10 Considerable Signs that God Wants You to Stay Single


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Being single or committed is a personal choice but it comes after determination, experiences, and a mindset. If someone wants to be single but not knowing if they are meant to be so, think about the signs from the Lord. If you are a believer of God then you would want the signs of God asking you to stay single for life.

Some of Christians are just in a dilemma whether to marry or stay single. They keep thinking about the Almighty’s decision about their relationship status after certain realizations and observations in their life. But God always wanted his devotees to marry and live a prosperous life with family. But all are not called to marry a live a life family as few are born to serve the people around. For example, Apostle Paul is an unmarried soul that lived all his life dedicated to God and the people.

So, how to know if God chose you to be single and purely a devotee of him. A few signs can tell you if God is asking you to stay single forever according to Ephesians 5, the chapter of the Bible.

How to Know If God Wants You to Be Single Forever?

1. You were never in a relationship


Is everyone who has not fallen in love meant to be single? It’s actually not that way as some people find their love later. But still, this can be a sign of knowing the reason for you to be single all these days.

Commonly, everyone experiences feelings of attraction for someone in their adolescent age when their hormones are high. And if you didn’t feel anything similar to what we mentioned now then you are unique from others. Maybe you are meant to be single for life as God’s wish.

2. You have no sexual desires


Several creatures on the earth have sexuality so the sexual desire is natural. If you don’t have any sexual desires then you are meant to be single.

In 1 Corinthians, Apostle Paul supported others’ celibacy but he advised people with sexual desires to get married. People who are longing for sex and intimacy cannot take celibacy with all their heart so marriage is all fine to avoid sexual immorality. And if you have found yourself not feeling the urge at all for sex then is a call from God to be single forever.

Again, someone without sexual desires for too long may not last as a single soul. They may get committed in the future but you must consider your age. The sexual desires come at adolescent age and people longing for sex, intimacy with someone special or simply a sexual partner even till the late 30s or 40s. If you hardly felt such feelings in your life till now then you must see it as a major sign to stay single.

3. You are focused on serving God and his people


If you have immense fulfillment serving God and his people then it is a great sign that says God wants you to be single. People are generally worried if they will end up single and would want to find a partner, get married soon to escape from singlehood. And if you have no such gear of being single then it’s a sign from the Lord.

People who are involved in serving God and the needy won’t have wishes like marriage or relationships. But there are also a few great personalities who served God, country, people, though they are married. But if you have passed years without a thought of marriage instead you dedicate your life for God then it can be a divine call of your singlehood.

4. You don’t see a need to spend your life with someone


When you have a dream, you also have the vision to make that dream come true- it’s all God’s greatness. If you have no dream to find someone, someday in your heart then you would also not have the vision to follow it. Your mind goes not in the way of finding a love for yourself but just be a God’s and people’s savior.

So, your singlehood as you have no dreams to get married and have a family is a sign from God. This is the biggest sign as it is a small thing and you need endless courage to be so. That immense courage, optimism is only possible when God is by your side to live a single yet happier life.

5. Your past relationships say it all


What have your past relationships made you feel? If you always feel that you are happier single than being with someone then you are destined to be that way.

Every relationship that didn’t work has a message for you. You must go back and remember the reason you quit those relationships. And you are not regretting your quit but feel the pleasure of being single, getting out of something that is not meant for you. Those experiences say it all!

Again, it doesn’t mean that you will be single just because your previous relationships didn’t work. If you are meant to marry someone then your perspective may change at any point and meet the soul that matches yours.

6. You are not someone envious looking at others


When we look at someone being a part of a happy family and living a life with their partner, it feels envious to not experience all. Just looking at someone’s joy but not being able to live it creates envious feelings which is very common. Whereas, people whom God wants to stay single wouldn’t have such feelings.

If you have no complaints about not having a partner or living with a happy family like your friends and relatives then you are destined to be single and it is a call from the Lord. People with such a free mind are not born for someone but they are meant to live a life of their own, to serve God, and find immense happiness in it. As an exception from common people, you can definitely consider it as an indication that God wants you to be single.

7. You are happy to be single forever


When you have a thought of being single forever then it won’t scare you or give jerks. Instead, it feels peaceful, pleasant and you see yourself happy traveling single throughout life. So, this can be a sign that God wants you to be single.

Also, people who feel natural being single are an exception to getting married. They long for a partner or are not forced to be single as it is their natural wish.

8. You know the importance of marriage but don’t see a need


Sometimes, you don’t realize the importance of a few aspects in life. But if you are saying no to something in spite of knowing the importance then it might be God’s wish. This is true for singlehood too.

You know the value and importance of marriage and companionship but you don’t see the need to get married. Very few people feel it is natural for them to stay single and if you are feeling that then you are an exception. You can consider it as a sign that God wants you to stay single forever. We wouldn’t be able to take such big decisions and stand for it unless we have God’s support.

9. You have your own reasons for not marrying


Everyone has their own reasons which are not known to society, friends, or even family. It is not implied only to marriage and relationship but to every important aspect in life. Just to prove right in society, to your family or friends, you may be bound to do certain things. A few people sacrifice or compromise on various important things in life. But you strongly say no to marriage no matter what.

For you, it is irrespective of society, family too. You want to stay single for life instead of being a devotee of God, work, or your passion. So, if you are this string though the world is against you then God is with you to support your singlehood. Your strength, power, and boldness is with the blessings of God so you can take it as his sign. No human can move even an inch without his wish or notice!

10. You have strong control of your emotions and feelings


Generally, people who are destined to get married tend to express their emotions and feelings to someone close. They rely on their partner to feel complete but then people who are meant to be single forever are not the same. It is not just about sexual desire or urges but also longing to share their emotions, wanting stable support.

We all are strong unless the emotions are overwhelming and then reaching out to someone dear is natural. But if you are alone tackling the emotionally hard situations without any such support, commitment from other people then you have the ability to lead a single life as it is a strength, boldness from the Lord.

If you are someone who is happier to handle your emotions, feelings, and all the needs in any situation then it could be a signal from God for you to be single. Again, it doesn’t mean that all the independent individuals will live a single life but there are stronger chances that way. It is common for a person to look for support, to feel complete with someone beside and if you don’t feel such need at all then you are an exception. God is your only savior, he is your path leader, mentor, and lifeline.

Wrapping it up: Living a happy single life without insecurities or fears is not common. Being doesn’t seem practical but when God is driving towards it, you won’t feel the difficulty. So, if you are just feeling after a breakup with your partner or just because you are not finding the right person then these are not the signs that you consider.

The above signs can be more convincing to consider as a wish of God. Still, we never know what’s meant for us until it comes to life. Though you are seeing signs, be ready to face the reality. And if you are a happy single then these signs can make it even more meaningful.