Some Interesting and Fun Texting Games To Play


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texting games to play

Technology has made it simpler and also complicated to be in touch. And when it comes to enjoying and finding connect with your loved ones during your free time, there are ample options you can explore which are hovering around technology. Thank god for technology! I met my soul mate, and yes I only had the digital medium before getting hitched and not even meeting in person until 4 days prior to the wedding. But technology gave so many treats that all what was meant to be known was out there and it is a special connect when you text more than speak. Let us know some interesting and fun texting games which are not just for fun but also mean a lot if you are pushing it hard to find time with your special one.

Fun texting games to play over text when you are alone and bored:

When you are commuting or just waiting for someone or have free time when there’s nothing else around than your phone, text games can be an interesting pick. And you don’t need any apps or data speed to begin the games. Just a text can help you enjoy some really interesting games with your loved ones. Just surprise your pal and make your day even brighter with the below interesting texting games:

texting games to play

1- Movie and actors:

I have always loved playing it as a kid. Just pick a movie and share with your pal on another side. When you share the move the person at the other end must first crack the actors both female and male in the movie and using either of them write back a movie name. Then again you proceed in the same way. The best part is you can’t repeat one actor more than 3 times in a sequence. And add more fun rules to make it more interesting

2- Movie lines:

Movie lines

This is also another interesting texting game for movie buffs. You just share a famous line from a movie and person at the other end has to guess the name of that movie. And if they guess they win. This keeps continuing one by one each asking the famous lines. You can also add more difficulty levels with selection of movie themes or from 70’s 80’s 90’s or older or of any famous actor

3- I Spy:

Yes, texting games I spy is also as much fun as the real one. This game goes to a whole new level with texting fun. Pick a place or location you both know very well and begin playing I, spy. I have even tried the WhatsApp version with pictures of areas around me and then begin the I spy.

4- Kiss, marry, kill:

This one from school days has been a very popular boredom killing game. We all have played it and still very much love playing with our BFF’s. Simply pick 3 people and share with your friend at other side and ask him to categorize in kill, marry or kiss. The fun part comes after the person at the other end has chosen the 3 categories. Also more interesting when you pick people from your own social circle and whom you both know combining with celebrities and politicians and more

5- Would you rather:

This can be an outrageous and more thrilling than the above texting games. And you can play with a group or 3 more people. Just pick options to text like would you rather and wait for them until they respond their crazy and witty best alternative.

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6- Name game:

You begin with picking a category like celebrity, sort star and singer or politician. Then the other one sames a famous person in that category. Then using the last letter of that name you pick another famous person in the same category beginning with that last letter and it continues until you exhaust the category completely

Name game

7- Abbreviations:

Create abbreviations or ask popular funny ones this can be an interesting and exciting text game. Say you are making food and watching Suits. So abbreviation for you is MFWS. Let the other one keep guessing until they decipher the same completely

8- 20 questions:

This is a very nice game we all have played in our school and college days. With digital addition this game becomes even the more interesting. Come up with an interesting and famous thing place or personality. Then allow the yes or no questions to pour in. The point is that the person has to guess in given 20 yes and no questions to win it.

9- JAM:

Or just a minute. I cant say how much I love it when I play this on texting. This tests the dexterity and also speed on the device. Just pick a category and both of you give one minute to write as many famous personalities in it or items used in any recipe or in a sport or anything which has a group of 20-30 or more things in it which you have to write and guess in the 1 minute time.

10- Trivia:


This is interesting and a more serious text game pick. Just ask questions which are more related to current affairs or knowledge or anything which has an accurate answer but don’t use google for finding it. At least pretend not to

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Texting games to play with a girl:

Wondering what texting games to play with your girlfriend to know her better and add more fun to your bond. Well as interesting as it sounds, it does help in getting you know more about each other and also become more connected with each other with ease and comfort. Some such games are:

1- What is your idea of a blind date:

This helps in knowing the secret fantasies of your girl and why not making them alive for her with you doing it all

2- Sentences using emoji:

Make sentences by using emoji and let the other one decipher them. It gets really fun and exciting after while.

3- Scavenger hunt:

Ask questions about you both. The day when you both first met, where did you eat your first dinner together and more details which are truly a literal scavenger hunt. It can be interesting and fun to go through the mesmerizing things in past.

4- Confessions now:

Just text I want to confess that….

And begin confessing things you always wished to. Both of you have to get in groove and begin with truth filled game and try not to seek details just keep it fun and casual as you are texting for knowing each other better and not finding faults

5- Fill the blanks:

Ask questions to each other in fill in the blanks kind of game. Just ask things like I look great in————– or I like watching—— you like reading—- and get to know each other better

Fill the blanks

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Texting games to play with a guy you are not seeing:

This can be tricky as you have to take care that you don’t give any hints or cross any lines. Just as friends and some one who knows you, you have to play this in as clean way as possible. Some games of which are harmless and interesting to play are

1- I spy
2- Movie names
3- Trivia
4- 20 questions
5- Build a story: This is fun when you know the person and also know you both can enjoy talking. So begin with one sentence and start building up as a story. Pick a theme and make it more fun

Texting games to play with a guy

The above compilation of some interesting and fun texting games to play is to share how a travel or commute can become interesting by staying connected with your friends and partners. And that too in such intriguing ways. Be sure to keep the games as relevant to both as possible to continue the interest levels.

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