Spring clean and declutter your closet for perfect organization hack


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Spring clean and declutter

Spring bloom and blossoms all around, refreshes and revitalizes for a pompous summer ahead. We just heralded the chilly winters and its time to pack up the piling woolens. But wait, not yet as we need to plan and get rid of few. All the stuffed and cluttered closets are not only a bad sight but calls for a mighty task ahead. We have some tips to spring clean and declutter your closet for perfect organization. Every time you open the closet to a rendezvous with a daunting task, and then the mighty thought pops up, “nothing to wear”

Spring clean and declutter your closet to treat yourself with the sassy new spring collection and wardrobe additions. Its not only easy, quick and refreshing, but also prompts a positive energy in the household. A little more planning and a little less trouble, makes for our idea of closet editing and organization. Despite not being an OCD freak, i still hated the idea of cluttered closet and stuff falling out. So i devised a few easy and efficient hacks to emulate year on year for shaping and arranging.

Spring Clean And Declutter For Perfect Organization Hack

Spring clean and declutter your closet for perfect organization hack includes preparing with 3 important tips:

1- One at a time:

One at a time

Do not trash it all at one place, it needs division of work. Choose the most cluttered area first. Do not haste into putting it all back together in a snap.

2- Classify and group:

Classify and group

Divide the outfits, shoes, accessories, home supplies, cleaning supplies, decoration, books and everything else into groups. Make proper sets of items to be kept together. First write on a paper the spaces you have, and the spaces you would need for keeping items in groups.

3- Sort:


The most difficult part, for me, i could never live with the idea of trashing a part of my closet. I may have used it fully or find not use for it, but whatever was mine was treasured and always put to occupy the most revered place in my closet. Its ironical, how time and again, I wanted to declutter and yet not part with my possessions. But i have come to believe that a practical and rational approach will help in decluttering the closets and also removing the unwanted items. It is better to sort and part with the items not finding any use.

Some steps to cleaning the closet and organizing it in most efficient ways include:

1- Make it a family affair:

Make it a family affair

Cleaning and organizing isn’t all that hectic after all, involve your family and make it a pre-spring decluttering carnival at home. It helps in arranging and classifying when there are more people. Also the little fun memories you flash when some long lost items from closet show up. Worth the activity.

2- Begin with top most shelves:

Begin with top most shelves

Start from top most shelves. Empty them first and then clean them. Remove old shelf liners and replace with new ones. Try and divide the shelf areas also, into 3 categories: Casual, formal and seasonal. Try to keep the heavy puffed seasonal in boxes on attack or under storage. Group the clothes and then sort into the ones you can put app for grabs and the ones which must be trashed.

3- Get space saving storage and organization delights:

Get space saving storage

Do read the storage and organization ideas here “How to organize most efficiently”

Buy over the door, under the bed, over the shelf and other hanging storage fits, they are great when items are too many and space is too less. Inexpensive and lightweight easy to store, they are so versatile that you will fall in love with the spring cleaning activity.

4- Remove unfitting and worn outs:

Now its time to part with them. Remove the ones you have worn too much or the ones which were a part of impulsive shopping. And stay as ornamental delights in your closets. Keep them first in one pile and then classify them into CAN BE DONATED, CAN BE SOLD or NEED TO BE TRASHED category. For their end result.

5- Make 3 different piles for clothes:

Make 3 different piles for clothes

Seasonal clothes, essential clothes or casuals, formal wear. Select the clothes that you feel essential for everyday use and keep them in most ergonomic places. You will need them everyday. The formals can occupy a little over the top or under the range place. For seasonal outfits , put as many as you can in a box. Seal and keep chalk in it to prevent moisture and humidity problems. Keep them in hassle free places for which you don’t have to worry until the season arrives.

6- Rule of thumb: An item not touched and with the tag for over 2 years is up for grabs:

All the items carrying tags and not used from past two of more years are just FEEL GOOD ITEMS. Chances are strong you may never use them or even remember them at all. It is better to see them for sale. They will help you space out for more trendy spring summer wardrobe.

7- After taking out the stuff, buff up your closet:

buff up your closet

Replace shelf liners, clean and wipe the dust off, and put some chalks to absorb excess moisture. The closet can also be decorated with colorful liners. This will add glamor and fun to your closet reorganization and decluttering activity.

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8- Use hangers and hooks generously:

Use hangers and hooks generously

Use good hangers for shirts and blouses. They not only organize the closet well but also save you from the pain for ironing each and overtime. Get some hanger pairs that save space, like the 4 hanger unit or 10 hanger unit to put your formal or less worn outfits together in one line.

9- Shoe organization:

Shoe organization

Shoes are very tricky in decluttering and arranging the closet. Use over the door shoe organizers for formal and less used footwear and use outdoor shoe holder for regular ones.

10- Purse and accessories:

Purse and accessories

For purses and accessories use a specific storage unit. they will not only arrange them properly but also spare good space from your existing closet.

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Spring clean and declutter

“Spring clean and declutter your closet for perfect organization hack” is based on my own experiments every spring. It was more of a fulfilled activity involving our family of 3. It also breaks the organizational monotony and adds fresh appeal to the closets. The above points are tried and tested and guarantee amazing closet organization.

Share and text us for more, we love your feedbacks. Enjoy the thrilling declutter activity, it will sure charm you.

Minu Manisha