Top 21 Secrets To A Successful Marriage That You Must Know


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secrets to a successful marriage

Happily ever after is not just a metaphor but reality and you can be a part of successful marriage with a little effort. There are no fairy tales in life and all the fantasies you have regarding married life are not true. But there are some really powerful tips for a happy married life which will help you stay married and in love forever. A successful marriage takes commitment and effort from both the partners. Healthy marriage is a sum of happiness the two people feel in keeping the other one happy, and the more you give in a relationship the more healthy marriage it becomes. There are some secrets to a successful marriage which we must follow and be proud of. For a healthy marriage with your beloved is what makes us complete.

Successful marriage tips which are true to its name:

Successful married life tips are true for most couples who cherish their happy and healthy marriage. Being in love and married with your beloved is not a simple equation, there are ups and downs in a relationship then the trying situations which are inherent. Despite all efforts you tend to undergo times where nothing seems to feel right, but a successful marriage is one which sails through it, holding each others hands the couple come out happy always. A successful marriage requires a pure and honest heart of the partners bonded, immense love and care for each other and no space for jealousy or infidelity. Some important keys to a successful marriage are:

1. Happily married couples enjoy each others company:

More than anything else the two people in love just like to be with each other. They are never bored of each other as they continuously try and take up interesting activities together. Being a part of adventure, exploring the world and not letting monotony kill their precious time together is what them happy and in love always

Happily married couples enjoy

2. Successful marriage requires forgiveness:

Getting hurt is inevitable but seeking and forgiving each other as the relationship is way above any fight or misunderstanding is what makes for a successful marriage The more you forgive the easier it is to live your life happily in love. Most of the times, we tend to exaggerate things and thus end up getting hurt or hurting the other one. SO forgiveness is the key to keep the marriage happy and easy for each other

3. Successful marriage calls for giving space to each other:

Do not be so much deeply involved that you tend to suffocate the other one. It is very important to give some space to each other. Steps for successful marriage begins with identifying the other one as an independent individual. The more you let your partner get some freedom the better it becomes for your relationship. Do not be so possessive that you kill their personal space, every individual has a right to some personal time and space and marriage is no different.

4. Communicate and be a good listener:

Communicating does not just mean speaking whatever you have to say, but more than that it means to listen to your better half. The more you listen the better it gets for a log and happy marriage. Listen with an open heart and be reassuring, this is what makes you a successfully married couple

Communicate and be a good listener

5. Agree to disagree:

It is not possible for couples to have same attitude, opinion and behavior at all times. There are differences bound to happen as no two people are alike. Just respect the other one’s point of view too. No matter how the other one thinks or believes, there is no one right way for anything. Each one has their own views and it is okay to not hide in a successful marriage.

6. Accept your partner the way he is:

The secret of marriage to be successful is, to accept the way your partner is. You loved him for what he is and now after being married you must not try to change him, just accept the way he is. Thats what makes for a successful marriage

7. A successfully married couple takes responsibility of their actions:

Be it right or wrong, you must take full responsibility for all of your actions and deeds. Success or failure of a project is inevitable and to take full responsibility is what makes you a better person. This also brings more respect for you as a person which is much needed in a successful marriage.

A successfully married couple

8. A successful marriage means finding happiness in other one’s passion:

You may not be a fan of the passion your partner has say for art craft or a hobby, but you must be happy for them. Rather than discouraging support your partner to pursue their dreams and follow their passion

9. A Successfully Married Couple Keeps Time for Each Other Every Day:

Despite busy schedules and parenting, years into marriage or away from each other; a successfully married couple will somehow find time for each other every day. To share your happiness and feelings it is very important to express and thus find time for each other above and beyond anything else

10. Give Priority to your partner:

Even after years into marriage you must give priority to things that make your partner happy. Be happy for their success and make time for being with them in their achievements

Give priority to your partner

11. Do not take your partner for granted:

Be grateful for your partner and never take them for granted. As taking for granted becomes a toxin for a healthy marriage. Do not let expectations form and take over the other person’s happiness. Avoid assumptions and let your partner be independent to decide what they want to

12. Keep romance and intimacy alive:

Successful couples do not let their love and spark fade. They make effort to keep the intimacy and romance alive. Reinvent and keep space for cute surprises to make your love blossom despite years into marriage

13. Trust and be honest:

Trust is the most important factor in a successful marriage and being honest makes you even more strongly bonded in love. Do not let any suspicion take over the trust you both share. Sometimes you just have to let go and think of a larger picture rather than pushing the situation. Remember whatever appears may or may not be true so keep the trust factor alive always

Trust and be honest

14. Express love both emotionally and physically:

Holding hands, hugging and kissing is not cliche for even after decades in to marriage. Always remember expressing love will never be outdated or old school. Your partner needs to know how madly and deeply in love you are.

15. Do not blame your partner for anything that went wrong:

Even if you feel your partner failed professionally or is at fault, keep yourself way from blaming. Just be their guide and support them for this bumpy time will pass and you both would come out stronger in love

16. Do not be a control freak:

Do not dominate or be a control freak. Married people begin to dominate in such overt ways that they try to control their partner completely. This is not what successfully married couples do. Being a control freak will not just bring space in your relationship but also make your partner start disliking your company.

Do not be a control freak

17. Do not force your partner for something he or she dislikes:

Just because you like it, doesn’t make it a reason enough for your partner to love it too. Let your partner feel the way he wants and do not try to influence him if he is strongly against anything

18. Successfully married couples do the chores together:

Be it kitchen or laundry, grocery or the other errands just be a couple in everything at home. Partner with your spouse in all the activities and be a better half in its true sense.

19. Go for workouts together:

Fitness must be a couple goal and workout together, this is also an important factor determining successful marriage. It also keeps your mind and body healthy along with giving quality and passionate time together.

20. Go for trips at least 2 times a year:

Successful couple explores the world together. Go for a trip at least biannually to a place you both have never been. Explore their culture and traditions and enjoy each others company amid all the fun. This brings you even closer to each other

21. Be supportive:

A successful couple supports each other in all their endeavors. No matter what, be there for your better half for this is the only thing that means a lot to them at this point.

Be supportive

The secret of marriage lies in the fact that how happily the couple walks through all trying times and come out more strongly bonded. A successful marriage requires both the partners to think about them over individual goals. Misunderstandings, fight, angst and hatred are all a part of our behavior and we would feel them most often. But for a successful marriage, we have to think beyond these momentary feelings. What matters at the end is the love that binds you both so strongly. So keep up that admiration and love at some place sacred such that nothing can conspire against it

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