10 Real Signs A Scorpion Man Likes You – Passionate Love!


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10 Real Signs A Scorpion Man Likes You

Scorpion men are passionate. If they are in love, they are totally into you. By chance, if you see or experience his hidden passion and you have a small clue, then it is perhaps signs a scorpion man likes you.

The signs that clearly show whether a scorpion man likes you or not depends on his loyalty and the way he treats you. Faking or making it up is the last thing on his list and you needn’t worry about it.

Read this article to know clear signs a Scorpio man likes you!

10 Signs A Scorpio Man Likes You

12 Obvious Signs a Scorpio Man Likes You

Reading horoscope signs is the first step to know if a person likes you or not. Here are subtle signs that indicate how much a Scorpio man likes you.

Sign No 1 – A Bold and Direct Approach

When he is bold and not shy to admit it, it is a real signs a Scorpio man likes you.

If he is crazy about you, he would be firm about his feelings. You might think he is stubborn. However, for him, it would be all about taking the initiative to show you what he feels and how much he wishes to commit.

Men of this sun sign wouldn’t force or influence you to give into them, they keep trying hard to pursue you.

He will not mind asking you out on dates whenever he wants to express love. Ultimately, they want to hear a “yes” but won’t do it forcefully. He might walk up to you and directly express how much he loves you. Thus, these are real signs a Scorpio man likes you.

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Sign No 2 – A Perfect Test

It is a clear sign a Scorpio man likes you if he wants to test you first. Think of this, why would he want to test your reactions or what you feel if he wasn’t interested. So you know what it means.

Love at first sight is not their cup of tea. However, if you feel that a Scorpio man likes you and looks forward to being with you, be prepared, he will test you and take his own sweet time to decide that you are the one.

To understand your reaction to situations, he might purposely make a blunder or talk deep things to know your views. He might do an acid test to know if you are loyal or not. At times, he might directly give you an instance and ask for your opinion to gauge if you make fair decisions or not.

Read: 15 Signs He Likes You More Than A Friend – Know What’s Hidden!

Sign No 3 – Intense Staring

Speaking through eyes is a speechless language that is only felt. It conveys deep messages that cannot be put across in words. It is a sign a Scorpio man likes you if he doesn’t leave a single chance to admire you.

If you’ve been seeing him do it more than expected, then he has a strong attraction for you. They overdo it when they want to confess their love and haven’t been able to do it yet. So, now you know what this sign means if a Scorpio man likes you.

He will give you romantic eye contact when you are dressed well. And he would look at you more than focusing on what you want to say. He will be engrossed and involved in the conversations you both have.

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Sign No 4 – The Sexy Way

Women adore Scorpio men and they can win hearts. So, if a Scorpio man likes you, you would perhaps not be able to resist being tempted.

Scorpion men cannot help but be sexy. They are ruled by Mars. This planet denotes love-making and sex. They can easily seduce you and you can imagine how amazing they must be when it comes to expressing lust for the one they love.

He doesn’t shy away from expressing his passionate side because he wants you to know what you mean to him and he does the best to excite you.

Read: 10 Things Men Like In Bed But Won’t Ask For – Spark Up Your Hotness!

Sign No 5 – Sharing Begins

To clearly show that he is in love, this Scorpio man will ensure to share everything with you. Your happiness is his priority and he rightly proves it by doing everything possible for you. Scorpio men are particular about fulfilling their partner’s needs.

Scorpio men are particular about time. If he is giving it all to you and sharing every little detail about his personal life, he undoubtedly loves you.

He will discuss work, talk about his family, and would want to know everything about your family too.

Sign No 6 – Jealous, Possessive, Protective

Jealousy is a common emotion most zodiac signs have for the one they love. Agree?

A Scorpio man is stubborn and jealous of you. Even if he knows it is a negative emotion, he won’t try and control it.

When compared to men from other sun signs, a Scorpio man is highly protective and possessive when he is ‘heels over in love’.

He stands up for you in case someone talks ill about you or when you need mental and emotional support. And also He gets jealous when he sees you getting close to someone else. He will want you to treat him as his first priority.

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Sign No 7 – No Fake Connection

A scorpion man cannot pretend and be okay if you are unable to connect with him. He will either try his best and impress you to experience a beautiful emotional connection with you or give you the space to be happy with what you want.

Scorpion men love the connection to be real and strong so that the two of you strike well with each other. Therefore, if this Scorpio man likes you, he will wait and expect to connect with you.

You will see an attraction in his eyes for you. You wouldn’t see it if he didn’t see you more than a friend.

If you are his special someone and he feels sure about you, this is a genuine and strong connection in that case.

Sign No 8 – Best Attention Giver And Seeker

In a relationship, we all look for attention. A few of us show that we need attention while the rest of us hide it within. If a Scorpio man likes you or you fall in love with him, you won’t find the need to seek attention from him.

A Scorpio will always want to give his lady love the attention he deserves. You won’t be able to beat him in the way he can be there for you. Right from asking you out to helping you improve as a person; he will give you the attention.

Over time, he will build a good rapport with you and seek the same attention. If you don’t bother to respond well, he will make a frown, and it’s for you to understand that you mean so much to him.

Sign No 9 – Catching Up With The Family

Think of this, why would a guy bother taking you home if you were not special to him? This is one sweet and genuine quality in Scorpio men.

Scorpio men are usually excited about introducing the one they love to their family to know what the family feels about the relationship and the new girl in his life.

Even here he will test and see how you gel with everyone around. They look at how adaptable you are in their world. As mentioned earlier, he won’t waste his time over you until and unless you are special.

Isn’t it amazing that a guy thinks deep and makes it a point to introduce you to his family? He is worth keeping if you feel the same way for him.

Sign No 10 – The Adventurous Dates

Scorpion men are known for being bold and taking a risk. If he does so, it is a sign a Scorpio man likes you.

He might want to take you out for an adventurous date and he would call it an outing. He will do all this only because you are special and he probably wants to try everything with you. You never know!

Look at it otherwise. Why would he want you to come along when he is adventurous by nature? It’s simple, he wants your company as well as get used to him being adventurous.

You will be thrilled to see the way he plans everything to keep you entertained. Along with this, if he plans a romantic dinner and gets flirtatious. It is for you to understand that he is making a strong move.

At times, he might surprise you and take you out for a horror movie. Life will be fun if you have a Scorpio man. He will keep you entertained 24/7.

Traits Of A Scorpio Man

We know of all the signs a Scorpio man likes you. Now let’s explore further. To be in a relationship, it is important to know and analyze if you can keep up with the qualities (strengths and flaws) of the opposite person knowing your own qualities.

Besides, it can give you a real picture of how compatible could the two of you be. Take a look at the traits of a Scorpio man.

Scorpio men are quiet and tolerant unless you test their patience. They are not the men you can mess with.

Also They are highly passionate, independent, bold, and strong on their own. They don’t seek any emotional support from anyone.

These men are highly dedicated to their work and they aren’t people with a big friends circle. However, they socialize with everyone possible.

These men are alert and they are not the ones to trust you easily. They have the right sense to gauge who is right for them and not.

If you hurt a Scorpio man be ready with the consequences of not being forgiven easily. It is not easy for them to let go of things that hurt them.

How Are Scorpio Men In A Relationship?

How Are Scorpio Men In A Relationship

Here is what you need to know about how are Scorpio men in a relationship. Take a look!

  1. Scorpio men are bold and they won’t shy away when it comes to taking a stand and marrying you.
  2. Scorpio men are the attached kinds. They are extremely close to their partner.
  3. Once he loves you, he will love you for life. Their feelings don’t change or fade out that easily.
  4. Scorpio men are always strong and intense even while expressing love. You will never get to see his soft emotions.
  5. The best part is that Scorpion men choose to be intense only within themselves. When it comes to their darling, they are kind and can easily read or understand emotions.
  6. It is hard to understand how a Scorpio man is when it comes to sex. They can be soft and at times too intense. It all depends on how they feel. However, they are too good in bed.
  7. You can expect loyalty from a Scorpio man. You can expect him to either be totally in love or all detached. But there is no in-between for a Scorpio man. He is crystal clear and trustworthy.
  8. To protect himself from being in a situation of finding it tough to forgive, he chooses to stay strong and not be emotional even with the one he loves.
  9. It is hard to say what is going on in his mind if he is upset or angry. He chooses to stay silent.

What Do Scorpio Men Expect From A Relationship?

What Do Scorpio Men Expect From A Relationship

Besides looking at clear signs a Scorpio man likes you, it is essential to gauge what a man expects from the relationship too. Why? It would help you figure out if you can fulfill those expectations in the long run or not.

That being said, you should look at what a Scorpio man possibly expects or the qualities he is keen on seeing in the girl he is in a relationship with.

  1. He would love to spend the rest of his life with a gentle-hearted woman who can trust in the fact that he is reliable and caring.
  2. He can be the worst person if you hurt him. Ensure to be careful with what you say and how you deal with situations he is sensitive about. It won’t be 100 percent perfect, the least you can do is to avoid hurting him. This is clearly one of the biggest expectations of a Scorpio man.
  3. Scorpion men prefer dating or marrying a woman who is emotional and understands the depth of his emotions.
  4. They prefer keeping their love or sex life quite private. They don’t appreciate PDA. If you love a Scorpio man, you cannot be too vocal about your happening love story. He clearly won’t like it.
  5. They are not into casual relationships; they believe in deep and forever relationships. If you want to be with a Scorpio man only for the sake of it, drop out, it is not a good idea.
  6. If you want your Scorpio crush to get close to you, you will need to be sure of building an emotional bond rather than just sex. They are more driven and happier to get emotionally, mentally, and physically closer to their partner.
  7. Don’t flirt for the sake of it, it is a big put off for Scorpio men.
  8. Given the fact that he doesn’t trust easily, he would expect you to assure him that you truly love him.
  9. A Scorpio man expects to be in love with a strong and confident woman.


These were a few signs a Scorpio man likes you. To be with a Scorpio man is one of the best things that can happen to you as they are adventurous, compassionate, sensitive to emotions, and passionate.

As long as you don’t hurt them they are good. Their bold nature of walking up to the woman they love and revealing their feelings is worth admiring. In some cases, they won’t say it, but if you get hints, you know it is a clear sign a Scorpio man likes you.

If you are planning on dating a Scorpio man, it is not a bad idea. For the most part, they have all the ideal qualities a woman is looking for. If you are keen on perfect loyalty in a relationship, then it is advantageous for you if a Scorpio man likes you.