or you don’t. Always keep in mind that you are at a workplace by choice, to make money and to make your career. Thus, focus on that.

You being point-blank about the policies being pathetic could make your boss re-consider your promotion. Be safe and do not take any risk.

How to be tactful here?

If at all you are facing too many troubles with the policies it is best to ask your boss for suggestions on how to cope with it or if you are asked for your opinion just give a neutral feedback about you liking it in case you dislike it.

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No 7 – Why Should I Extend My Support?

Why Should I Extend My Support

It is displeasing if your boss asks for your help and you do not support your boss knowing of a solution. It is an exception if you do not really know about the solution but being rude and saying that you cannot support is not how you treat your boss.

It is essential at a workplace that your boss trusts you. However, if you deny support when your boss needs you the most, it can form a negative opinion about you in your boss’s mind.

How to be tactful here?

Give a convincing reason if you do not want to support your boss. However, do not say no directly.

No 8 – The Boss In The Other Department Does A Better Job

The Boss In The Other Department Does A Better Job

You cannot tell your boss that the other boss has better capabilities and he/she is your favorite. You need to understand that everyone is capable and lacking in their own way.

Even if you find a difference between the two, you can always keep it to yourself. It should not come up as a topic of discussion from your end. Accept your boss the way he/she is, do not pinpoint capabilities.

No 9 – I Am Capable Of More, This Job Is Nothing

It is excellent if you have your confidence in place. Never try to show off for the knowledge you have and tell your boss that you can do much better and the job is not up to your level. It is not the right way to display your capabilities

How to be tactful here?

If you really feel you are too good for this job, instead share that knowledge with your colleagues. However, do not brag about it or degrade any job.

No 10 – I Do Not Like You

I Do Not Like You

Even if you dislike your boss for whatsoever reasons you do not tell him/her on the face that you cannot stand them. You should never do that. Things would get too awkward and uncomfortable between the two of you

What to do?

All you have to do is to keep it professional. Talk when there is work, have the basic courtesy to wish your boss and avoid talking too much if you feel you do not gel well with the person.

So far you have understood what you are not supposed to say to your boss. Apart from what you have read through it is important that you keep three things in mind before you speak. Think if your language is professional, is it the right time to talk, and watch out for your tone.

While it might be tough for you to have everything in your mind which things we should never say to Boss. But, speak to yourself it would help to cultivate the right art of talking to your boss. How would you cultivate that art? Trust your gut and take advice from your close people to learn more about how to communicate with your boss.

Be professional and good with your boss!

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Vihaa Nichani(Neha Makhija) is a content writer whose passion for penning down thoughts channeled into the right direction and became her profession. She is keen on deep diving into every topic she writes about and is inclined towards challenging her capabilities by writing on diverse topics such as women’s health, beauty, fashion, relationships and lifestyle. Besides this, she enjoys dancing, traveling, jogging and trekking.