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Some links in this article are affiliate links. We may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through these links, at no extra cost to you. We only recommend products we find useful to our readersFalling in love with a strong willed and independent man won’t be an easy love trial unless he has a spot for you in his heart. The Aquarius sun sign men are governed by Saturn and Uranus. The characteristics of both these planets are different. Thus, Aquarius men are focused and they can get restless at the same time.
If you feel connected to an Aquarian man and want to know if he feels the same way, you need to watch him. Look at how does he treat you differently from other women and observe his actions only when the two of you are around. The answers you are looking for will be right in front of you.
Read this article to know the traits, expectations, and behavior patterns of an Aquarian man in love. Apart from this, know the signs that an Aquarius man likes you.
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How To Know If An Aquarius Man Likes You
Curious to know if an Aquarius man has a special spot for you? Well, peep into these signs an Aquarius man likes you. Excited? Here you go!
Sign No 1 – A Journey from Good Friends to Best Friends
If he has been able to give you a special place in his heart, it means, now you are more than a friend to him. He believes that he can trust you which is why he wants to call you his close friend.
Wanting to be your close friend is his way of welcoming you as that one special person.
In the beginning, you might not be able to understand if it is really his special liking for you or not.
However, if he has the same interest in being your friend even after a few months, it is a clear sign that this Aquarius man wants you for life.
Sign No 2 – Makes Efforts To Entertain You
When you are bored or feeling lonely it is the people who love you who will come forward to make you feel better. Similar is the case when an Aquarian man is in love with you. He will never be tired of keeping you happy and entertained.
He might become a comedian to make you laugh, he will take you out for a long drive, buy you good food or often check on you. Aren’t you happy to call yourself lucky in this case?
Sign No 3 – You Get to Go Out Often
Think of this, why would he take you out often until and unless you are not that special someone for him? A guy wouldn’t take his friend out every now and then. Would he?
If he is looking for a chance to spend time with you taking you out for a lunch or dinner every second day or for that matter if he is aware that you are a foodie and ensures to take you to new food joints, he cares for you and wants you to enjoy.
Sign No 4 – The Romantic Naughtiness Comes Out
By nature, Aquarian men are romantic and you can imagine how much love and emotion they must be expressing their love to you without telling you how much they love you.
He will hold your hand in the crowd, wrap his hands around, and give you a tight hug. Further, he will express many other romantic gestures that will clearly show how much he is into you.
Sign No 5 – There Is Curiosity In Getting To Know You
Isn’t it natural that we all get curious to know the one we love? Right from their strengths to weaknesses, we want to understand the deep.
Similar is the case when an Aquarian man is in love. He would want to know your likes, dislikes, what bothers you, what makes you into a happy world, and how you think about yourself, your family, and people. He will want to understand you deeper than you can imagine.
If you are only a good friend, he wouldn’t think about you or ask so many questions.
Sign No 6 – Flirting Happens With The Special One Only
When it comes to few men, it gets difficult to understand if they are flirting or complimenting. How often have you experienced this?
Interestingly, when an Aquarian man falls for a woman, he will want to flirt with her only. He will lose interest in flirting with all the other women. Although healthy flirting is not wrong, all he will be able to think of is that one special woman he feels for.
Yes, even an Aquarian man can be loyal and committed. But you need to be special for him to feel that for you. Trust me, if he has it for you, you won’t see him flirt with other women.
Sign No 7 – Future Discussions Begin
A man in love talks about the future only to selected people. One, with his family. Two, tells friends. Three, he discusses it with that special someone.
Off late, if he has started discussing what he wants to do at work, for his family, and tells you something like he wants to spend the rest of his life with someone like you, what more are you waiting to know? He is clearly into you.
Sign No 8 – Stands as Your Backbone
Aquarius men are generous and they never have no for an answer, especially when it comes to offering help. If you are in doubt that he loves you, just watch him help you.
These men go out of their way to make things easy for you. If that’s looking for help in selecting a dress for yourself or learning a skill. They will do everything possible to keep you happy, give you what you want, and simplify things for you.
What else could a girl ask for? When a man can be her backbone, nothing like it!
Sign No 9 – You Will Always Feel His Presence
When an Aquarius begins to see you more than a friend, he is particular about being around you most of the time. May be trying to know you better or as a reason to spend quality time with you.
How does he do it? He will make reasons to accompany you wherever you go or probably asks you to tag along when he goes shopping.
Sign No 10 – Love Is Confessed
It takes courage to open up about how you feel for someone, isn’t it?
Finally, after doing all the sweet talks, flirting, being there for you, and the indirect signals, he will finally give up on all of it and clearly tell you how much he loves you.
Once he is sure he can commit, he will come to you and express his feelings for you.
Sign No 11 – Other Typical Love Signs
Here are other signs that explain how much an Aquarius man likes you. Take a look!
- Gives less time to himself and spends more time with you.
- He would constantly want to look into your eyes.
- He will compliment you for all the attractive qualities you have.
- He won’t mind being touchy and loving.
Traits Of An Aquarius Man

Having a quick read about the traits of an Aquarius man will give you an in-depth reality of his nature, likes, and dislikes. This should be good to further take a decision of whether you can live with this man or not.
Similar to the Librans, even the Aquarian men are peacekeepers. They are soft in their approach to life. They are determined but at the same time they don’t act responsibly. This is a clear example that the effects of two planets governing this sun sign are seen in the nature of Aquarians.
An interesting fact about these people is that they are not with injustice. They are fond of reading about social issues and giving their point of view to the issues.
These people have a great tolerance power and they never step back from solving a problem. When it comes to friends, they are highly kind and selfless. They appreciate being treated well if not equally.
The fact that their systematic nature makes them feel that the world around them is lagging. On the other hand, they get disappointed soon and don’t understand things well.
Their ideas are fantastic, all they need is understanding from people to do wonders in life. Aquarius men have good intuitive powers. By looking around, they can easily find out if something is wrong.
Aquarius men are happy being to themselves and don’t keep any expectations from people to share problems with them. They like taking responsibility for themselves and barely rely on people for anything they want. They are independent by nature.
How Are Aquarius Men In A Relationship?
- If you are in a hurry to marry an Aquarius man, don’t be in a rush. They are affectionate and loving partners; however, they take a while to open up.
- He will always stand by you and will always have a soft approach.
- They keep their partners happy and comfortable in the relationship.
- Aquarius men are firm about their commitments. Once they give you their word, they will always be ready to stand by you.
- You won’t be able to see his true feelings immediately. You will need to wait for a while if you want things to work between the two of you.
- If you don’t understand his emotions or consider what he has to say, then be ready to see him angry and hyper.
- Initially, you won’t find him friendly as he takes his time to understand and know people. He prefers distancing himself from people who he is not happy with.
- He won’t be good with expressing his emotions. This can bother you. Therefore, always give it a while before you confront or approach him for dating or marriage.
- If you want him to be happy with you, let him love his life and give him the freedom he desires and deserves. Aquarius men dislike anyone intruding in their privacy.
- Aquarius men experience major mood swings. At one point you will see them happy and the next moment they can get sad. They are unpredictable because they easily lose interest in doing the same things over and again personally or romantically.
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What Do Aquarius Men Expect From A Relationship?
Expectations meet or don’t, that’s secondary. Primarily, knowing them must concern you.
If you love this Aquarian and want to know if you can fit in with him or not. Read through what Aquarius men expect from a relationship.
- An Aquarius man builds a relationship on the basis of trust. He cannot be with you if he doesn’t trust you.
- Aquarian men are not socially conscious or ones to follow rules made by society, they prefer living life on their terms. Similarly, they are looking for a partner who has a similar thought process.
- They want to be in a relationship with an open-minded person.
- Aquarians, expect their partner to understand the importance of personal space.
- An Aquarius man expects to have a mental connection with you. Getting physical is not everything for him. So, work on strengthening your bond by being his good friend.
- Aquarian men are serious about handling finances. They don’t believe in extravagantly blowing money. When it comes to investing money, they are smart. That being said, he would even expect his partner to be a sensible spender.
- He would expect the girl to understand how much he loves living life on his terms. You must be aware that they dislike being controlled.
- You need to be calm and patient while dealing with an Aquarius man, they are sensitive and take things to heart. If you can handle this quality of an Aquarian man, only then it is a good option to be in a relationship.
- You should know that Aquarius men are not good with talking their hearts out. If you don’t want to turn back and are sure that he is the right one in your life, through his behavior, be ready to understand what he wants. He might not be able to say it always.
- Aquarius men dislike being with a woman who is into doing too much emotional drama. They look forward to being with an easy-going woman.
- Give him the time to feel better if he is behaving moody. Many times they prefer keeping away when their mood is bad.
Aquarius men are independent, hard to impress and like things their way. If an Aquarius man is truly in love with you, he will commit and be loyal. There are many signs that will clearly reveal the love of an Aquarius man for his lady. Additionally, once he is sure about what he feels, he will directly tell you how much he loves you. Wait for the right time.