12 Undeniable Signs A Taurus Man Likes You – Loyal Love!


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12 Undeniable Signs A Taurus Man Likes You

If it was destined for the two of you to get this close, then nature will find you away.

Before that, you need to know and analyze what does Taurus man feels. If you’ve met this Taurus man a few months back and you feel that the two of you will make a great pair. Find out what he feels.

Horoscopic information will give you a clear gist to whether he has feelings or not before you make your move to date him. It is good to be prepared. Falling for a Taurus man is one of the best choices you made.

People who belong to this sun sign represent the qualities of the earth. If loyalty and stability is in your blood and if that’s pretty much one of the primary qualities you are looking out for, then a Taurus man might be the perfect one for you.

Peep into this article and learn about the traits of Taurus men, signs he likes you and gather information about what he expects from a relationship.

What Are The Signs A Taurus Man Likes You

Is your heart skipping a beat?

Are you feeling the butterflies already?

If yes, then probably you are witnessing those undeniable signs that clearly show how much a Taurus man likes you.

After all, love has to find its way and now it’s time you see how he feels for you. Here we go!

Sign No 1 – His Smile Will Say It All

Most of us have an instant reaction to seeing that special someone in front of us, especially when that someone special doesn’t know that we have a spot for them.

The same is the case with this Taurus man who is in love with you. If you were only a friend to him, you wouldn’t notice him smile all the time when you are around.

If the smile is sort of stuck on his lips, it is for you to understand that he loves you. Don’t pretend like you know nothing. It is obvious that you have hints of what he feels for you.

Example – You will see a blush in his smile. The moment you enter the place you guys decide to meet at, he will have a huge smile on his face. It is just a smile, but his smile and eyes will speak volumes about his feelings.

Sign No 2 – He Will Constantly Ask About Your Schedule

Would a friend or anyone else bother to keep finding out about what is your schedule like? If someone is repeatedly asking you the same question, it is clear that the person likes you. The same is with a Taurus man.

When a Taurus man is in love with you, he will be hesitant to ask you if you are free and whether the two of you can go out together or not. Indirectly, he will ask questions about your availability.

Example – He might ask you what time do you eat breakfast at work?

Well, he wants to give his special appearance only after being sure that you are free.

Sign No 3 – He Won’t Treat You As Another Person

Only when a person takes us seriously is when we understand or realize that they have feelings for us or at least an important part of their life. What do you think?

Has this Taurus man started taking you seriously? Is this happening out of the blue and all unexpected?

Undoubtedly, he is in love with you. No one gives so much attention to anyone just like that. It has to be for someone dear.

Example – He will listen to everything you say. You will notice him looking into your eyes and giving you firm eye contact. He won’t just hear you; he will go a step ahead and share his opinions to make it an interesting two-way communication.

Sign No 4 – He Will Express His Physical Attraction For You

Taurus men are highly sensual and love being intimate or at least touchy with the one they love, but of course, after taking the permission of his special lady.

He wouldn’t feel like clinging or touching you if the two of you didn’t share anything special more than friendship, you wouldn’t see him initiating or longing to stay close to you.

Since he hasn’t expressed his feelings yet, he might hug you tight, hold your hand or give you a kiss on your cheek. After a while, if you feel what he feels and gives in to his emotions.

He will make love to you. While initially, he won’t express what he feels like doing, he will take baby steps and come forward.

Sign No 5 – He Will Invites You Home

Taurus men are happy being to themselves closed in one space of their own. Usually, they don’t let even friends there. Nevertheless, if he has invited you to his house and is letting you into his space. It is a clear sign that he sees you more than only a friend.

It is for you to understand what he is trying to express. He wants to tell you that now you have all the liberty to walk in and disturb him.

If he doesn’t invite you home, he will at least take you to his hideout or probably to the place where he spends most of his time.

Sign No 6 – He Doesn’t Give Attention To Anyone Else

Receiving attention from your loved one is such a blessing. There are many situations where love is not valued between two lucky people who feel it for each other.

On the other hand, a few couples are heels over in love with each other and they pay enough attention to their relationship.

If I was asked as to what kind of love would I want to receive from my partner? I would simply say, I want all the attention and I don’t want anyone else to get the same attention.

Luckily, Taurus men are like that. They will give you all the love and attention you are looking for. Apart from this, they ensure to remain loyal in the relationship and don’t give attention to any other woman.

Sign No 7 – He Will Keeps You Comfortable And Makes You Enjoy Luxuries

A Taurus man likes living a lavish life and the best part is that if he loves you, he will want to make you enjoy the luxuries he struggles to earn.

It is not his intention to show off for the wrong reasons, but a Taurus man would like to show you his love by taking you out for a special dinner or buying your gifts. To make it memorable, he will do every little thing possible.

He won’t tell you why he is doing it all. He only bears in mind to do things that can make you happy.

Read: 13 Signs That A Capricorn Man Likes You – The Sweet Love!

Sign No 8 – He Asks You Questions On A Personal Level

How being truthful is all that a Taurus man gives, he expects the same kind of dedication from the one he loves. He might not expect the same level of affection, but he definitely expects the same kind of loyalty from you.

When it comes to a relationship, Taurus men are sensitive and possessive. He wouldn’t want to get cheated or feel insecure about you. Thus, he will begin asking you questions on a personal level.

Example – About your past, the worst mistake you ever made or your feelings on being in a relationship.

The answers you give him will either keep him satisfied or he will want to get more clarity. They try to protect themselves from pain by knowing you well and then taking a decision to commit.

Read: 10 Undeniable Signs A Cancer Man Likes You – All Lovey Dovely!

Sign No 9 – He Will Make Efforts To Keep You Financially Secure

Given that Taurus men are particular about earning big money. They think for their loved one’s financial comfort too. If a Taurus man loves you, he will see to it that you are financially comfortable.

If you don’t like him paying for your bills, he will help you in other ways. He will share with you a few tips on how to save money, give you the best investment options and be there for you.

If he cannot spend on you directly, he feels more than happy to take you out for dinner or buy you something useful for your house. So, a Taurus man will be there to support you financially.

Sign No 10 – He Doesn’t Rush into Things

A Taurus man is mature and when he is in a relationship, he aims at taking things slow. You can imagine how rushing into things can affect a relationship.

He will not think of getting intimate until and unless he knows you well. A Taurus man would be romantic in his talks and gestures. He waits for you to be fully comfortable with him and take his own time to feel the same with you.

Even if he wants to have a long conversation with you, he would hold himself back and slowly open up. This sun sign believes that the slower you take things, the better it is for your relationship.

Sign No 11 – He Gets Protective About You

The men who want to protect you and always think for your good are genuinely the ones to keep. When a Taurus man likes you, he will be protective and at any cost save you from the bad around you.

After looking into his eyes, you will be able to see and understand how protective he is. He would talk for you and hold you in a crowd. Even if you are strong enough to take care of yourself, he will still want to do it from his end.

Feeling safe and protected is what every girl wants to feel. If this Taurus man is doing it for you, give a thought about taking things ahead.

Sign No 12 – He Gets Nervous Around You

If the Taurus man sees you as a friend, he wouldn’t be nervous around you, we are most comfortable with friends. Aren’t we?

Conversely, if a Taurus man sees you as someone special, he might get nervous. He properly won’t be able to say what he wants to and his voice will shiver.

If you go to see their nature, you won’t find a Taurus man shaken up. Generally, he is super confident and brave in dealing with life.

The fact that you are special makes him nervous in your presence. When he gets nervous, do a pep talk, hold his hand, or pat him on his back make him feel better.

Traits Of A Taurus Man

Discovering the traits of a man you love is important. You cannot be blind in love and not bother to understand what are his thoughts like or nature for that matter.

Being in love and committing to that person are two different things. If you want to take things ahead with this charming Taurus man, know his positives, negatives, thoughts on work, family, and many other basic things.

Are you ready and excited to know him? Here we go!

  1. They are stubborn by nature. It will be a challenge if you want to change his mind.
  2. Practical living and thinking is their cool.
  3. These men are known to stay devoted, balanced and you can rely on him. This is a great quality in Taurus men. Many people would wish to be associated with this kind of a man, personally and professionally.
  4. One of his philosophies in life is based on enjoying material and physical desires.
  5. Taurus men are attentive and they like getting into the details of everything.
  6. Taurus men aim big; they want to do well in life. Their attitude of moving out of your comfort zone is one of the best of all qualities.
  7. If you have to discover the finest quality of a Taurus man, you would love admiring the amount of patience he has.
  8. This bull sign is not soft in nature, their behavior, and aims, both are aggressive. Taurus men are focused when it comes to making good money in life.
  9. Taurus men are fun and adventurous. You can talk to them about anything under the sun. They will never judge you because of their open mindedness.
  10. Taurus men are competitive because they set targets and challenges for themselves.
  11. You might have least expected it, but you need to know that Taurus men are unpredictable. On random topics, their mind can change.
  12. They are genuine and good with maintaining their relationships.
  13. Taurus men prove to be the best leaders. They have great people management skills given that they can read people and solve problems constructively.
  14. They make the most of all the time they have and make sure to complete the work assigned to them within the stipulated time.
  15. Undoubtedly, Taurus men are kind and dedicated to work. However, they are quite lazy.

Things A Taurus Man Expects In A Relationship

In a relationship, happiness is there when two people are on the same page in every aspect irrespective of the disagreements before getting together on the same page.

However, if one person keeps expecting and feels bad or lonely for not being understood. It creates loads of problems between the couple.

That being said, only getting to know whether he likes you or not won’t serve the purpose. Take your time and try to understand what are his expectations like.

Here’s what Taurus men generally expect from a relationship.

  1. As mentioned earlier, Taurus men are focused on making money and no matter what, they remain consistent with their work. So, in a relationship they expect their partner to understand for not being able to spend time. They want you to co-operate by understanding.
  2. Loyalty is everything for a Taurus man. He expects his partner to be clear and truthful in the relationship.
  3. A Taurus man looks forward to be with a woman who has goals in mind. Unlike how he is particular about making money, he is not particular that the woman he is with has the same goal. For him, it is enough that she does something for a living.
  4. A Taurus man has deep physical desires and expects his partner to understand the same and give him back the love or affection that he showers.
  5. Just as a Taurus man works hard to make the relationship a successful one, he expects the same from his woman. He will want you to be sure about him and only then commit. Otherwise, you know how he can get insecure and possessive for you.
  6. He dislikes conflict and anything going against his peace of mind. Therefore, if you want to see a smile on his face, avoid yelling or making the environment unhealthy.

How Are Taurus Men In A Relationship?

Knowing expectations was one part of the story. What about understanding the usual nature of Taurus men in a relationship.

Apart from the expectations he has, even you would want to know if he has everything you are looking for in a man. Always good to see it for yourself. What do you think?

Take a look at how he is in a relationship. Here you go!

  1. When it comes to expressing love, this man will be sweet and gentle. You will find yourself lucky to receive all the gentle love.
  2. Every girl’s favorite quality is that of receiving perfect loyalty from a man. From the inside out your Taurus man will love you unconditionally and loyally. No second thoughts on this.
  3. He will take his time to fully open up with you. He hides all his emotions deep down and waits for the right time to confess it all.
  4. He is extremely possessive in love. If you have made up your mind to be with this person, keep yourself prepared to see this in him.
  5. A Taurus man won’t be himself when he goes out with you for the first time. Don’t expect him to be all expressive and romantic at the start. He needs his own sweet time to be himself and express it all.
  6. He will keep you emotionally happy and satisfied. Most women are looking for this quality in a man. One way he will keep you happy with his love and affection and on the other end, he will make you feel secure by staying loyal to you.
  7. He is a happier person when kept away from a crowd. If you like to party and take your partner dancing, he might not want to go clubbing. He would prefer spending some romantic alone time at home.
  8. He might be shy but his love-making skills are amazing. He is sexually active and can be great in bed.
  9. You will need to practice being patient if you want to be with a Taurus man. Usually, they are dominating and it is only their care that’s the hidden motive behind dominating. They don’t have any intention of satisfying their ego.
  10. You can expect to get classy gifts from a Taurus man. He can do this for you because he can afford it. He can afford it because he is a workaholic who is busy making money in life.


A Taurus man is loving, adventurous, caring, gentle, possessive, and passionate. This bull sign is keen on doing well financially so if you are with him, he will always encourage you to pursue your goals and stay loyal to you.

If one of the above-mentioned signs show that a Taurus man likes you. Then you what to do next. Talk to him and give it a while to take things ahead. If you always loved having a boyfriend or husband who is possessive, a Taurus man would suit your expectation the best.