12 Beauty Hacks For Repairing Damaged Nails


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repairing damaged nails

Damaged flaky nails, scaly and peeling skin around calls for some serious attention. So we have you covered here with beauty hacks for repairing damaged nails. As we all charm and adore beautiful and strong nails. Even nail art and artificial adornment becomes tough with damaged nails. With damaged nails and dead skin around, them ripping off, it becomes not only difficult but embarrassing to style them.

Nails split, break and become brittle when damaged. They crack too often and they are sharp and pointed as they are too thin. This even causes lot of trouble in doing our daily chores or working on laptop. Below are some easy and wonderful remedies we can proceed at home and get rid of most of the nail deformities.

Beauty Hacks for Repairing Damaged Nails:

1- Use coconut oil to massage every night:

Use coconut oil to massage every night

Apply a generous portion of coconut oil every night before going to bed. Coconut oil is a miracle potion and can cure any and every ailment related with skin. It is a rich antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory. Its benefits in hydrating the skin and closing the pores from further damage help in its use for most skin ailments. Coconut oil is also a rich anti-microbial, so it keeps the infection and microbes away. It can help in lightening and toning the skin too. Some people have the roots and cuticles area around nails darkened, due to improper hygiene or skin damage. Coconut oil can bring back nourishment and strength.

2- Olive oil:

Olive oil

Olive oil has soothing and calming properties. It is rich in mono-saturated fats and has anti-inflammatory properties too. It also has anti-aging properties so it helps in keeping the skin around nails intact. The scaly and cracked skin gets the desired moisture and regrows stronger and firm.

• Just heat olive oil and almond oil together in 2:1 ratio.
• Then apply on your nails and skin around.
• Apply 3 times a day for severe damaged nails.

3- Lemon peel:

Lemon peel

Lemon peel has rich healing and antiseptic properties. It helps not only in repairing damaged nails but also adding nourishment and health to them too. The nails grow well and stronger if lemon peel is used regularly. It has been known as the quickest way of growing nails fast.

• Just rub the lemon peel, left after squeezing the lemon juice.
• And leave them for 15 minutes.
• Now wash with warm water.
• Repeat 3-5 times a day.

4- Lemon juice and honey:

Lemon juice and honey

Lemon juice is rich in Vitamin C and is an antiseptic, in addition to its anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidizing and anti-microbial properties. Honey is also a natural soothing and calming agent. It helps in revitalizing and regrowing stronger nails.

• Mix lemon juice and honey.
• Now using a cotton ball apply on your nails and infected area.
• Leave it for 20 minutes.
• Now wash with lukewarm water.
• Repeat 2 times a day for great results.

[Read: How to get rid of yellow nails at home]

5- Lip Balm:

Lip Balm

Lip balm is the richest revitalizing cream. It gives a plump and thick shield against deterioration from external impacts.

• Applying lip balm on damaged nails can help in not only adding moisture but also providing necessary healing contents too.

6- Tomatoes:


Tomato is rich in Vitamin C thus giving the healing antiseptic benefits for skin. Tomato is also rich in biotin, which helps in making nails thicker and stronger. Rubbing tomato on the nails helps in curing and removing the infection. They also detoxify the area well, for strengthening the new nail growth.

• Just rub for 15 minutes and leave for another 5 minutes.
• Then wash it with lukewarm water.

7- Orange juice:

Orange juice

Orange juice is rich in citrus and folic acid. These are quintessential for nail growth. They also add strength and clear any deformity.

• Just soak your nails in fresh orange juice for 10 minutes.
• And wash with lukewarm water.

8- Castor Oil:

Castor Oil

Castor oil contains ricinoleic oil and omega 6 fatty acids. Thus, they help in increasing blood circulation and aid stronger growth for nails. They are also natural moisturizers which hydrate and prevent dry scaly skin from causing further damage to nails. Their miraculous properties thicken the nails and make them less brittle.

[Read: Tips for healthy and strong nails]

9- Apple cider vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar

ACV or apple cider vinegar is a natural astringent, anti-oxidant and detoxifying agent with immense properties of clearing nail deformities and damages. Also aiding richer and stronger nail growth. It is rich in acetic acid and malic acid which prevent nail infections.

• Mix equal quantities of ACV and water.
• Soak your nails in it for 10 minutes.
• Now wipe it with a clean napkin.

10- Beer:


Beer is rich in vitamins and fermented ingredients which are rich in curing nail deformities. The contents of hops and malts in beer make it a healthy and enriching treatment for damaged nails.

• Just soak nails in beer for 15 minutes.
• Wash with lukewarm water.

11- Yogurt:


Yogurt is a natural probiotic rich in lactose. It provides strength and nourishment to the skin. When used for damaged nails it helps in curing the deformities and resulting in enriched nail strength.

• Just rub a little yogurt on your nails and skin around.
• Leave for 15 minutes.
• And, wash with lukewarm water.

12- Flaxseed oil:

Flaxseed oil

Flaxseed oil is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, Vitamin B, magnesium and potassium. They not only clear the damage but also help in nail growth and strength.

• Just apply a few drops of flaxseed oil twice a day and keep it overnight.

Some lifestyle additions that ensure least nail damage and most strength and nourishment include:

nail damage

1- Keep your nails clean by doing home based manicure often
2- Massage your nails and fingers everyday for increasing blood circulation
3- Cut and trim them properly, uneven nails may cause breakage and chipping off
4- Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated
5- Add more green and fresh produce to your diet to revitalize
6- Wear gloves while washing or using cleaning supplies
7- Use a soft soap with least chemicals for daily washing
8- Cover your fingers and nails when out in sun
9- Remember to wash your hands at least 5 times a day and before/ after meals, using mild soap
10- Reduce the application of nail-paint remover as it contains harsh and toxic chemicals which damage nails
11- Do not change nail color too often as it causes deformities from chemicals
12- Use natural or herbal based products for nail styling
13- Never use nails for opening or cutting through anything, use proper tools otherwise it may cut or break your nails.

damaged nails

The above compilation on “Beauty hacks for repairing damaged nails” is based on learnings and readings over time. These are preventive and in some cases curative for low to moderate impacts. For any severe nail damage or nail deformity see your healthcare provider immediately. Do patch test before proceeding with any of these, as there may be probable allergies.

Share ahead and be sure to send us your feedbacks, we love hearing from you!

Minu Manisha