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Some links in this article are affiliate links. We may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through these links, at no extra cost to you. We only recommend products we find useful to our readersExpecting a guy to tell you that he misses you is like wanting the moon to have limbs. Taking a few exceptions, most of the men would never tell you or show it to you that he misses you. Be it your close male friend or your partner.
We all get into a mode where identifying our own feelings gets tough. Has it ever happened that you have felt low because you truly miss someone and you just can’t tell that person or rather don’t want to reveal it to that person for reasons?
When it comes to a relationship, we all want to be told that we are missed and want that importance to see if our partner cares enough. Most of us have been there.
It is an uphill task to clearly understand as to why men cannot say what they feel, don’t ponder much over it sisters! Here is an article that will indicate the signs that he really misses you. The “he” could be your close male friend or partner.
Further Reading: What Does It Mean When A Guy Calls You Mami
Unsaid Signs That He Really Misses You – Observe Actions!

While you go through the signs that he misses you, do not conclude at it. If you casually want to know if he misses you or not is okay. However, do not conclude these signs as a final answer to your questions about him. In case of any doubts in the relationship, it is always better to walk up to the person, talk to him and get your facts right.
Here are the signs that show that he misses you but he will never be able to tell you that. Take a look!
Sign No 1 – He Stalking You On Social Media

He might keep stalking you on social media platforms or will try to find out about you from a mutual friend if he is really missing you. If he is doing this, it is tough for you to understand it unless the mutual friend lets you know.
Sign No 2 – He Will Find A Way To Talk To You

If he really misses you, he will find a silly way to come and talk to you. If he is someone around you then he will pass by your place asking you for doubt or he will go and talk to someone else so that he can come and talk to you.
Sign No 3 – He Will Indirectly Ask You About Your Plans

Men are silly! They will want to go out with you but they will not ask you because they don’t want to hear a no from your end. Therefore, he will indirectly tell you that he is going to a place over the weekend and slowly try to know about what are you doing and then ask you if you would be interested in tagging along.
Sign No 4 – You Become The Topic Of Discussion 24/7

If you know his friends or family and by chance if he has opened his mouth in front of them and if you get to know that he has been mentioning you too much of late, it is so clear that he misses you way too much and just does not want to tell you that or maybe he does not know it himself.
Further Reading: Signs that he is really into you
Sign No 5 – He Gives You A Tight Hug When You Meet After Long

What if your male friend or partner who gives you bro hugs all of a sudden has started to hug you as you will go apart. Well – that might seem weird to you but it is a sign that he really misses you. He won’t say it because he doesn’t want you to know it.
Sign No 6 – He Gets Cranky When You Do Not Give Him Time

If you are special to a man. Be it your boyfriend, friend or husband. He will go insane if you ignore or don’t give him the time you used to. He might argue with you and get mad at you for avoiding him. When you feel he is acting strange all of a sudden, it is for you to simply understand that he is missing you and he will never admit that no matter what.
Sign No 7 – He Would Never Say “No” To You

You will be surprised to know that he will never say No or give you excuses even if he is busy. He will always be available if you want him around. In other words, you might almost feel like he was waiting for you to give him a call. When a guy can prioritize you over things that are even more important than you means that he secretly misses you.
Sign No 8 – He Will Constantly Stay In Touch

Be it over messages or calls, the guy who misses you will always make an effort to talk to you. Even if it is not important he will make sure to message you every day or hear you over a call at least once. If you have someone like that in your life, it is for you to understand that he misses you. No one is crazy to call and message you every single day.
Further Reading: How to save your relationship from crisis
Sign No 9 – He Will Drunk Call You

A drunk person is never in senses and the irony is that he/she will tell you the truth as it is. That said if you get drunk calls from a guy it means he misses you and can never call when he is sober just because he doesn’t want you to know that he remembers you.
Sign No 10 – When He Get’s Protective

Someday if you see your partner or close guy friend getting protective about you out of the blue, you should wonder. Generally, he might not even bother to call and check on you but all of a sudden if he has started to question you about details knowing that you are hanging out with another guy, it might mean that he is missing you and wishes to be there instead of the other guy.
Sign No 11 – He Recalling Old Memories All The Time
Sign No 12 – Waits To Talk To You Once In The Entire Day
Sign No 13 – He Will Be Honest

It is rare that men say it to you if they miss you. There are times when he will tell you that he misses you, he might give you a call, drop a message or be crazy to come and see you for a minute to let you know how much he misses you.
These are a few clear signs he misses you. Even if he tries to pretend as if he doesn’t miss you, you are smart, now you know them all.
Signs He Misses You And You Will Never Know It
Besides those men who make it evident and don’t say it, there are men who miss you and will be smart to not make it evident either. Take a look at what are those unknown signs
Sign No 14 – He Will Secretively Watch You

A man who is extremely introverted and always afraid or awkward to let you know that he misses you will watch you secretively in such a smart way that you will not understand.
Sign No 15 – Having A Collection Of Your Photographs
Why would a man want to collect your photographs? He must be crazy or misses you too much that he must be suppressing it within by watching your photographs. It quite possible that he must be in love with you.
Sign No 16 – His Friend Will Know It All

There are situations when men might be afraid to be rejected and will never want to let you know that they love or miss you but the heart cannot hide what it feels, we all need a friend to talk our heart out. Maybe he has a friend who knows about those times he misses you.
Sign No 17 – When He Meets You In His Dreams

What we think the entire day is sure to come in our dreams. When he misses you always and can never tell you about it, it must be replayed in his mind when he is asleep. This usually happens when be misses you and you would never be able to trace it.
Sign No 18 – When You Are On His Mind More Than Once A Day

The man who thinks of you right before he goes to bed and as he wakes up is a sign that he misses you. It might not be in his hands to control it. However, it so happens naturally.
Sign No 19 – Sees You In Every Other Woman
When a man misses a woman and knows that he can never let her know, he tends to see her in other women and then realizes that he is missing her and at times he does not even realize it.
Sign No 20 – He Ends Up At Places You Love
When he misses you, just to feel better he might go to places you love going to and smile to himself thinking about you.
In conclusion, a man who finds you special will always miss you whether he says it or doesn’t. At times you can see it in his actions and in certain circumstances, you will never understand that he misses you.
If you are expecting your boyfriend to miss you and if he shows one of these signs then he is saved from having it from you.