15 Obvious Signs Your Ex Will Eventually Come Back!


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15 Obvious Signs Your Ex Will Eventually Come Back

Breakups are often an outcome of shaken trust, lack of communication, illusionist-like misunderstandings, and never-ending reasons. It goes without saying how inevitably bitter and unpleasant it is to part ways. In cases when the breakup is mutual, looking back is a rare possibility. However, when you least expected it, you are prone to look for signs to see if your ex would eventually come back.

Now, to determine whether it is your lack of acceptance of the separation or a genuine come-back from your ex is confusing yet identifiable or understandable.

Regardless, of how worse it was to part ways. Sometimes, a breakup is not the end, but a new beginning to the world of a stronger love story. On the other hand, when two people break up, it is truly ‘The End’ of that love story.

For better or worse, all separated boyfriends and girlfriends fall into only two of these scenarios, they either patch up or it is over and everyone figures that out. In the meantime, if you have dearly loved your man or woman, the hope of eventually having your ex come back is obvious.

Are you a broken heart looking for answers or waiting for your ex? Honestly, I have been through this and luckily found my ex come back as my love forever. Read this article to identify signs that your ex eventually wants to come back and start fresh.

Read: 8 Excellent Ways To Gain Confidence After A Breakup

Signs That Your Ex Will Eventually Come Back – Time To Unite!

Who is meant to be would find their way back to you – This is true!

If the friendship, bond, and love between both of you have always been effortless and naturally beautiful.

He will find a way back to you and nothing can stop you from getting back to each other.

Now, let’s read through a few signs that confirm that he would eventually come back to you.

The Evident Signs

First, let’s look at the unavoidable things your ex does to come back to you. Pay close attention to every move of your ex-lover.

Sign 1 – Dwells In Guilt And Finds The Need To Correct Mistakes

Dwells In Guilt And Finds The Need To Correct Mistakes

There is a difference in ‘feeling’ guilty and ‘dwelling’ in guilt.

Having said, this unknown gesture that your ex is dwelling in the guilt shows how much he wants to take things back to how they were.

At one point he might want to apologize and get back.

Read: 15 Assuring Signs That He Regrets Breaking Up With You

Sign 2 – Silently Observes You

Silently Observes You

A person is observed only when he/she is special. Well, this gestures proves it all.

If you notice or get to know that he is observing you. It is a clear sign that he still has feelings and might want to approach you once again.

You might observe your ex stalking you on social media for no reason and he would be keen on finding out details about your life.

Think of it, why would an ex-show this level of interest if he/she has moved on? It is because the person has you in mind.

Give it a while and see, this activity of stalking and observing is a sign that your ex is going to come back.

Read: How To Keep Good Relationship With Your Ex After Breakup

Sign 3 – Makes Sure To Stay In Touch

Makes Sure To Stay In Touch

When a couple breaks up, it so happens that they are not too much in touch even if they exchange pleasantries once in a while. Agree?

That being said, if to this date he still keeps messaging and calling you, it means he misses you or is still in denial that the two of you have parted ways.

This is likely to happen when he still wants to hold on and eventually get back to you.

Read: 20 Sweet Signs He Misses You – Bothered To Know Them?

Sign 4 – Values You More Than Expected

Values You More Than Expected

It is known to most of us that we realize the value of an important person when they are not in our life anymore.

He must be going through a similar emotion.

Especially if the breakup was most of his fault and the bond you guys shared was unforgettable, then he is bound to value you more and likely to come back.

One moment of realization is enough to go back and correct everything.

On the other hand, it might so happen that he might not find himself worthy enough for you and won’t get back because he doesn’t want to put you through more.

Sign 5 – Keeps In Touch With Your Friends To Ensure You Are Doing Well

Keeps In Touch With Your Friends To Ensure You Are Doing Well

A man who eventually wants to come back even after a breakup would end up staying in touch with your friends too.

Friends are the only people who would know what a person is going through.

Therefore, if he indirectly begins discussing about you with your friends and trying to find out if you or still single or have moved on, it means he wants to give your relationship another chance.

Sign 6 – Struggles Being Normal With You And Fears Rejection

Struggles Being Normal With You And Fears Rejection

Every person has a different way of accepting a breakup.

A few people can never go back to normal even if they want to. While the others leave what happened in the past and get on with being normal with their ex.

If you feel he wants to talk to you but struggles to, and has some fear that you might say no and is afraid of getting hurt, then he won’t say it but ultimately deep down, he would want to come back to you.

Read: 12 Sure Signs He Is Fighting His Feelings For You – His Real Struggle!

Sign 7 – Always Stresses Over The Good Old Times

Always Stresses Over The Good Old Times

What we constantly talk about is often associated to our thoughts, feelings, and wants.

That being said, a sign that your ex wants to come back to you is when he always talks about the good times you guys had together.

You will instantly know if he is casually talking about the good old times or does he miss them.

If he misses them too much, that day is not far when the two of you might re-unite.

Sign 8 – He Will Indirectly Ask You About Getting Back

He Will Indirectly Ask You About Getting Back

It is rare to find men who clearly speak their heart out. Most of the men indirectly find a way to express their feelings.

If your ex indirectly asks or says the following things, he is looking for a chance to eventually come back.

  1. How would you feel if we got back? Ever thought of it?
  2. Are you dating someone else now?
  3. Do you think we made the right decision by breaking up?
  4.  “I don’t think I would ever find an amazing person like you”.
  5. “The breakup has not done any good to me. I am more unhappy”.

Sign 9 – Shows Up Often

Shows Up Often

After a breakup, he won’t be in that comfort zone to make plans but if he still loves you, he will make excuses to see you.

He would show up at your place saying he was passing by or finds out about your plans and bumps into you without your knowledge.

This showing up often and wanting to see you is nothing but his love for you and one day he is going to openly tell you how much he wants to get back.

Sign 10 – He Is Insecure About You

He Is Insecure About You

The moment he can’t stop himself from dealing with his insecurities of losing you, he would find his way back to you.

He might get jealous seeing you with someone else, he would start to feel lonely without your company, and a part of his happiness would be lost.

The moment he can’t take it anymore, he will tell you how much he loves you and needs you in his life.

Read: Insecurities In A Relationship – 8 Peaceful Ways To Get Over It!

Sign 11 – He Won’t Be Interested In Seeing Someone Else

He Wont Be Interested In Seeing Someone Else

If he truly wanted to move on, he would have been with someone by now. Agree?

This could even mean that he doesn’t want to be with anyone.

But if he is not with anyone because of not being able to get over you, there would be a day when he would walk up to you and tell you how much he loves you.

Sign 12 – His Eyes Speak An Emotional Language When You Are Around

His Eyes Speak An Emotional Language When You Are Around

Intuitions and how a person looks at you speaks volumes about their intentions and feelings for you.

In a scenario where your partner didn’t want to break up and had to, it won’t go unnoticed.

Even if his words meant something, his eyes would contradict.

If you find the joy of seeing you and the sorrow of losing you in those deep eyes, he is going to return.

Sign 13 – His Posts On Social Media Talk About His Feelings For You

His Posts On Social Media Talk About His Feelings For You

Call it a trend or habit, sharing posts related to our feelings on social media is in the air.

Feelings, achievements, failure, and many such thoughts are expressed.

Sometimes, the person posting messages is trying to convey a message to the person they cannot directly talk to.

If it is in your ex’s heart to come back, he would hint you about his feelings through posts on social media. Keep a watch.

The Unusual Signs

Sign 14 – Gets Into Another Relationship Quick

Gets Into Another Relationship Quick

If your ex has been in love with you for years and immediately after the breakup out of nowhere finds someone else, it simply means he/she is either trying to run away from pain or is seeking the same comfort he felt with you.

It can be painful to see him with someone else, but you never know, he is probably doing this to make you jealous too.

If at all he is really happy with this new lady, he might not come back to you. However, if he hasn’t been able to get you off his mind, he would return back to the one he genuinely loves.

This might seem unusual, but that’s how a few people choose to manage that emptiness in life.

Read: 12 Strong Signs He Is Pretending Not To Like You!!

Sign 15 – Chooses To Be With Someone Who is Not Like You

Chooses To Be With Someone Who is Not Like You

Choosing to be with someone who is not like you is the most unusual activity your ex chooses as a solution to get over you.

If he is in denial mode and doesn’t want to accept that he loves you, it won’t do any good to the new relationship.

Eventually, it will come to an end and he will want to pair up with you like old times.

How To React If Your Ex Comes Back?

Your reaction to your ex coming back is personal. However, it is better to be wise in the way you react.

Here are a few things to keep in mind while dealing with your ex who has come back.

I – If the breakup was mutual

  • Be good to him and let him speak
  • Honestly tell him about how you feel and what you want to do
  • If the two of you are on the same page, try and work things out
  • Don’t get back out of sympathy or for the sake of it, start fresh only if you are sure you can live with him
  • Finally, think over it before you make a decision

II – If you broke up and hurt him, yet he wants to come back

  • Apologize to him for your bad behavior
  • Accept all your mistakes – give up on your ego or pride. Remember you are at a fault
  • If he is venting out and saying harsh things – quietly listen to him, he is after all hurt
  • And if you genuinely love him the same way but just messed things up in the past, life is giving you another chance to set everything right
  • If the love from your end has come to an end and you’ve moved on, tell him the truth and let him start a new life

III – If he broke up and hurt you

  • Listen to his explanation
  • Understand if he genuinely wants you back or has selfish reasons to get back
  • Usually, there are people who get back for their selfish reasons like the need for sex, money, they are just guilt, they only miss you and don’t want you to be after someone else. If you sense anything of this sort. Immediately avoid the person
  • At the end of it, it is you who knows him the best. Go back only after you really see a change in him as everyone in life deserves a second chance to correct their mistakes
  • Don’t rush, test him well before you go back. Believe in your intuition and prioritize yourself while taking your decision

Take Away

If your ex is meant to come back, he will. Nothing can drive you apart.

If you have experienced one or all of these signs, he is likely to come back to you. However, the lesser the hope, the better for you.

Later, it is for you to think if the two of you can hold hands to start a new life together or happily let go. Take a while, think over it, and then make a wise decision.