100 Reasons Why I love You So Much


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reasons why i love you

Ever dreamt why you love the way you do and how does the love that your share with your partner multiplies as you progress in your relationship. Falling is love is not a momentary thing , as we all believe it to be. It is more about finding ample reasons to continue being in love with the man you want to spend the rest of your life with.

Love is not just a physical attraction or infatuation, it is more about finding the right person who is the most loving and caring one for you. Love begins when you start finding constant urge to be with the man, to express everything effortlessly and to not feel shy from confess how much you have been craving for him.

You may tell it everyday or forget to tell, but the love keeps you together as partners. And when these signs of truly, madly and deeply in love are constant in your relationship, its time to cherish it till eternity. Love is not a teenage privilege, or an adult’s right but true love keeps the passion and romance alive for years and decades together. Check out these signs of a healthy relationship.

What are some reasons to love someone and confess it too:

You must look for some most important reasons in someone which will keep the love alive for years ahead. When you feel them all its time for you to tell it to the person and make it official. A person with deep soul and chivalry, who can make you laugh all the time and who cares for your well-being is simply your treasure for life. When do you know that you are in love; well check the below, if its true you are in love and its time to confess:

– You feel yourself when you are with him:

You don’t have to pretend to be someone else to be able to win him. You are your natural self and he loves it when you be yourself. You don’t have to put extra efforts into making yourself look good (cosmetic enhancements) into speaking less or more (what he prefers) and also changing some or all of your habits. Love is when he loves you as yourself and does not want you to change.

You feel yourself

– He is honest with you:

Despite the situation, he chooses to be honest with you all the time. This is a reason enough to not let him go. He is the one who will never lie to you or hurt you. Cherish his honesty and be as honest as he is

– He shows respect:

Getting respect in a relationship is as important as the relationship itself. And when you find someone who respects you and keeps looking up to you, you have hit the jackpot. The respect you see in his eyes is what makes you feel so confident about yourself all the time when you are with him

– He is loyal and faithful:

It is very easy for a women to find if her man is loyal or not. Finding faith and loyalty in a relationship is what makes for long term relation. He keeps the faith you have in him alive by constantly making effort to be with you

– He always looks for bigger picture:

He does not lose temper, and he does not enter into drama over petty issues. He always looks for the bigger picture and keeps his calm. Their focus is only on things which they need to pay attention to. They don’t make issues out of non issues and this simply is a blessing if you find in your man

– He takes pride in having your by his side:

He keeps introducing you to his social circle. He takes you to his home and he makes every effort to make you feel like a princess all the time. This is nothing but true love. And he is serious about the love he feels for you

– He brings smile on your face everytime:

He keeps you ecstatic and happy, and tries hard to bring smile on your face everytime. He never makes you cry or he can never see you upset. All these efforts are a sign of true love

He brings smile

Men who care for women and their career or likes are truly a lovers delight. Not every man wants his wife to be out there but if he wishes great for you, this is true love

– He takes pride in being with you:

Everytime you are with him you see him smile and be proud. He sure is enchanted with the idea of you being around. He would definitely try to win you over. This love is to stay and its time to confess.

– He is a hopeless romantic:

Romance comes just natural to him. And he is truly hardcore romantic when it come to showing love. He is a perfect fairytale prince charming you always dreamt about.

– He makes you and your family his top priority:

You know he will turn up no matter what, for you family dinners. He makes it a point to keep your family as happy as possible. He never misses any opportunity to be with your social circle. Check some signs he wants to marry you.

Top 100 reasons why i love you:

Some reasons to say that you love him, to the man in your life. Love is hard to find and harder to keep. The constant stretch between i love him and i love him not makes it difficult to confess or rather explore love in the man in your life. Stop wondering “why i love you” and say it when you feel it all the time.

A little compilation on reasons why i love him, despite so many years in love and still craving it like never before. For love keeps growing in a healthy relationship and its so effortless that you constantly feel the urge to be with him all the time.

Why i love you the way i do:

Why i love you the way i do

  1. For simple reason that you love me the way i am. You don’t want to change me and you definitely don’t dislike anything i do
  2. I love you because you are as perfect as i ever wanted my man to be. All i dreamt for is power packed with immense love and passion in you. And its all that i need for myself
  3. I love you because you make me smile and forget any pain when i am with you
  4. I love you because you listen to me without being judgmental about anything
  5. I love you because you don’t argue with me over petty issues
  6. I love you because you keep relationship above ego and never ruin the romance we share
  7. I love you because you don’t remind me of my failures and don’t let me think of them either
  8. I love you because i get all the respect i need in a relationship
  9. I love you because you never make me feel low or depressed
  10. I love you because you make me a priority in your life
  11. I love you because i found that instant connect even before knowing you so well
  12. I love you because you know me so well, even if i struggle to figure myself out
  13. I love you because you never go to bed without making up after an argument
  14. I love you because you always greet me with a smiling face despite a hectic day
  15. I love you because you make me feel secure and protect me
  16. I love you because i feel the goosebumps everytime you kiss me
  17. I love you because i keep exploring new aspects of your love foe me
  18. I love you because you are loyal and faithful to me
  19. I love you because you don’t lie or make up stories to cover up
  20. I love you because you share the same outlook towards life as i do
  21. I love you because you are kind and generous
  22. I love you because you are selfless and self made man
  23. I love you because you are patient and don’t argue
  24. I love you because you believe in taking responsibility together
  25. I love you because you are confident and determined
  26. I love you because you are optimistic and have positive outlook towards life
  27. I love you because everything i do makes you happy
  28. I love you because you complement me all the time
  29. I love you because you support and encourage my interests and hobbies
  30. I love you because you want me to be successful at whatever i do
  31. I love you because you have taught me so much more about life than i ever knew
  32. I love you because the times we have spent together just happen to be the best moments of my life yet
  33. I love you because believe in long term relationships and commitment.
  34. I love you because you feel for everyone around
  35. I love you because you are the most well behaved man i ever met
  36. I love you because you are incredibly intelligent
  37. I love you because you are humble and polite
  38. I love you because you never use foul language or abuse anyone
  39. I love you because you are high on energy and spirits all the time
  40. I love you because you value time
  41. I love you because you kiss me good bye everytime you leave
  42. I love you because there is never a communication gap between the two of us
  43. I love you because i don’t have to make extra efforts to keep you happy
    keep you happy
  44. I love you because together we are raising our kid in a happy home
  45. I love you because you keep reminding me how beautiful i am
  46. I love you because you never point out my mistakes
  47. I love you because you make my fears melt away
  48. I love you because you keep the home just like the way we want
  49. I love you because you discuss all important issues with em first
  50. I love you because we plan everything together
  51. I love you because you smile all the time and have the most contagious smile
  52. I love you because you encourage me
  53. I love you because you give the best advice to me
  54. I love you because you are proud to talk about me with your friends
  55. I love you because you don’t care when i look badly dressed
  56. I love you because you cover up all my mistakes so well
  57. I love you because you like reading
  58. I love you because you like to watch TV in silence
  59. I love you because my idea for a happy life gels with yours
  60. I love you because you support me in all my endeavors
  61. I love you because you motivate me everyday to be better and best
  62. I love you because you make me crack a smile even through my tears
  63. I love you because you are more practical and mature among the two of us
  64. I love you because you like changes
  65. I love you because hold my hands when i need it the most
  66. I love you because you don’t suffocate me
  67. I love you because you give me the space i need the most
  68. I love you because you are never too possessive nor too ignorant
  69. I love you because you don’t shout at anyone
  70. I love you because its so easy to talk to you
  71. I love you because you happen to be the most important part of me
  72. I love you because you teach our child the crazy things i just cant stop smiling about
  73. I love you because you don’t worry too much about the future and you live in the moment
  74. I love you because we share the same playlist favorites
  75. I love you because you stay up late with me to finish the random series i began
  76. I love you because you ask me about my day before telling your stories
  77. I love you because you are thoughtful and controlled in your emotions
  78. I love you because you are reserved and take time to open up with others
  79. I love you because you eat whatever i cook without complaining
  80. I love you because i still keep seeing you staring at me all the time
  81. I love you because you let me do all the impulsive shopping i wish for
  82. I love you because you never let me down
    why i love you
  83. I love you because you keep my confidence high
  84. I love you because you never let me compromise on my beliefs
  85. I love you because you give me surprises and like me. Check how to tell if a guy like you here
  86. I love you because you still try to sneak time for romantic dates
  87. I love you because you help me in the daily chores
  88. I love you because you bring out the best of me when around
  89. I love you because you never question me
  90. I love you because you never take me for grated
  91. I love you because you keep up the passion in our love alive
  92. I love you because you are as ambitious as i am
  93. I love you because you are warm and lovable
  94. I love you because you protect and defend me
  95. I love you because you amaze me all the time
  96. I love you because you inspire me to do better
  97. I love you because you don’t forget the important days
  98. I love you because you agree to most of what i decide
  99. I love you because you make me feel complete
  100. I love you so much for all the reasons words cant be enough to express.

enough to express

Even these 100 reasons are not enough to express why do i love you more and more each passing moment, each passing day. The life we both have made together is the most perfect of what anyone can ever wish for. And you have made me happier than i ever thought i could be. This is a tribute to the love and bond we share, and for many many more happy years to come ahead

With the above compilation on 100 Reasons why i love you so much, we wish and hope that everyone finds their love for life.

Share ahead and keep sharing your love with us!

Minu Manisha