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Pregnancy is an extremely demanding and critical time for any women. The entire future health and fitness of mother and child depends on the nutrition and health during this time. Therefore it is intrinsic to adopt a diet plan and try to stick with it. So we have you covered with our tips on, ”do you know these superfoods for pregnancy” This is a time when nutrients derived from food are not only vital for your own body but to nourish and support your growing baby too. As a rule of thumb, minimize processed food intake and munch more on fresh produce. But there are some rich superfoods which will enrich and enhance your health and fitness. Though pregnancy is the time for crazy cravings and most of them are unhealthy or too heavy to digest, these superfoods are sure to fill your cravings too.
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Always remember the pregnancy diet must be aimed at being easy to digest, reducing the birth defects in the child, providing superfoods for growth and development and prevent any complications during pregnancy and labor. These are of utmost importance while devising your diet plan. The superfoods detailed below will be power-packed energy boosters and help you fulfill the calorie counts for your own body and for the fetus.
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Some Superfoods for Pregnancy Include:

Bananas are extremely rich in potassium. These are the healthiest and easiest handy snacks and they also control blood pressure during pregnancy. Bananas are believed to keep a check on constipation and help in movement of the digestive tract. Research also suggests banana prevents heart diseases, stroke and diabetes for long. Banana also reduces fluid retention in our body and thus maintain a healthy fluid balance. They also contain tryptophan which helps to promote sleep and help in relaxing the body. Banana are a great energy snacks and must be taken everyday
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Yogurts fulfills major calcium requirements for our body. And they are natural probiotics which strengthen the body immunity too. They reduce the risk of eczema in baby. They also enrich the proteins in our body. The healthy bacteria in yogurt prevent the pre-labor symptoms and also prenatal infections in the child.

Almonds are power-packed with Vitamin E and also help in cooling the body. They are rich in developing the brain of the child. And almond milk is an energy packed potion which will satiate the hunger pangs for long. Just a little quantity is a rich source of proteins.

Tofu is extremely rich in proteins and also iron, calcium, magnesium and vitamins. Tofu must be consumed as an additive on salad dressings and fruits. It not only is rich in nutrition but also fulfills us for long. The Vitamin K ingredients in tofu help in blood clotting particularly after birth.
5.Sweet potato:

Sweet potatoes are packed with calcium, betacarotene, Vitamin C and A. This is extremely important during first trimester in which the cell division is at its rapid. Also sweet potato are rich in fiber and provide good calories needed for body functions.

Fresh fruits are rich in minerals and vitamins. Also they add lot of fluids in body which help in maintaining circulation. Specially the melon and berry fruits must be consumed in addition to daily apples. They add betacarotene and folic acids which are helpful in development of brain in the fetus. The vitamin C in fruits helps in absorption of iron too.

Specially broccoli, tomato, spinach, carrots and beans must be consumed daily. For they are rich in fiber and other essential nutrients. They have zero calorie addition and act as roughage for most of our digestive functions.

Eggs are rich in proteins, iron and vitamins. They also aid in the vitamin D enhancement. They reduce the risk of gestational diabetes, preeclampsia and low birth weight. They also reduce the risk of neural-tube defects. An egg a day meets almost all essential requirements for some vitamins and proteins.
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9.Whole grains:

A rich source of proteins and fibers, whole grains must make up for one complete meal for a pregnant woman. Oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa, whole wheat must be made a part of your diet. They are fulfilling and keep you stay away from mid meal hunger pangs leading to calorie indulgence

Milk is a very important nutrient for it covers Vitamins, minerals and proteins. A glass of milk 2 to 3 times a day can help in covering almost 50% of all nutritional requirements. Add more milk to your diet as superfood and enjoy the benefits of health and nutrition.

The above compilation on “do you know these Superfoods for pregnancy” is based on experiences and learnings over time. Pregnancy is a time when the normal body requirement of essential nutrients rises as growth and nourishment for mother and baby are linked to it. Also some specific foods are believed to add more nutrition and without adding fats to the diet. These must be taken in more quantities for enjoying healthy and fit pregnancy.
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By Minu Manisha