Are Grapes Bad For Health? Side Effects Of Eating Grapes


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side effects of eating grapes

Grapes are the little wonders of nature power packed with vitamins and minerals in addition to taste and color attractiveness. Most children just love grapes and are crazy about their small bunches of sweetness hung up together. But there are some side effects of eating grapes, as all we know is their health benefits so far. Grapes have a specific taste that makes them most preferred for kids. Grapes have some of the most healthy benefits for breathing, heart, lungs, kidney functioning. These fruit berries are wine fruits as wine is extracted by them. Their diverse variants including different shapes and colors make them available in over 8000 varieties worldwide. Ranging from green, red, black, violet to many more colors, they are excellent for garnishing too.

Some Side Effects Of Eating Grapes:

1- Grapes aid weight gain:

Grapes aid weight gain

Special concern for people who are aiming to lose weight, as grapes aid weight gain. Eating grapes in controlled quantities may help in weight balance, but eating a lot of grapes results into over accumulation of calories in our body. Since they are bite sized and are extremely light snacks, when we sit with the entire bunch we may end up eating too much. Adding too many calories will not only cause weight gain, but also result into a number of more problems

2- Grapes may cause allergies in people:

Grapes may cause allergies in people

Some people may get allergies by consuming grapes. Even by touching grapes some people may get allergic reactions. Some of these reactions include, sneeze, hive, cough, wheezing and difficulty in breathing. There maybe some concentrate of pesticides on grapes, which may also trigger allergic reactions. And since grapes are more in a bunch the strength of allergic reaction may be too strong. Even causing anaphylactic shock or anaphylaxis

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3- Grapes may also cause indigestion:

Grapes may also cause indigestion

Eating too many grapes can also result in indigestion. Overeating may also cause diarrhea. Some people with fructose intolerance may have abdominal pain too. Such people with these allergic reactions must avoid eating grapes altogether as continued eating may also damage their liver and kidney functions. Over indulgence into grapes may also cause fructose malabsorption.

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4- Grapes cause gas and gastroentro refluxes:

Grapes cause gas

Consuming a lot of grapes causes lot of gas and bloating too. As when we eat grapes our body digests them releasing fructose, which when comes in contact with gut region, the bacteria on the colon start feeding these undigested sugars and release gas which causes bloating.

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5- Irritable bowel syndrome from eating grapes:

Irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS may also be caused by consuming a lot of grapes. This makes a lot of cramping, irritation, bloating, gas in large intestine and abdominal pain. They may also result into gastrointestinal infections.

6- Flatulence and bloating:

Flatulence and bloating

Negative Effects of Eating Grapes – Eating too many grapes can also cause flatulence and bloating. When the gases are released by the intestinal bacteria, these gas pockets accumulate on the inner linings of intestines. This causes a lot of discomfort from bloating and flatulence. This may get severe for people with partial or full fructose intolerance.

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7- Grapes may cause vomiting and nausea:

Grapes may cause vomiting and nausea

Our body may not be habitual of digesting the dietary fiber from grapes regularly as grapes have rich dietary fibers. This causes discomfort in our stomach and also nausea with vomits. Also, some preservatives in grapes may also trigger nausea and vomits. We must restrict the consumption of grapes to avoid these conditions.

8- Grapes may not be suitable for pregnant women:

suitable for pregnant women

Pregnant women may not be able to digest grapes well. Also pesticide levels in grapes are to high and may pose risk to mother and child. Black grape skin can not be digested by pregnant women due to their weakened digestive system. Sour grapes are acidic in nature and may cause a lot of vomits and nausea in women. Eating too many grapes may also increase the stomach heat and may cause diarrhea, which poses threat to pregnant women for loss of fluids in this condition is bad. Grapes contain high quantity of rasveratol compound, which has a high level of anti-oxidant and anti-carcinogenic properties. But this rasveratol may be potentially toxic for hormonally imbalanced pregnant women.

9- Grapes may also interact with certain medicines:

interact with certain medicines

Grapes also interact with certain kind of medicines. Grapes are natural blood thinners and they may slow down blood clotting process. Anti coagulant drugs like warfarin may react with grapes. This causes bruising and bleeding as both act like blood thinning agents. Grapes also increase liver metabolism and thus make drugs like phenacitin ineffective.

10- Risky and harmful during and post surgery:

Risky and harmful during and post surgery

Since grapes are blood thinners they reduce blood coagulation process. Grapes thus slow the blood clotting process. Therefore it may be fatal during surgeries and thus it is advised to stop consumption of grapes at least 2 weeks prior to surgery and 3 weeks post surgery.


The above compilation on unexpected Side Effects of eating Grapes/Grapes are bad for Health is based on experiences and learning overtime. Grapes are the richest source of some healthy vitamins, minerals and dietary fibers. Their immense benefits when taken in limited quantity are far too many, but when over eating the grapes there are several side effects of grapes that may cause discomfort and pain. Therefore, eating a moderate and controlled quantity of grapes makes it healthier and beneficial for our system. Grapes may be consumes fresh, or dried in the form of raisins or even as wine. Their calorific values are limited for a small bowl so limit them to this level to enjoy the benefits of weight balance. See your health care provider for any severe allergy or symptoms. Do not consume grapes if you are pregnant and see your doctor for any emergency.

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Minu Manisha