12 Signs Your Ex Is Hurting After The Breakup!


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12 Signs Your Ex Is Hurting After The Breakup

When breakups are not mutual and a partner decides to back off, the one who wants to take the relationship ahead feels lost and empty. Do you know….What are the Signs Your Ex Is Hurting After The Breakup?

It is not easy to see your partner on a different page when you want to sail in the boat of love the two of you made. It is difficult to get it off your chest but at some point you learn to digest it and live with a learning that no relationship comes with a permanent tag.

Guess what? Even for the dumpers its never easy, although dumpers assume that the dumpers are happier,that’s not the case at all. All said and done, your ex is hurting after the breakup even though you won’t feel like agreeing to this.

Read this article to get to know signs that your ex is hurting after the breakup.

Clearly Proven Signs Your Ex Is Hurting After The Breakup

Signs That Clearly Prove He Is Hurting After The Breakup

When your boyfriend breaks up and leaves you at a junction you never though you would have been at, every moment that caused you pain cannot be forgotten so easily.

Generally, women feel their pain and they let it out effortlessly. On the other hand, men are totally opposite, even though they have troubled you or been the reason for break up, they won’t express it. At least most of them.

Usually, after breaking up, men try to pretend to be normal and rock strong after painful moments too. Well, that’s not a good sign at all because they make it look unusual and artificial.

It is complicated to understand the dumper feels but here are a few signs that your Ex is hurting after a breakup and he might not understand it himself and even confuse you. In short, his conscience would talk and he would prove it in his actions that he is not comfortable about what is happening.

Sign 1 – He Would Get In Touch With You For No Reason

Even after you’ve been hurt after the breakup, he won’t think of the damage caused to you, he will do what he feels like and call you up probably because he is guilty.

He may or may not tell you that he regrets the decision but to ensure there is peace in between the two of you and no guilt baggage, he will make it a point to call you often.

At times, there won’t be a valid reason but to gain your emotional support he might call. If he is doing this, it is true that even he is hurting after the breakup.

Don’t allow these calls to be a ray of hope or avoid taking it as a sign that he might get back. Keep moving ahead, even if he calls. Avoid taking his calls if it is bothering you.

Sign 2 – He Gets Agitated And Behaves Abnormal

A few men cannot feel at peace when he is hurting after a breakup. When you look at him, you will see anger or when you try discussing, he might not give you the answers you are looking for at that moment.

After all, he would be frustrated with his own doing and his emotions would speak. Perhaps, he is angry with himself for breaking up or seeing no reaction from your end must be bothering him even more.

This is undoubtedly a sign that the guy is hurt after the breakup but wants to express anger more than revealing the fact that he feels bad but doesn’t want to admit or show his weakness.

Sign 3 – He Removes You From His Friends List On Social Media

This action of removing you from his friends list could probably be a sign that the guy is really hurt after the breakup. This aspect depends on how much he is hurt.

If his reason for breaking up is ‘You’ then he might not want to see you on media or stalk you often. While he can stalk you even if he is not on your friends list, he would still not want you in his friends list, to show that he is hurt because of you after the breakup.

Removing your ex from friends list is sometimes an advantage and a disadvantage too. It is an advantage because the two of you won’t need to feel bad seeing each other. On the other hand, it is a disadvantage as you are running away from your problems.

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Sign 4 – He Gets Worried And Starts To Overthink

The same man who was busy and stuck avoiding his feelings has started think and this is why he is worried and overthinking. He might not be able to distract himself any further.

This is clearly a sign that even he is hurt after the breakup and is trying to analyse that he could have handled the situation instead of breaking up or he must have thought of being alone and realized that it is not easy to detach from someone who hasn’t harmed or done wrong, especially when it is the same woman who has feelings for you.

Sign 5 – He Starts Talking Negative About You

By talking ill about you after break up, clearly shows that he is extremely angry and is hurt or he is doing that on purpose to get over you. This sounds absolutely complicated but that’s exactly how a few mentally unstable men behave.

It is one way of trying to defend himself, he might blame your behavior that forced him to breakup or try gaining sympathy from the others. Although it is a bad and unhealthy way of dealing with the situation, he might consciously or sub-consciously want to be in god books.

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Sign 6 – He Feels Empty And Bad

End of a relationship is not the end of life, it feels like the end of one. However, when a relationship was way too special and strong, initially, the two of you would feel low and unhappy. Especially, if the two of you have been attached and too much into each other.

He will come to a point where the memories of the two of you supporting each other will flash in front of him and if he feels this emptiness too deep, it is a clear sign that he is hurting after a breakup.

To avoid this pain, there is no harm if the two of you decide to keep it healthy after the break up.

Sign 7 – He Shows Up At Places You Visit Often

The thought that you want to avoid him is a clear sign which proves you are hurt because of the breakup and unfortunately if he still lands up at places you visit, it means he wants to confront you and may be express what he is going through or confess his mistake.

Only a man who is hurting from the breakup feels this way. This might be something that you would have expected and wanted him to realize and make an effort to bring things back to normal if not a patch up, but to assume what is in his heart is not fair or worth bothering now.

Having said, after he gets a taste of your ignorance, he would get even more curious to know more about what is happening at your end and then whether to entertain him or not is a personal choice.

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Sign 8 – The Man Apologizes And Wants To Patch Up

Many a times, it so happens that couples are hyper at that moment and burst out without thinking of a the beautiful bond. While there are a few cases where the percentage of efforts made into that relationship is not equally balanced in between a couple.

When he genuinely knows it his mistake, he will find it highly difficult to hide his sorrow and guilt, he would immediately come and apologize. If he loves you, he would directly ask you about giving the relationship another chance and if he is ashamed of asking it directly, he would indirectly be keen on finding out if you are dating someone else.

Yes, it is true that partners who break up and are madly in love, they will always find a path to find their way back.

Sign 9 – He Gives You Attention Like Never Before

If the one who breaks up with you is sorry and wants to bring back everything to how it was, he would start to value the relationship more and automatically you would receive the attention like never before.

On one end, he wants to correct his mistake and is quite guilty. On the other hand, he has feelings for you and needs your attention.

Often he would make calls, help you when you are unwell, put his hands into your household chores.

If you think he is giving you hints of a new start and you don’t look forward to it with him, let him know clearly that you cannot afford giving this relationship another chance.

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Sign 10 – He Won’t Look Into Your Eyes

After breakup, it is hard for your ex to look into your eyes. It is a clear sign that he is hurting after the breakup.

He loses his sense and understanding of how to be himself around you. If he breaks up for selfish reasons, the guilt would consume him and he won’t look into your eyes. On the other hand, if he breaks up because of your mistake, then too in pain he would look way from you.

His attitude would say it all, if he is composed and ignoring you, it means he is sober and sensible enough to understand what happened between the two of you. On the contrary, if he tries to protect his ego and doesn’t look at you even once, it is clear that he is carrying a false attitude.

Sign 11 – He Shuts Himself

Many a times, when we have made a big mistake, our guilt would make us feel like shutting ourselves from the world. The same happens with an ex who was the reason for break up. This shutting himself and not interacting with people is a clear hint that he is hurting after the break up.

The person might stop being active on media, he would not want to be a part of gatherings, and his friends would have complaints about his lack of initiative to meet them.

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Sign 12 – He Wouldn’t Find Happiness In Any Relationship

Happiness is personal and incomplete at the cost of someone’s pain. If he broke up with you for another person, he might be going through a rough patch with that person and isn’t as compatible as the two of you were. On the other hand, if he truly loves you and is hurting after the breakup, he won’t be able to give your place to another person. He wouldn’t have moved on yet.

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Having read this article, did you feel at any point these signs your ex is hurting after the breakup?

Even the guy who shows that he is strong and doesn’t care, feels the pinch of breaking up with his partner. To break up if the relationship is not getting any better even after trying is understandable. In such cases where two people are not getting along despite every effort, it is better for the two of you to mutually take back your steps and move on.