12 Undeniable Signs That He Is Jealous About You – Scrutinize And Find Out!


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Has it ever happened that a few minutes back the two of you were normal and having a great conversation and out of the blue he suddenly starts to act strange when you mention another guy to him? Having you found any signs that he is jealous?

This is clear that a guy who likes you will be jealous about you at some point. Look at it psychologically, most of us are always insecure about the one’s we love and getting jealous when they get close to someone from the opposite sex is common.

Sometimes he being jealous about you can get suffocating and there are times he feels it but hiding it from you. If you want to get a clear understanding as to what he is feeling, you need to observe his reaction and study some signs.

Read this article and get to know about undeniable signs that prove he is jealous about you!

Signs That He Is Jealous About You – Keep Noticing!

Signs He Is Jealous About You - Keep Noticing

Women are tagged as unpredictable and complicated, no less are those men who start to get jealous and will never open up about it. They can get unreasonable and at one point you will find them immature. Not just boyfriends but even close male friends can get jealous about you.

Some men will show it, while the rest of them hide it and the others just express it in the most complicated manner that might offend you.

A guy feels jealous either because he is into you or wants the importance the other men should not get. While it can be a mystery to solve, the signs just don’t go unnoticed.

A few men don’t want to express they are jealous with the fear of getting rejected, they don’t want to come out as weak and a few of them are afraid that women will take undue advantage of their emotions.

Let’s try solving half of the mystery and look at signs that undeniably prove how he is jealous about you!

Sign No 1 – He Will Say It Loud That He Doesn’t Care And Ends Up Being Most Affected

He Will Say It Loud That He Doesnt Care And Ends Up Being Most Affected

Not all men, however, a few men will never admit or accept that you talking to another guy is pricking him from the inside.

Instead, to hide his feelings,he will tell you that he doesn’t give a damn about what you do and deep down he feels something else.

Don’t trust a man whose eyes show pain and words say the opposite. He is trying to throw attitude. If you are in this situation, then just keep calm and don’t encourage him more, let him just be and take his time to calm down.

Sign No 2 – He Will Make A Face You Would Dislike Seeing

He Will Make A Face You Would Dislike Seeing

In a sportive way you might compliment or appreciate another guy in front of him and all of a sudden you will notice world of a difference in his expressions.

Don’t be surprised if his face gets bloated, it is normal for that to happen and you can observe the signs that he is jealous about you.

He will not want to show it out to you but it will be noticeable that he is unhappy. If you think that the peace between both of you might get disrupted talking about it, then it is good for you to ignore his expression.

Sign No 3 – He Avoids Talking To You When He Is Jealous

He Avoids Talking To You When He Is Jealous

At times the guy who is jealous about you tactfully escapes or he either shows it without admitting it. When he is jealous, he might do his best to avoid you, its obvious that he doesn’t want to show you his feelings.

You will see a difference on his face, if you go out with another guy or may be just talk about him, he will become calm from there. This silence will get tougher if he is a talkative person and when he maintains pin drop silence suddenly.

Sign No 4 – He Looks For More Attention

He Looks For More Attention

When a guy gets jealous about you or doesn’t want you to get close to any other guy. He will start throwing attitude at you which means he is seeking for your attention more.

You may not realize but you will end up giving into what he doesn’t like and take your steps back from doing what you want to do.

Not being able to be yourself with the fear of hurting him is never a healthy sign for your relationship as a friend or partner, at some point you will want to be your natural self and then he gets a feeling that you are a changed person.

Thus, if he throws attitude, ignore it and let him learn to get a control over the jealousy he has for you.

Sign No 5 – He Starts Keeping A Close Eye On You

He Starts Keeping A Close Eye On You

When a guy is too jealous about you, he will forget that there is a thin line even when the two of you are close and that is of giving each other the space to breathe. If he is insecure about the distance then the jealousy can get too hard to deal with.

A guy who is overly jealous about you will start to follow and keep calling you when you hangout with anyone else besides him.

You will understand he is jealous if that happens once or twice. However, if that becomes a habit, it will end up troubling you and it is necessary to talk about it in order to save your relationship from getting toxic.

Sign No 6 – He Starts Getting Friendly With Other Women

He Starts Getting Friendly With Other Women

Until now if he hasn’t ever been much into hanging out with his other women friends and right after you have made friendship with a new guy at work if he starts being someone he is not, it is probably a sign that he is jealous about you making that new guy friend. He doesn’t want to sound petty, thus, he won’t tell you that.

Some guys can get complicated and will never admit the fact that they are jealous. He will want to protect himself from getting hurt and so he will think of hanging out with other women as the best solution.

If it was about genuinely making female friends, you would have always seen him that way. It is still understood and you wouldn’t be skeptical that he is up to something.

See if you can speak to him about it and if speaking doesn’t help then let time sort things out for you . If he truly loves you, he will understand that he is jealous and needs to let you know about it.

Sign No 7 – He Gets Offended If You Don’t Share Things With Him

He Gets Offended If You Don’t Share Things With Him

Being close to your guy doesn’t imply that you have to share every single detail of whats happening with you. Yes, transparency is needed. However, there are a few things that we cannot share with people we are close to as well.

Example – If your friend has shared a secret with you, it is not necessary that you have to come and tell your boyfriend or close friend about it.

Therefore, you can assume that he is jealous if he gets upset when you don’t share details with him and he comes to know about it later. If he is constantly stuck to knowing everything that’s happening with you, you need to understand he wants you to give him that importance of knowing everything.

Sign No 8 – He Will Want To Know Details About You

He Will Want To Know Details About You

If you understand the importance of personal space and you love that person, would it matter if you didn’t know details about him? Deep down, you know that he is going to be loyal to you despite the details you are missing to know about him.

Sadly, similar isn’t the case with a boyfriend who is jealous about you. He will want to know every little detail, right from when you woke up to what you did all day and whom you met. In addition to this, he will want to know passwords of all your accounts to be sure that you are loyal to him.

If this happens with you, you must let him know that these ways won’t work because in the long run, it is you whose going to deal with it.

Sign No 9 – He Will Start Being All Lovey Dovey Suddenly

He Will Start Being All Lovey Dovey Suddenly

In times when he is not the expressive kinds and starts to shower too much love all of a sudden, it is apparent that you will take a while and try to understand what’s wrong with him. It would be hard to digest that sudden change.

If this is happening to you then he is probably jealous about you and doesn’t want you getting attracted to anyone else apart from him. He wants the be the best and he will go to any extent to make you feel good.

What’s uncommon is the fact that he was never into making so much efforts and he is a changed person not to let you go.

Sign No 10 – He Unexpectedly Gets Tough

He Unexpectedly Gets Tough

A man who is jealous about you might not want to show it to you and to hide his feelings he will start acting like the strong one.

The way he talks, behaves and reacts will be unusual. He will constantly say that he is okay and his eyes will show he is in pain and struggling through his feeling of jealousy.

He will want you around all the time and for genuine reasons if you fail to make time, he might have a harsh reaction over something resolvable.

Sign No 11 – He Talks Negative About A Future Together

He Talks Negative About A Future Together

Insecurity and jealousy leads to destruction and when it is not taken care of initially, it can make living together really hard.

When your boyfriend doesn’t trust you enough or feels excessively possessive about you, he might not be positive that the two of you have a future together.

All this while if he has managed being positive about a life together and in a snap if he starts talking negative things, he might not be meaning it but you need to know that it is the signs that he is jealous and out of jealousy he is blabbering things.

Sign No 12 – He Won’t Be Happy When The Two Of You Are Together

He Wont Be Happy When The Two Of You Are Together

If he is not smiling and happy like the way the two of you used to be, it is clear that he is upset with you and may be wants to keep silent because he can’t express his jealousy.

You will first witness those changes when the two of you are together, he won’t talk like he used to, he won’t make you laugh like he used to and he won’t make plans of meeting like he used to. All the time he will be to himself and you will realize how he is slowly going away from you.

How To Deal With A Guy Who Is Jealous About You

How To Deal With A Guy Who Is Jealous About You

When two people are close, it is evident that they are going to be jealous about each other. However, when that jealousy transcends limits, it can make relationships break. Before taking a major step, it is always good to sort things out and find ways to deal with jealousy. Take a look at what you should do when your guy is jealous about you!

  1.  Be patient with his feelings, it might take him a while to feel better. Give him that space to make peace with his emotions.
  2. Try and understand what’s making him jealous. Is it genuinely your mistake? Or is he over thinking it all.
  3.  A reaction to his jealousy isn’t always required.
  4. Let him know how much you value him and everything special about him.
  5. Don’t be harsh in dealing with jealousy. Be nice to him and hear him out.
  6.  Give him an assurance that you will always be loyal to him. Give him the space to trust you better.


When a guy is jealous, a girl can see and sense it. No matter how much he hides it or behaves indifferently, you will just realize when he is not feeling secure and good. Dealing with jealousy is a choice. If you can sort things out, nothing like it. But, if his jealousy is a bad obsession then it is better to keep your distance for both of your good.

Keep a watch on him when he is jealous and if you can make him feel better, just go for it!

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Vihaa Nichani(Neha Makhija) is a content writer whose passion for penning down thoughts channeled into the right direction and became her profession. She is keen on deep diving into every topic she writes about and is inclined towards challenging her capabilities by writing on diverse topics such as women’s health, beauty, fashion, relationships and lifestyle. Besides this, she enjoys dancing, traveling, jogging and trekking.