19 Truthful Signs That He Doesn’t Like You – Don’t Assume!


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signs that he doesnt like you

When you love him, it is serene and beautiful. Eyes do all the talking and you can see it if he is into you or not. Having said, have you ever felt this lonely pinch when he is looking at you, yet not with you? If you feel that space, probably he is not into you, like you are. Find out before you start living your merry world that might not even exist.

When a person is into you, you just get to know. Their talks, their gestures and whether they prioritize you or not will clearly be seen. You just have to open your eyes and accept the reality. Easier said that done, however, that’s how it is supposed to be if you want to escape further disappointment.

Read this article and clearly understand these signs that he doesn’t like you the way you do. Don’t worry! If he is not the one, there is someone you are meant to be with. Stay positive no matter what! For now, open your eyes!

How Do You Know If A Guy Doesn’t Like You?

It is an overwhelming feeling to be madly in love with a guy whose personality brings butterflies in your stomach and happiness in your heart. Also, it is not necessary because you are in love, the opposite person would feel the same way.

You must always be wise even if the sensible part of your mind has seemed to shut off. Wake it up and think over how is the opposite person responding to your feelings.

If you have started to imagine a life with him and you feel he is not on the same page then look for these signs.

If he is proving one of or all of the signs to be true, you need to understand he doesn’t like you. He may not hate you, however, just not like you the way you do (OR) in some cases he is just playing the fool with you and not serious about the relationship.

Sign 1 – He Always Looks For A Chance To Escape

He Always Looks For A Chance To Escape

If he doesn’t like you, he won’ t look at spending time with you as a priority. It will maybe the second or third thing he will want to do.

You can’t judge him on one instance. If he keeps doing it repeatedly, understand the signal. The fact is that, if you were important, he would make time for you.

Example – He will always have an excuse when the two of you plan to spend time together.

Sign 2 – He Sees You Just As Any Other Friend

He Sees You Just As Any Other Friend

If he is as deeply in love with you as you are, it will be seen in his expressions and the way he talks. Even if he is someone who doesn’t have much of a reaction on his face, you will still know the little difference in the way he is behaving. Give it a thought, if you are unable to understand this right now, then observe him for a while.

Example – Does he look into your eyes? Does he give you an affectionate hug and a kiss when the two of you meet?

Further Reading: Different Types of Hugs

Sign 3 – He Will Not Bother To Find Out What’s Happening In Your Life

He Will Not Bother To Find Out Whats Happening In Your Life

When you love a guy and he loves you back, the two of you will always be concerned about each other. You would always want to find out about what’s special happening at his end. On the other hand, he doesn’t seem to bother about you.

Example – He might not even ask you how did your day go knowing it was a special one for you.

Sign 4 – He Doesn’t Strike A Conversations Ever

He Doesnt Strike A Conversations Ever

When you repeatedly notice that you are the only one who is making an effort and not the opposite person, you should be sure that it’s just you who is interested and not him.

When a guy loves you, he will make time and by every means look for a way to have a conversation with you. Even if he is the busiest.

Example – If you are the one who always messages or calls and say suppose you stopped doing it. If he still doesn’t message or call to find out why you are not doing it, it simply means he doesn’t like you the way you do.

Sign 5 – He Just Hears You, Never Gives Attention Or A Good Response To What You Say

He Just Hears You, Never Gives Attention Or A Good Response To What You Say

The person who loves you will go mad about listening to you all the time. That will be one of their favorite tasks and you will know if a man is listening to you or not. If he doesn’t like you, he might even hear you, but, he is not listening.

Example – You are talking to him about your problems at work and instead of responding he just nods his head without bothering to respond.

Sign 6 – He Won’t Bother To Even Look At You When You Are Dressed Well

He Wont Bother To Even Look At You When You Are Dressed Well

Men love to admire their lady love who has dressed well. Above all, they love it when she is smelling good and. If he doesn’t seem to even notice you every time you get decked up, it is a sign that he is not into you at all.

Example – He doesn’t even feel it important to compliment you when you look nice. You will not see that excitement and joy in his eyes.

Sign 7 – He Flirts With Every Other Woman, Except For You

He Flirts With Every Other Woman Except For You

A guy who is seriously in love with you will not be too interested to flirt with another woman when he has his gorgeous darling with him.

Guys look at other girls, which is very normal to admire them. However, if he goes overboard and flirts with them when you are around, he is not in love with you just the way you are in love with him.

Example – When you are looking gorgeous, he doesn’t find the time to tell you how nice you look. Instead, he has the time to go and flirt with another girl.

Sign 8 – He Will Never Make Any Plans, Initiate Or Even Talk About It

He Will Never Make Any Plans, Initiate Or Even Talk About It

It is understood if a person is busy and cannot actively make plans. At least, he will let you know to plan a meet. If the guy doesn’t do anything about it, it is a sure sign that he doesn’t like you and is not interested.

Example – He just says yes or a no to your plans. It is just you who plans things. At times, he will spoil all the plans you make.

Sign 9 – He Doesn’t Care If You Get Close To Another Man

He Doesnt Care If You Get Close To Another Man

Guys are usually jealous when they love a girl and she gets close with other men. For instance, you don’t like him flirting with other women, but, he doesn’t care about how friendly are you with other men.

Example – Even if you tell him that you are going on a date with another man, he won’t bother to ask you much. Moreover, don’t be surprised if he gives you dating tips.

Sign 10 – He Talks About His Interest In Another Woman

He Talks About His Interest In Another Woman

You should not act blind to this sign. If he is anyways mentioning another woman to you, it means he doesn’t feel what you feel for him. On the other hand, you may be confused if he is interested in that lady or is she just another friend? You will know it in the way he talks about her, so notice that.

Example – He may know that you like him even if you haven’t told him that and if he tells you that he likes someone else. Period! You got your answer.

Sign 11 – He Is Never There When You Need Him

He Is Never There When You Need Him

When a guy likes you, any danger that comes to your path or if there is a single tear in your eyes, he will run and come to you. You won’t even have to ask. So, if he is not there for you even when you need him, then you cannot expect that guy to like you in any case.

Example – If he refuses to come and meet you even after you’ve told him about how lonely you feel, it clearly shows you are not special for him.

Sign 12 – He Doesn’t Feel It Important To Share Things With You

He Doesnt Feel It Important To Share Things With You

When he doesn’t like you, he will never share anything with you. Leave alone his feeling, he won’t even tell you what are his plans in life or in general. You are as good as another acquaintance for him.

When two people are in love, they want to share every bit of their life with each other. If he is not on the same page, you need to accept that it is maybe just you who is in love with him.

Example – He will just answer to the point. Neither will he ask you another question or answer you more.

Sign 13 – He Will Never Recollect Things That Are Important For You

He Will Never Recollect Things That Are Important For You

He might not even remember the day you were born, that’s how it is when he doesn’t like you. When a guy is in love with a girl, he makes the effort to remember everything about her. Right from the way she smiles to what makes her angry. He wants to memorize every expression of hers.

Forgetting at times is still understandable. However, if that repeatedly happens, you need to understand that he is not into you.

Example – If you have had a conversation and you tell him about the incentives you got at work. If his very next question is, what incentives? You can imagine how much he hears or bothers to know you.

Sign 14 – If He Is Dating Multiple Women, He Doesn’t Feel What You Feel

If He Is Dating Multiple Women, He Doesnt Feel What You Feel

A man who loves you will never want time or look for the one. When does a person date, multiple women? When he is looking out for someone of his kind. Despite knowing you love him and he isn’t on the same page. He probably doesn’t like you. If he did, he wouldn’t be dating another woman.

Example – Even though you tell him always that you are there and he still talks about finding the right one. It means he doesn’t see you the way you see him.

Sign 15 – When He Doesn’t Introduce You To His People

If a guy is in love with you, he will introduce you to his people, he will want them to know you and want you to know them because he is sure of being in love with you.

If he doesn’t initiate, it is still alright, not a big deal. However, if you insist and he denies without giving you a valid reason, it means he doesn’t feel the way you do.

Example – If you tell him you want to meet his family and he ends up postponing or giving lame excuses.

Sign 16 – He Isn’t As Happy As You Are

He Isnt As Happy As You Are

Happiness is an emotion that is not fabricated, it is visible in the person’s eyes. If he really likes you, you will see it in his eyes. You will see it in his smile and the way he behaves.

Example – He won’t be excited about anything you do say or plan.

Sign 17 – He Doesn’t Make Any Sacrifice For You

He Doesnt Make Any Sacrifice For You

Sacrifice the other name of love. People in love, sacrifice their time and comfort for the one they leave. If he doesn’t seem to do anything even close to sacrificing. The guy doesn’t like you. If he liked you, he would make his part of the sacrifice.

Example – If you want to talk to him and he still doesn’t stay because he wants to sleep. It means you are not special to him. He is not ready to sacrifice a few minutes of his sleep, what more can you expect?

Sign 18 – He Doesn’t Delve Into What You Feel

He Doesnt Delve Into What You Feel

Care is a part of love and every person in love cares for their loved one. If he cannot understand your silence and anger, he can never read what you feel. On the other hand, if he understands and yet doesn’t care, it is a sad affair and clear that he doesn’t like you.

Example – Even if he knows you are getting hurt because of him, he will not act responsible and talk to you about it. He will just let it be and avoid the situation.

Sign 19 – He Is Confused About What He Feels For You

He Is Confused About What He Feels For You

When you like someone, you can never be confused. You are either in love or not. You don’t sail through halfway. If he is confused, he maybe needs time and the fact that he needs time is a 50/50 chance of he is liking you.

Example – If he tells you that you are a good friend to him and doesn’t know if he loves you, then just trust him.

Being in love is not in one’s control. Much as you hate to admit it, he might not feel what you feel and by finding that out as early as possible, you can protect yourself from expectations and a bigger disappointment.

If he realizes your worth later and loves you back, that’s a different scenario altogether, you cannot hope or think of it. For now, if he doesn’t like you, take it sportively and look after yourself. At this point, you might feel like you will never find someone like him. For all you know, along your way the man-made for you is waiting, it is just about timing.

Don’t lose the light in you! Be happy and wait for that suitable one to hold your hand!

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Vihaa Nichani(Neha Makhija) is a content writer whose passion for penning down thoughts channeled into the right direction and became her profession. She is keen on deep diving into every topic she writes about and is inclined towards challenging her capabilities by writing on diverse topics such as women’s health, beauty, fashion, relationships and lifestyle. Besides this, she enjoys dancing, traveling, jogging and trekking.