How To Safely Sleep With Curls- Keep It Mess-Free!


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How To Sleep Safe With Curled Hair

Having twisted your hair with a curler and tamed those curls on your silky strands, it is obvious that you are going to be possessive about the style. Wondering how to safely sleep with curls?

The fear seems to increase when you have to put your head on the pillow. Does that mean you are going to spoil your beauty sleep and stay obsessed with your curls? Well, obsession is not good for your health. You can get smart and find a way to escape the spoil curls look on your hair. So, stop being conscious about how to sleep with curls in your hair.

In this article, you will find convincing tips to safely sleep with those curls in your hair and barely find your hair messy.

Tricks To Sleep Safe With Curly Hair – You Won’t Ruin Your Curls!

You won’t see any frizz, mess or dents on your hair if you stay devoted to a few of these tips that can save your curls from getting messy. For now, read through the tips and go to sleep peacefully with the curls

Trick No 1 – Tie Your Hair Into A Loose Bun

Tie Your Hair Into A Loose Bun

The very thought of tieing your hair when you have curls must be frightening you. Honestly, it is scary to see dents of the rubber band and loose messed curls. That’s not going to happen when you make a loose bun.

The secret here is that you will need to use a leave-in conditioner on your hair before you tie the bun.

Stick to these rules

  • Take a few drops of the leave-in conditioner in your palm
  • Rub it across both your palms and apply it on your hair
  • Also, take a little gel and scrunch it into your hair
  • Gently roll your hair up and loosely tuck it into a scrunchies

What’s the knack?

The leave-in conditioner and gel hold your curls and don’t let them get damaged.

Trick No 2 – Secure Your Hair Into A T-Shirt

Secure Your Hair Into A T-Shirt

If you want to save your hair from taking too much weight beneath which could further spoil the beautiful hard-earned curls, you need to get on to secure them inside a t-shirt.

You will be better assured of the safety of the curls as well as peacefully go to sleep.

Stick to these rules

  • Get a good quality styling product and gently apply it over your hair
  • Bring all your hair forward
  • Place a t-shirt or jersey at the center of your head
  • Now turn the t-shirt around your hair and tie a knot from either end

Note: you should use a microfiber towel, it will beautifully secure all the curls.

What’s the knack?

Basically, applying a styling product and covering your hair effectively keeps all your curls secured.

Trick No 3 – Twist! Twist! Twist!

This is an amazing method to save all your round tight curls from getting flat. It is obvious if you don’t cover your hair and just hit the pillow directly, your curls are going to lose their charm. Do you want to do that injustice to your hair?

Save your hair from the injustice and perfectly twist your hair by dividing your hair in two. Twist and roll, it is a fun method!

Stick to these rules

  • Wet your hair, remove the extra water with a towel
  • Divide your damp hair into two sections. Don’t use a comb
  • Go to the left section and further divide it into two more sections
  • Twist both the sections individually and then roll them against each other
  • Repeat the same procedure on the right section of the hair as well
  • In the end, you can fold your hair a little and loosely tie it with a rubber band

What’s the knack?

When your hair is rolled, twisted, and left in that shape for long, it keeps all your curls intact.

Trick No 4 – Bring All Your Hair Up

Bring All Your Hair Up

If you are too bothered about securing the soft curls at the end of your hair you should try this method of taking all your hair up and tieing it into a loose ponytail.

Stick to these rules

  • Take all your hair up above the crown of your head
  • Gently tie it with a scrunchie or a headband. It will all be a bunch of hair gathered together

What’s the knack?

When all the hair is taken up there is no chance that your curls would get ruined.

Trick No 5 – Divide Your Hair And Bring It Up

Divide Your Hair And Bring It Up

This method works is taken upon women who have short curled hair. Dividing the hair into three sections and then taking it up is another way of saving the curls on your hair.

Stick to these rules

  • Divide your hair into three sections
  • One by one, take all your hair up above the crown of your head
  • Gently tie each section with scrunchies or a headband. They will all be a bunch of hair gathered together

What’s the knack?

This is a better way of holding all the hair that is short. Taking everything at once wouldn’t hold the hair and keep your curls safe. However, dividing your hair into three sections and then pulling it up is even more effective.

Trick No 6 – Resort To Multiple Braiding

Resort To Multiple Braiding

Multiple braids have an excellent style of keeping all the curls on your hair. Having said, if you want all your soft curls or partial curls to stay together, you can braid every section to maintain the curly effect on your hair.

Stick to these rules

  • Divide your hair into 7-8 sections
  • Loose braid all of them. Avoid braiding your hair too tight, it will spoil the pretty curls on your hair by causing too many dents
  • By the time you wake up the next morning, your curls will get tighter and much more in form

What’s the knack?

Twisting your hair multiple times helps maintain the curls on your hair.

Trick No 7 – Use A Satin Fabric Pillow Case

Use A Satin Fabric Pillow Case

A satin or silk pillowcase can be used to avoid any kind of friction on the hair. You must strictly avoid using a cotton fabric pillowcase.

The reason this pillowcase works well is that it doesn’t make your hair look untidy or make it frizzy. You will in fact see how well your hair glides down the pillowcase without any difficulty.

Besides, women who try the other methods of saving their curls also end up sleeping on satin pillowcases. Therefore, you should know that a satin pillowcase will just save your hair from getting frizzy. It won’t directly secure your curls. In that case, you have to tie your hair as well as use the pillowcase.

If you aren’t comfortable with this idea then use a satin scarf to cover and protect your curls. Additionally, this will keep your hair dangled and frizz-free.

Trick No 8 – Bring Your Hair Up And Collect It With A T-Shirt

Bring Your Hair Up And Collect It With A T-Shirt

This method is an improvised version of taking all your hair up and using scrunchies to hold it. Having said that, if you think there are folds on your hair with using a rubber band then you can take all your hair up and use a t-shirt to hold it all up.

Stick to these rules

  • Put the t-shirt on your head, pull up all your hair and push the t-shirt until your eyebrows
  • Pull up that part of your t-shirt which is hanging. When you go to sleep on the pillow keep all your hair up. Don’t sleep on your hair directly

What’s the logic?

The t-shirt holds all your hair up, saves your curls, and doesn’t cause any dents on your hair.

Trick No 9 – Hold The Curls With A French Braid

Hold The Curls With A French Braid

If you want the wave effect on the curls and don’t want your curls to stick too much to the pillow you will have to lock them well into a french braid. Not a single hair strand will get out of its way and cause trouble to your look.

You can start tieing your hair from up and tie it well until the end. This will form such lovely bents, waves as well as it will keep all your curls in form.

What’s the logic

The logic in tieing your hair into a french braid is to improve the number of waves and curls on your hair.

Trick No 10 – Bring All Your Hair Up And Clip It

Bring All Your Hair Up And Clip It

One of the simplest ways of securing your curls is to take all your hair up and clip it.

Stick to these steps

  • Place your head on a pillow that’s covered with a satin pillowcase
  • Bring all your hair up and let it fall straight and slide through your pillow
  • Hold all your hair and don’t clip it too tight
  • Remain sleeping straight


Curls are spectacular and a woman who loves them will give it her best shot to keep them secure.

To secure your curls while sleeping you need to be aware of the technique in placing your head on the pillow and follow other tricks such as braiding, twisting, taking all your hair up, and tieing it into a loose bun.

Once you stick to these tricks, you will never find it difficult to fall asleep with curls in your hair.