15 Signs He Likes You More Than A Friend – Know What’s Hidden!


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15 Signs He Likes You More Than A Friend

It is ironic that hidden signs are always transparent and we miss out catching on them. The typical mistake most women make is that of understanding that he likes you more than a friend now. When you don’t know what’s going on in a man’s mind, get alert and begin to notice him.

To be special for someone and to be treated like a princess is undoubtedly a blessing. Are you in that phase where you see a difference in your close friend’s behaviour and you aren’t sure if he is treating you like his best buddy or more? Unable to ask him directly? In that case, notice him.

Here’s an article to open your eyes to the signs that he likes you more than a friend. Read to glance through? Here you go!

Clear Signs He Likes You More Than A Friend

Clear Signs He Likes You More Than A Friend

When two people are close to each other, a small difference in the relationship is clearly evident. It is just that the two of them don’t talk about it unless necessary and on the other hand, people discuss changes.

Talking of feelings, catching them doesn’t take a while. It so happens that one of the two or both of them make it clear in their actions.

In a while, if the two of you have been the best of friends and your gut tells you that he is a little different from what he used to be and if your gut says he likes you more then you should look at some of these signs.

#1 – He Starts To Dive Into Your Mind

We are most interested to know what is the opposite person’s thought process and how he/she looks at the world when we want them to be a part of our life. Would you bother to know how does your colleague think? You wouldn’t bother as he/she is not important to you.

If he has started to take interest in reading your unhappy mind, smiling to your happy mind and understanding your difficult thoughts. He has started to see you more than a friend.

Further Reading: 20 Signs He Misses You

#2 – He Starts To Sound Way Too Sweet

It is so true that in love we all start to sound sweet and when we have to talk to the one we love, there is a world of a difference in how we communicate.

In general, you might be sweet in the way you talk, however, the sweetness doubles when it comes to that special someone.

If he has started to like you more than a friend, he will no more sound like that rough and tough guy, he begins to be a gentleman. For sure this will leave you surprised.

Sometimes you will catch him blushing at something you say. That tone will mellow down.

#3 – His Attachment For You Grows

Attachment is a part of being in love. When someone crosses that stage of more than a friend, simultaneously the attachment grows.

As friends, the two of you would anyways have an attachment. If he has started to talk things like he is afraid of losing you or doesn’t want to lose you ever.

For a change, if he is sounding all emotional. The guy has certainly fallen for you and he wants to keep you for life. He starts to feel even more attached and close to you when its more than a friendship.

#4 – He Will Gives You An Enchanting Eye Contact

The stereo typically true sign of looking into the eyes of your someone special is incredibly romantic. Take yourself as an example, would there be a spark in your eyes when you look at other guys? It will be there for that one special person only, right?

If he has started seeing you more than a friend, you will know it in the way he looks into your eyes. He will almost drown into them and you will feel those chills.

He won’t take his eyes off you even for a moment. In fact, he won’t look at anyone else the way he looks at you.

#5 – He Has A Microscopic Memory For You

If it is about that someone special, we are all happy about remembering details. Right from what they wear to their expressions in a given situation.

You know how guys are, they aren’t good with remembering dates or even other details. Most of the guys clearly don’t remember. If this guy has started to keep a track of every little thing that’s important or unimportant and related to you, he has started to see you more than a friend. Otherwise, why would his memory work like a microscope for you? Think about it!

#6 – He Starts And Ends His Day With You

We all like to begin and end our day with people who are important to us. So, when you fall in love, wouldn’t you want to talk to the one you love?

Exactly the same goes with him, if he has started to see you more than what the two of you are right now, he will want to see or talk to you as the day starts.

End of the day, he will somehow crave to talk to you. Lately, if he has started to behave too clingy, stop wondering! It is for you to understand that he is seeing you more than a friend.

#7 – He Gets Good With Initiating Plans

If it is for someone special we always want to make plans and find every means to meet them often. Wouldn’t you make plans to spend time with your special friend? You would, right?

If he is actively making plans to meet you and calling them dates, then there is something fishy and its a clear sign that he wants to ask you out but he is probably afraid to.

Leave alone making plans to meet you, initiating a conversation or planning a vacation are all his thoughts. The person who was lazy to make plans is now making plans just to find a reason to meet you, isn’t that interesting?

#8 – He Is Always There For You

When we are in love, being there by our sweetheart is the best we can do for them. You will never want to let your loved one be alone during hardships, right?

If he has started to fall in love with you, he will make way to always stand up for you and be there whenever you need his back. In life, most of us are looking for this moral support and if he is going out of his way to extend this support, he is more than a friend for you.

#9 – He Is A Changed Person Around You

Love can change people for good. It is true and most of us in love will agree to this. Leave aside the problems that come with being in love. Look at the beautiful side and you will only see yourself getting better.

If he sees you more than a friend, he will start to change the way he behaves and looks so that you are happy with that change. Firstly, you will notice him happy all the time. No doubt that he might be a changed person just for you. Yet, subconsciously his views towards life and behaviour with others also change.

#10 – He Gets All Affectionate And Touchy

Being touchy and affectionate is a reflex action when you are in love. It is one way of showing love.

When he sees you more than a friend, at a point when he feels the most vulnerable, he will just hug you and in times when you are upset, he will cuddle you and not mind that.

Conversely, you will see a change in his expressions with your touch. So one way he gets a touch and one way your touch electrifies him.

#11 – He Looks For A Chance To Surprise You

A special person will always do their best to surprise you. Even when you least expect it he/she will leave no scope to make you feel happy.

If you see that he is going that extra mile to surprise you with little things and compliments you. It clearly means that he has that special pull and sees you more than a friend.

#12 – He Takes Interest In Knowing Your People

When two people are comfortable with each other and madly in love, that’s when they go about introducing that special person to their family members and friends.

If the two of you have never met extended families and friends in your friendship and all of a sudden if he has started taking interest in introducing you to all of them, it is certain that there is something in his heart for you. If you just had to be his friend, why would he be keen on introducing you to everyone? Think over it!

#13 – He Has Started To Feel Possessive About You

Feeling possessive about the one you love is quite a natural emotion. We are either afraid to lose that person to someone better than us.

If he has started to mind you talking about other guys or reacts after getting to know you are hanging out too much with other guy friends, he is certainly not comfortable and you are not just a friend to him.

#14 – He Accepts Your Best And Worst

It is only true love that allows you to accept the opposite person for who he or she is. Be it the worst or best in that person.

That being said, if you can be your true self with him, he has certainly given you that kind of comfort and let you be who you are, only the person who thinks you are special can do that. He appreciating your strength and keeping aside his ego when you throw tantrums shows that you are more than a friend to him.

#15 – He Prioritizes Your Happiness First

When a person truly loves you he/she puts your happiness and wishes forward. He/she cannot afford being selfish or think of oneself when it’s about you.

If you see that he adjusts to your interests and has started to prioritize your happiness before his, it is a clear sign that he has totally fallen for you. No doubt that friends would make sacrifices for you or adjust to your likes as well. However, a person in love would do it differently for you.

When a guy starts to see you more than a friend you will be able to see it in the way he treats you. In a blink, you will begin to mean the world to him. The next question that arises is whether you see him the same way or not and if you do, just go and confess your feelings for him before its too late.

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Vihaa Nichani(Neha Makhija) is a content writer whose passion for penning down thoughts channeled into the right direction and became her profession. She is keen on deep diving into every topic she writes about and is inclined towards challenging her capabilities by writing on diverse topics such as women’s health, beauty, fashion, relationships and lifestyle. Besides this, she enjoys dancing, traveling, jogging and trekking.