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Some links in this article are affiliate links. We may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through these links, at no extra cost to you. We only recommend products we find useful to our readersSo you have been dating for the past few years and now you are ready to make the commitment, and you feel that you are actually ready to marry him. The thing about this realization is that it can be momentary, but what we can forget that is that the implications can be life changing.
You could have know your partner for years, but there are certain obvious signs that make you realize that you actually do want to take the big step. Often these tell tale signs can be subjective, but because you are not the first person on this earth who has decided to get married there are certain clues you can look for, something that will help you ease into the decision.
The subject of marriage is not something that can be dealt with as a matter of joke, it’s a conscious decision to join your life with someone else, and everything you do or decide before the big step is going to make a difference. Just so you know, the big venture you are getting into, it entails certain observations, certain compromises, all of which will indicate whether you and your partner are compatible or not.
The Tell Tale Signs
Your social media feed might be flooded with posts and photos of your friend’s wedding, your colleague could be having a baby, you best friend could be on her honeymoon. All these reminders might urge you to take a step. But what one should realize is that none of these external factors matter when it comes to actually making a decision. Given below are the actual tell tale signs that will let you know whether you are ready to get married to him or not :
1. You Have Lived a life of Your Own
This is especially true for the thinking woman. We all know how important it is to be independent, when you realize that you have in fact had a separate yet wholesome life all by yourself and that another person is just an addition and not a necessity, only then can you have a harmonious and unconditional relationship where you both are happy. For this, each of you needs to go through your own set of experiences, hardships and tribulations so that time can hone the real you, and you can come to your own personality. This way each of the two members are strong and solid on their own. Once you come to a point where you feel like you are pretty much the best version of yourself,only then should you get married. Until then, hustle.
2. Both of You Share Deep Relationship
Again this is a very important point. If you are planning to get married to someone. It is important that your relationship goes beyond the “fun” parts, you both have to be compatible in ways that are not the usual. This is not some undue pressure, but if you are consciously taking a step so permanent, ask yourself some questions- are you both compassionate with each other? He doesn’t have to be super romantic but is he thoughtful and considerate? Is this someone you can imagine waking up next to – every single day for the rest of your life? The understanding and the bond are factors you need to really think about, because at the end of the day, your spouse is your best friend.
3. You Both Trust Each Other

Having crossed a few milestones by now, you both will know just how much you do trust each other. It all comes to the peaceful realization that this person can keep your heart safe and that there are absolutely no doubts about that. It is a matter of assurance that they have given you and vice versa- so ask yourself, do you know what its like to be completely trusting of someone? Are you sure they will never break your heart? That they do know the value of your feelings and yes, that you could trust them with your life? The alacrity and sensitivity that a person needs to have are of paramount importance because a marriage is one of the biggest commitments ever! so make sure that the foundation is built on mutual trust and understanding.
4. You are Perfectly Happy With How Your Partner is
This can only come after having spent a lot of time together. You will know the good and the bad parts of the person together , and you will be able to judge your compatibility. Again. The point here is that when you decide to get married, you are already very happy with your partner and there is nothing that you are trying to change. You both know each other’s personality so well that you are not looking to make any changes. You have already adjusted to their personality type and the two of you fit like puzzle pieces together.
5. You Actually Do Know Each Other
The only way that you will truly come to know whether or not if you are ready for marriage is when the two of you have been a source of support for each other in the worst of times. A relationship is not just the good parts and lovey dovey phases. There are a lot of times when life will throw you in a spot and the ones who can go through these tough times without complaining are the ones you should keep close. Your partner should be aware of your moods and be able to handle them too. But another thing to ensure is that you too are ready to be there for your partner in the same, to help them course through both good and bad times, this is when you actually come to know someone.
6. Your Long Term Plans Include Each Other
Now when you ave been together for a long time, you will understand the importance you have in their life if they include you in their long term plans. The future plans that require consideration and though are not the ones that somebody make with just anybody. If they see you as a life partner, then that means you are on the right path. If they can already imagine a tangible future with you where both of you have equal roles, then you can have some faith that it will be a fruitful marriage. The idea I here is not just about a wedding, but a whole future, one where you both are together.
7. You are Actually Done With Dating
Another sure indicator of you being completely ready for marriage is that you are completely done with the dating scene and cannot imagine yourself doing the rounds again. It seems incredibly exhausting and the idea of making deliberate attempts to impress someone to date you, does not sound appealing at all. You are perfectly content with your partner and actually feel like you do not need anyone else. Anyone who can make you feel that feeling is what matters. The two of you have spent enough time together to see the marvellous reality you both are capable of creating and you do not want to spend your time wasting it on anyone else.
8. You Have Completely Moved On From Your Past
After years of stumbling around horrible lovers, you have finally found peace in yourself, and in the company of someone who makes you feel secure. It is a wonderful feeling to finally find someone who makes you feel like the queen you are. Chances are that because of this relationship, you are a much better, and more self-reliant person. You understand your shortcomings, but you do not beat yourself about it.
You have truly moved on and know what it feels like to be in a healthy place, both mentally and physically. You have moved on so well, that you do not feel the need to continuously check on your exes and derive some meaning out of your life. It is another thing to get away from past relationships, but to have truly found peace with your life shows that you are at a place where you can fully commit yourself to your partner and that is one of the true telltale signs that you are ready to get married.
9. You Both Share the Same Views
Its not just about the idea of a perfect couple, but the two of you happen to share the same values too. You do not have to agree on all things, but if you and your partner are open minded and understanding- that is a great start. You both happen to be on the same page about a lot of things, and conversation do flow easy. Not only can you be the most rel version of yourself, but you also feel extreme amounts of gratitude for the ll the time you spend together.
You are both each others top cheerleaders and will always have each others backs. The comfort level is high, and it feels like you both just know each other. You know what ticks the other one off, but you also know what they consider as one of the most important things. Its these little bits of information about each other that you know, and nobody else seems to get it like they do. This is what makes you both so solid as couple, because the very foundation is incredibly strong.
10. Your Respective Friends and Family Actually Like Each Other
Gone are the days when your best friend could not stand the sight of the ex who broke your heart 7 times, or you being worried about being liked enough by the mother. This relationship has given you not just the love of your life but also a new family. Whether it is your friends or his, everybody loves the couple. They think that you two, in fact, are perfect for each other, and they respect the bond that you both share. The approval of friends and especially family does mean a lot when it comes marriage, so before taking such a huge step, if you know that you have the good wishes and the blessings of everybody, it will make you feel a little more confident about your decision. You will see just how truly blessed you are to have people who actually care about your life and want to actively be a part of every step. His family and your family together, are now one big family.
This is probably one of the most beautiful phases of a woman’s life. Let it not be marred by insecurities or doubts, trust the moment to truly make difference to you and your mindset and only make a decision when you know that it is worth fighting for. A union like marriage is not something that should be taken lightly, but if you have found the partner who makes all the doubts look like they are nothing, hold on to him and truly learn to discover the moment.
Marriage as a bond is a wonderful thing, and to find someone who lets you sail through a little better whilst giving you the love you need to grow into a fine human being is all one can hope to receive. The understanding and the connection is something that ought to be nurtured in the most considerate and loving manner ever. So know its worth when it appears in your life.