15 Assuring Signs That He Regrets Breaking Up With You – Justice Comes To All!


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15 Assuring Signs That He Regrets Breaking Up With You

It easier when HE and YOU say yes to each other and start a life together. The real test arises when you have to maintain and take the relationship forward. Everyone starts beautifully, but do all continue beautifully? Or do they end up going their own way? Call it getting dumped or having it done for the good, it is never easy or okay to accept a break up especially when you didn’t want it.

If your boyfriend has recently broken up with you and took a U-turn from where you guys begun, it is okay! Get this straight! If he really wanted to stay, he would make a way and its good that he went instead of being there for the heck of it. Wondering if he even has the slightest regret for tearing you apart and leaving you alone in both of your world?

Read this article to learn about the assuring signs that he regrets breaking up with you. If not anything, feel the peace of being understood that he should have fought to keep you instead of regretting.

Signs That Show How Much He Regrets Breaking Up With You

When a breakup is not mutual it can be devastating and cost ones confidence and mental health. Mostly, the reasons for non-mutual breakups are, the man leaving you for another woman or he lets you go because he is not sure of going a long way.

To be torn apart is personal, no one other than you knows it. People can pacify and boost you up, but it is not possible for anyone else other than you to be in your shoes and tackle the phase. Right?

So know for a fact that for whatsoever reasons he is not with you, even if he doesn’t come back, he will regret it if you truly love him. Don’t expect it, but, the law of nature(karma) makes it happen.

Here are signs that show that he regrets and just cannot do anything about it now!

#1 – He Extends His Hand To Be Friends Again

He Extends His Hand To Be Friends Again

All of a sudden if he comes back and tells you that he wants to be friends like before, it is fishy to believe what’s going on in his mind.

For all you know, he is guilty and that’s the best reason to have a conversation with you so that he can apologize later or he probably wants to show his care by checking on you. Now all this is only possible if he is regularly in touch with you.

Infact, don’t be shocked if he starts to give you more attention when compared to what he used to in the past.

#2 – He Won’t Give You A Happy Eye Contact

He Wont Give You A Happy Eye Contact

People can convey everything they want to through their eyes, whether those are messages of pain or happiness. If you see that he is looking at you and is sad, it means that he feels sorry about hurting you.

Sometimes, you cannot tell if he is sad for hurting you or he is upset for his personal reasons. However, you can get a surety that he is guilty in the way he responds to what you say and in the way he gives you eye contact.

For example, after breakup, if the two of you bump into each other coincidentally, he will either not be able to give you enough eye contact or his voice will shake when the two of you make eye contact and begin to have a conversation. You will sense that he might want to tell you and might not be able to speak it all. It will just be so clear.

#3 – He Won’t Be Able To Speak Much

He Wont Be Able To Speak Much

For the most part, you can be chirpy, happy and real only when you are not wrong. The minute guilt takes place in your mind, you would turn into the quietest person. Similarly, if he has broken up with you for another woman or otherwise, the guilt will eat him up so much that he will not be able to speak much.

Every guy cannot be expressive with guilt. Even if that means troubling himself, he will but not be able to speak much with you.

For example, even if you have made peace with the breakup and you casually start to talk like you used to, he won’t be able to speak in the way the two of you would speak. Somehow he will start to feel odd if he cheated and walked out knowing that it would break your heart.

#4 – He Finds Solace In Guilt By Sticking To Bad Habits

He Finds Solace In Guilt By Sticking To Bad Habits

Sadly, many men and women cling on to a bad habit when they are disappointed thinking of it to be the best solution. A few like drinking too much, some like to smoke and the list goes on.

If he ends up doing the same, you need to understand it as a sign of regret and guilt. He is missing your presence and all the importance you would give him. You can even say how hard he is trying to feel better and he struggles too hard to admit it. For all you know he will never admit it too.

In some cases, men go out of their control and apologize when they are not in their senses.

#5 – He Will Finds A Way To Keep Away From You

He Will Find A Way To Keep Away From You

Running away is easier than facing your mistake and that’s exactly how a few men go about dealing with their regret. He will hide.

His peculiar actions such as blocking you, leaving groups the two of you are in and trying every possible means to avoid you will say how much he is affected and doesn’t want to feel the guilt of being wrong.

The more he gets to see or hear you, the more he will remember his mistake. Whether he breaks up with you for another woman or his own reasons, he will want to just run as far as he can.

#6 – He Does His Best To Find Out About You

He Does His Best To Find Out About You

As strange as it sounds, you must be wondering if he has to keep an eye on me, why in the first place would he even break up. While that’s a fair doubt. Men and their ways are always confusing so don’t try to understand more.

Even if he has broken up with you for a hot chic or his selfish reasons, the guilt won’t leave him alone and at any cost even though he is away, he keeps a close eye by stalking or finding out about you. If he can’t do the two, he will start mentioning you to his close friend and at least tell him/her how he really feels.

If his close friend is your friend, you will at least know. But, if you don’t know much about his friends, you won’t know much.

#7 – He Will Show Off That He Is Happy

He Will Show Off That He Is Happy

Although it is his decision to break up with you and moreover when he knows it is his fault, he won’t leave a single chance to pretend about his feelings.

In front of you, he will act abnormally happy and maybe even with friends. He will overdo things so much that it will clearly show how affected he is and he will be foolish to pretend so much. There are people who do things other way round to hid their emotions.

#8 – He Disconnects With Everyone And Stays Alone

He Disconnects With Everyone And Stays Alone

The men who are expressive and show exactly what they feel during their guilt trip will completely disconnect from the world. If he is sensitive and can’t help but break up with you, he is suffering from major guilt.

He goes into a ‘happy to be alone’ mode and doesn’t pull himself out of it for long. He just sees everything bad that he did to you without focusing on the bright side as a boyfriend. Different people have different ways of facing guilt. A few men beat themselves up and sulk in the guilt.

#9 – He Doesn’t Wash Out Memories

He Doesnt Wash Out Memories

Precious and beautiful moments are captured in pictures or videos. If he breaks up with you thinking that it is the best for the two of you, he will not be able to forgive himself for hurting you.

In front of you, he will act bravely and tell you that he is done. However, behind you, he will hide all his feelings and save pictures or videos where the two of you are captured together. Although memories are not narrowed down to pictures and videos, he will collect everything that you gifted him and keep watching over them.

Strangely enough, he is hurt more than you for breaking up and doesn’t want to destroy those special things because at the end of the day he respects you.

Read Next: Signs He is Fighting His Feelings for You

#10 – He Realizes When Life Hits Back At Him

He Realizes When Life Hits Back At Him

You get what you give – If you agree with the concept of karma, this is a simple and fair saying. Every person who does wrong, has to let the consequence take its place. Same with your boyfriend who dumped you.

Unfortunately, even if you don’t curse him, nature has its way of teaching people a few important lessons in life.

If he dumped you for another woman and when she dumps you for another man. He will regret his mistake of dumping you. Sadly, at times its too late to make things right. But, if he is deeply sorry, he will return for apologizing.

#11 – He Gets In Touch And Appreciates You

He Gets In Touch And Appreciates You

It is ironic that we take love for granted and when we lose that special person, we are desperate to do anything for them.

Having said, if he barely complimented you when the two of you were together and has started to appreciating those things he never noticed when both of you were together.

It is a clear sign that he regrets leaving you alone, he misses your absence and understands how everything would have been different if he valued you the same way when it wasn’t too late.

Read Next: Signs He Misses You

#12 – He Expresses How Much He Misses Good Times

He Expresses How Much He Misses Good Times

A relationship starts when two people intend to be together and how far it goes all depends on the same people who started off, they either travel together or drift away. That being said, if the two of you made a good pair and have a strong connection, even if he breaks up with you, the two of you will always miss those golden days.

When he expresses how it used to be a ball of a time with you, it means he is missing you and regretful about his action of letting you go. If he is okay with being vulnerable, he will even openly tell you how much he misses you. Now that’s a moment and you will feel good.

#13 – He Works On All Your Past Advises For Him

The world would have been a better place if we all valued, listened to and worked on the flaws our loved ones told us about. It is human tendency to change after that person is not more a part of our life.

Though late, he is regretting if he has started to take all your advice seriously and working on them to be a better version of himself. Now if he is doing it because he respects you and wants to get back with you, that’s an entirely different scenario.

#14 – He Acts Needy

When he tells you that he needs you or his life feels incomplete without you, it is a clear sign that regrets for the bad he did with you in the past.

As mentioned earlier, every guy has a way of expressing themselves. A few shows they are strong and cry inside, some of them tell you how much they miss you and the others don’t mind expressing how needy they feel.

How you want to react to his weakness is solely your decision to make.

#15 – He Requests You To Give The Relationship Another Chance

A boyfriend who’s conscience speaks loud and is guilty for what he did, will truthfully come forward and ask you for another chance. If it is just the guilt or guilt and love that’s bringing him back is a question mark. Either way, for a fact he at least accepts his mistake.

He would have realized over the time that leaving you for someone was his biggest mistake. It is common for people to get carried away and forget to see the ones who are near and care for them the most. So, it is you who has to decide if it’s worth giving him that chance and moving forward with him or you want to start afresh life.


It is common that people make mistakes like leaving their partner for someone better or they mutually let go of the relationship. Somehow, if the love between the boy and girl has been true and small problems pushed them away, regret and effort can make up for what’s broken and relationships take new birth.

Now it is for you to decide if you want to start a new life with your partner by forgiving him or let him go for the good. Irrespective of what you do, be happy that his realization is in place and he regrets for playing the unfair part in the relationship.

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