11 Cute Signs A Sagittarius Man Likes You – Find Out!


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11 Cute Signs A Sagittarius Man Likes You

Having a soft corner for a Sagittarius man? Is it growing and turning into love? Wondering if he loves you back?

On observing him closely, you can find out through his love and affection if he is in love or not. It is totally agreeable that finding out if a Sagittarius man is in love or not is tricky given the fact that he is jovial and friendly with most women.

Therefore, to find out the difference you can rely on what horoscope says about the men who belong to this sun sign. Completely relying on signs won’t serve the purpose. It is necessary to confront him if you see positive signs from his end.

Read this article to know the signs that a Sagittarius man likes you. Additionally, get to know about his personality and expectations from a relationship.

How To Know If A Sagittarius Man Likes You?

If you are eager to understand what is in his adventurous heart, read through what horoscope says when a Sagittarius man is in love.

#1 – He Comes Out As A Straight Forward Person

When a Sagittarius man is in love with you, he will be completely honest about any topic under the sky. If he sees you only as a friend, he might hesitate to be blunt.

At the back of his mind, he will be aware that he cannot be frank with every person except his near and dear one’s.

By being honest, he is trying his way to get close to you. What’s special is that along with being blunt he won’t shy away from revealing his flaws or bad secrets to you. He will keep everything transparent.

#2 – He Becomes Your Close Friend

Sagittarius men mingle with many women. However, if he finds you special, he will want to be your close friend and then take things ahead.

For Sagittarius men, there can be a long-lasting relationship only when there is deep love.

So, if you see that he is getting closer, seeking your advice in his personal life and showing up when you need him, it is a cute sign that he likes you.

#3 – He Stays In Your Life For Long

A Sagittarius man takes his time to get close to you. Once he feels connected and starts to find you special, he will spend most of his time with you and stay in your life for long.

#4 – He Will Takes You Along To Try Adventurous Activities

Similar to Geminin’s, even Sagittarius men love being adventurous and they participate in every sport or activity possible. If he is insisting on you tagging along to try an adventure with him, it is a clear sign that you are a special lady in his life.

#5 – He Starts To Give You Attention

Usually, Sagittarius men are busy exploring something new and they find time once in a blue moon because of their hectic schedule.

If a Sagittarius man has started giving you attention in that busy schedule. It means you are special and at any cost, he will make it a point to keep in touch or take you out often.

If you see him as that special someone, you will enjoy the attention you get.

#6 – He Will Love Your Intelligence

For a Sagittarius man, intelligence is almost everything while he needs to connect with you physically too.

Mostly when a Sagittarius man takes interest in you, it is mostly because he is physically attracted to your intelligence. If you are only a friend to him. He will admire it but not bother to let you know.

On the other hand, he will let you know and express how much he loves your intelligence if he likes you the special way.

He will engage in meaningful and non-stop conversations only when he feels connected and can relate and if he is doing so, it is a clear sign that he loves you.

#7 – He Makes Sure To Spend Good Time With You

This one sun sign who is not keen on calling, messaging or meeting everyone does it all for you only when he wants to stay close to you and loves you.

Often, he will stay in touch with you. Also, he wouldn’t bother to keep away from you through the phone.

His efforts to be around and show up are incredible and sweet.

#9 – He Never Makes Excuses, Always Shows Up

It is rare when men in love don’t make excuses and make their partners dance on their tunes. Example of one such amazing sun sign are all the Sagittarian men.

Sagittarius men are the last people to keep you waiting when they promise to take you out. They always show up.

It is unusual that he would plan with people he is not close to. He would take you out on a date, movie or lunch with his other close friends.

While taking you for a date or taking you along with his friends if he always checks on your availability and feasibility, he is clearly in love and you are much more than just a friend.

#10 – He Begins To Adjust His Freedom For You

Among all the zodiac signs, the most open-minded and free are the Sagittarius men. What is your take on that? They love their freedom and expect being in a relationship that gives them the space to be who they want to be.

At any cost, it is tough to hold a Sagittarius man and keep him in control. No one even tries holding men of this sun sign.

However, men change after they fall in love. On his own, if he has started to compromise on his freedom to keep you happy or with an intention to spend the most time with you, you must be that special someone. Why would he do it if you were not special?

For example, he might cancel his plans to go for a party just to spend time with you. Therefore, love can even make a Sagittarius man let go of his freedom for you.

By chance, if the two of you start dating each other, don’t expect him to sacrifice his freedom for you unless he wants to on his own.

When you ask him to sacrifice his freedom, he might end up pin pointing you for taking away his space. So, don’t let that happen.

#11 – He Will Not Approach You Directly

Sagittarius men are smart. If a Sagittarius man has started to fall for you, he will definitely be frank about what he feels but not immediately.

Initially, he will test and observe you. You might not even realize how smartly he does it. He is going to go easy with committing to you.

He will smartly ask you questions about yourself, your response to a situation, your approach to work and family, etc. If he is convinced deep down to see the real you, he might surprise you by proposing you for marriage.

What A Sagittarius Man Expects From A Relationship

What A Sagittarius Man Expects From A Relationship

If you are open to the fact that his attention is going to be diverted, only then it is possible to be happy with a Sagittarius man.

They love giving time to all and are mostly looking for a woman who can accommodate this quality or is of a similar nature.

Read: 13 Signs That A Capricorn Man Likes You – The Sweet Love!

For a happy relationship, it is important for expectations to meet or at least be understood. Having said, take a look at what Sagittarius men expect from a relationship

1. Romance

If you want to keep a Sagittarius man happy in a relationship, understand his romantic fantasies and play along. This is one of his deep desires that the woman should be equally romantic.

Example – You should laugh to his naughty acts or be a sport when it comes to accompanying him on his spontaneous trips.

2. Loads of pampering

No matter how mature a man and woman get in the relationship. The sweet expectations will always be alive. That being said, only if you have a big heart to pamper your Sagittarius man, he will be happy with you. Clearly, this is one of his expectations.

Example – He would appreciate you giving him a gentle and loving massage after a long day at work. The little things matter to s Sagittarius man.

3. Good response in bed

Sagittarius men love being wild and romantic. They expect their partner to respond well to the move they make.

For Example – if he talks dirty, he would expect you to spontaneously respond to the same in words or actions.

4. Stand by him

Sagittarius men are fun and lively. They love being crazy and expect their partner to be their partner in crime and support their ideas.

Example – If he feels like hogging on ice cream late night. He would expect you to be a part of his fun plan.

5. Avoid nagging him

A Sagittarius man dislikes indirect talks or someone taunting him. He doesn’t prefer being nagged for anything. If you have a problem with him, in a nice way put it across. He finds it sensible to hear everything directly.

6. They don’t want their woman gossiping

Sagittarian men love people and they want to be good to all. They don’t want to be with a woman who is into gossips.

7. They want a generous woman

Sagittarius men look at how generous is the woman with people. If he finds you rude with poor people, he wouldn’t want to be with you. For them, good behavior matters the most.

8. He is looking for friendship

If you want to win a Sagittarian’s heart and be his wife, he will first see if the two of you are good friends or not. Only if he sees that there can be friendship between the two of you, he will come forward.

9. Confident and Independent

He is not looking for a fragile woman whom has to give attention to. He will want to be with a confident and independent woman who can stand for herself as well as give him the freedom he wants.

How Are Sagittarius Men In A Relationship?

How Are Sagittarius Men In A Relationship

This is how Sagittarius men are in a relationship. Take a look!

  1. They are full of life and will do their best to make you laugh.
  2. He won’t cling to you. They are friendly and find happiness with everyone.
  3. He has a charming and romantic personality.
  4. He would love to travel the world with you.
  5. He is shy when it comes to expressing his internal feelings.
  6. You can expect him to be a good listener especially when you talk about new things.
  7. You might find him a little careless and this might make you feel neglected. He won’t be keen on exploring philosophical subjects. Therefore, if you are interested to talk about philosophical topics, he won’t be the right one to have these conversations with.
  8. They will openly tell you what they want. Therefore, they are not complicated when it comes to expressing their needs or wants. This will be the case only if they are sure about you.
  9. It takes them a while to commit to a relationship and in the beginning, they are deep lovers.

Read: 10 Undeniable Signs A Cancer Man Likes You – All Lovey Dovely!

Traits of Sagittarius Men

Traits of Sagittarius Men

Sagittarius men are funny by nature and you can expect to have the best conversations with them.

They come up with instant ideas and adventure because even their life is new and interesting most of the time.

Men of these sun signs are open to do anything as long as it doesn’t have to obligate them or ask of a strong commitment from their end.

They are not keen about getting into details. For instance, they don’t enjoy the same task every day. Innovation drives them.

They handle themselves well during the crisis and are open to taking challenges.

He likes taking things ahead of his way. End of the day, they are hardworking.


A Sagittarius man is adventurous, energetic, fun-loving, and good with facing challenges. If you have fallen for a Sagittarius man and he feels the same way for you, honestly tell him how you feel, participate in all his adventures, give him the freedom to do what he loves, shower love, and be who you really are.