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Some links in this article are affiliate links. We may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through these links, at no extra cost to you. We only recommend products we find useful to our readersThe journey of a relationship is all about facing tests, going through those tests is still understandable. Unfortunately, if your boyfriend starts behaving weirdly out of the blue and more than love if you end up feeling toxicity, where would that toxic behavior take your relationship?
One can tolerate anything but a toxic partner. If you get a chance to share your life with another man you would never want him to be toxic, would you? Hence, it is necessary that you save yourself from a toxic boyfriend if you have one.
Until you face his true reality you will never really know if your boyfriend is toxic or not for you. One tip for all my girl buds out there, do not be blind in love, be in love but watch over other things in a relationship as well.
In this article, you will learn about the signs that clearly show if your boyfriend is toxic or not. You want to be away from such toxicity, do you?
What Are The Signs Of A Toxic Boyfriend?

Just because someone is in love with you it does not mean that they get a chance to do anything with you, do you agree with that? You love your boyfriend but that does not mean he can take it easy and behave the way he wants with you.
There are boys who make it toxic for their girlfriend and you need to look at signs that clearly indicate that your boyfriend is toxic. Take a look!
Sign No 1 – When You Just Exist And Do Not Belong For Him

Now this statement has deep meaning, if you are someone who exists for your boyfriend and he does not treat you like you belong to him then you should not have any doubts that he is toxic for you.
A person who treats you like you just exist would never understand the importance of valuing you and if you are not valued at some point you would always feel haunted with that thought.
Read : 10 Fantastic Ways To Have A Good Relationship With Your Boyfriend – Be A Nice Girl Friend!
Sign No 2 – When He Focuses On “Me” And Not “Us” In The Relationship

How toxic can it get to be with a man who just focuses on himself in the relationship and forgets that the two of you make a relationship. How would you identify that he is not choosing you? When he just talks about his priorities all the time and forgets that both of you together have priorities too.
For instance, he would want to give your relationship time only when he is in the right frame of mind and when it is his turn to spend time with you and talk about the two of you he remembers all his important tasks to complete.
Sign No 3 – When He Gets Possessive The Suffocating Way

We all want our breathing space and if we do not get it, it can be the most turning down. Just because you are in a relationship, that does not mean that your partner gets control over whom to talk to and whom not to talk to. At the end of the day it is all your choice.
Yes, he can be protective about your when it is really needed but if he is protective just because he wants to dominate over you then he is the most toxic boyfriend and he needs to know that he cannot do that with you.
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Sign No 4 – When He Wants What He Wants

A relationship is a two way traffic. You cannot let your boyfriend make all the choices and have his expectations met. If the two of you reach up to each others expectations equally, it is understandable.
However, if it is all about his wants and he does not seem to even to listen to what you want and feel then nothing can be a dangerous intoxication as having a boyfriend of that sort.
Sign No 5 – When You Are Compromising Way Too Much

When you cannot be your true-self in a relationship, when you have to understand him every time he talks bad with you, and when you feel that you have to be flexible with his qualities that you dislike and in return he is not flexible with your flaws then you are just compromising and always being on one side does not work out.
Everyone has a breaking point and if you do not voice out to the toxicity you are living, it is going to end up bothering you.
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Sign No 6 – When He Loves Blackmailing You Emotionally

If a man truly loves you he will do anything to see you comfortable and that is the least you could ask for. Every girl wants to be comfortable and safe with her boyfriend and not insecure and unsafe. Do you echo with it?
If he blackmails you that he will leave you if you did not agree to his needs, be it, physical or mental. It is not the one you are supposed to be with. No boyfriend would blackmail you instead of keeping you happy and safe if he truly respects, loves and values you.
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Sign No 7 – Being Disrespectful To You Is The Worst Form Of Toxicity

If your boyfriend cannot get the stars down for you, it is still acceptable. On the other hand if he cannot give you or the people associated to you basic respect then there can be nothing that can justify that he is not toxic. Respect in any relationship is needed otherwise it can just break your confidence and peace of mind.
In a nutshell, these are common toxic signs of a boyfriend. However there could be more. It is as simple as this, whenever you think you are put in a spot , unsafe, unhappy and feeling let down in a relationship it means that your boyfriend is big time toxic because if he was not toxic you would have never felt any of these negative emotions. Ask yourself, if you would ever feel it?
Sign No 8 – If He Is Using You For His Needs

If your boyfriend is using you for his physical and material needs you need to back off and walk away from that relationship because you are not with him to get used. Are you?
Sign No 9 – When He Is Harmful

There are psycho sort of people who hit their girlfriend, if your boyfriend ever hits you, do not stay for a minute in that toxicity. It is an indication for you to move on. No man gets the right to use his hands for the wrong purpose. Never tolerate that!
Stay aware of these signs and accordingly take an action with what you want to do in your relationship with your boyfriend.
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How To Move On From A Toxic Boyfriend

It can be pulling you down to move on from someone you spent so much time with. And it is not just the time you spent but to let go of someone who you truly love and respect irrespective of whether it is the same from their side or not.
It is necessary to accept the turning point in your life that might not seem to be one of the best choices right now but in the long run, you would be proud of it.
Having said, in a way you are not supposed to feel bad about moving on because you did not have a great experience in your relationship. Take a look at motivating ways to move on from a toxic relationship
No 1 – Whatever happens, happens for the good

Whenever something happens and you are unhappy about it just motivate yourself and be happy that it happened. For all, you know time has its way of giving you answers as to why it happened.
If things do not happen for the good they definitely happen for a reason. Having said, start believing that everything is happening for the best and in the right way.
Read: 11 Signs of An Unhealthy Relationship
No 2 – Think Good For Yourself
Yes, it is just the end of one relationship, it does not mean your whole world is in a mess, so you need to think that the best in your life is yet to happen and you are yet to may discover a better version of yourself or another relationship where you are valued.
Thus, one way of moving on is to be positive about your life and never lose out on your attitude towards life for just failing in one relationship.
No 3 – You Are Not Obligated To Tolerance

You are better of moving on rather than being a part of a relationship where you do not spend quality time with a person instead you tolerate that person. Why should you be a sufferer just because you are in love with him.
Do not forget what is right and wrong when it comes to any relationship. Do not stay in a relationship that will give you nothing but sorrow and make you stay as the victim. You have better things to invest your time on.
Read: Insecurities In A Relationship – 8 Peaceful Ways To Get Over It!
No 4 – Give Your Boyfriend Your Peace Of Mind

How do you deal with a toxic person? The right way to deal with your toxic boyfriend before you walk out of his life is to give him your peace of mind and tell him about the stress you went through for the way he treated you so that you never hold on to the pain.
By expressing all the pain and anger inside you, you would be able to move on quicker as well as make him realize that he better change and not repeat the same foolishness in his next relationship.
No 5 – Check For A Scope Of Working It Out

If your boyfriend genuinely has a conscience and knows that he has ill-treated you and is sorry about it then you should see if it is really worth working over the relationship and this will depend on how toxic was he in the relationship, it would be for you to decide whether to work on the relationship or let it go.
However, if you are unsure about his behavior and do not feel like trusting him then you should forget about it.
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No 6 – Think Of It To Be A Great Option For Your Better Future

If you really want to get over a toxic boyfriend the best way to deal with it is to focus on all times you gave him a chance and how he came back with a new disappointment for you. Now, would you like a future filled with disappointments?
Keep aside all your emotions and ask yourself just one question, would this relationship go a long way, and is this man worth spending years with, if he has already damaged you then you very well know that you do not want to risk being foolish.
No 7 – Toxic People Barely Change

If at all you are trying to be positive and considering being with your boyfriend then you should forget about it because he is not going to change his toxic behavior. Once toxic, there are the least chances for him to change.
Thus, put this in your mind that he would anyways not change then what is the point in expecting and breaking my head. Keep telling this to yourself so that the phase of separation gets easy for you.
No 8 – Do Not Hold Yourself Back For The Sake Of Love

He must be your one and only true love, there is no question of denying it. However, for a relationship to grow and if you want to get old in it if your boyfriend is torture how would it work?
At any cost do not believe toxicity to be love from his end. It is going to make you feel miserable in the long run. Understand that love is not the only thing, he needs to be understanding, calm, and respectful as well. Do not let your emotions pull you back, it is a regrettable action.
No 9 – Think Of A Beautiful Life After Detox
When you walk out of a toxic relationship on your own you are giving yourself the best gift and you definitely deserve a pat on your back for that.
It takes courage to stand against injustice your loved one does to you and walk away. This is how you learn to take a stand for yourself in life. You learning to take a stand for yourself is in one way a step towards progress in life.
This progress is in a way making your life beautiful because you become a stronger person that way. It is needless to say that no toxicity is equal to a beautiful life where you be yourself, you are not pointed at, you are not underestimated or treated any bad.
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No 10 – Cut Off Completely With Your Boyfriend

If you really want to detach yourself from your boyfriend you would need to completely cut off every source of contact from him for sure. This really helps, staying in contact would not let you move on at ease. The tendency to get back to each other would always be there.
Distancing from people is a healthy sign always. Thus, make it a point that you do not go back to your toxic boyfriend. If you really want to move one, you would have to do this.
In conclusion, you are not supposed to let your man take you easily and behave toxic with you. If your boyfriend behaves toxic with you, you need to know what to do.
If he is sorry about his mistake, giving him another chance is a risk. Be strong and just move on from your boyfriend because if he really loved and valued you, he should have never behaved like a toxic soul in the first place.
Toxicity at times could be ignored because you would end up listening to what your heart says, keep your heart aside, and listen to the conscience that clearly tells you what is right and wrong.
Forget your toxic boyfriend and re-start the journey of your life!