Powerful Movie Dialogues That Will Make You Nostalgic (And Want You Watch Them Again)


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movie dialogues
ImageSource: Youtube.com
Movies are just so much more than entertainment. We all crave for some hardcore punch lines and dialogues from every movie we watch. There is so much more than just a few sentences, for they give an altogether different perspective on life. And with some famous movie dialogues, it has become a tradition to repeat them every chance possible. Be it the “may the force be with you” or the “I’ll be back” we have seen the movie gazillion times, heard them again in movies, TV shows and in media too and not to forget how many time we ourselves have repeated them. Those whistle inducing and clap worthy dialogues from Hollywood movies are not just a sentence we like, but it became a part of our lives and existence.
And now these dialogues have become a popular caption on all our social media posts and tags. We tend to use these cult dialogues form movies so much more for the social and emotional impact they bring in and not to forget, how incredibly and powerfully they were delivered by the star we learnt from. So it is time to cherish those golden dialogues from Hollywood which have created a stir in our lives and despite years and decades of their release, they continue to cast the same spell of enchantment and enigma even now.

Famous movie dialogues which are truly worth falling for:

From the classic black and whites to the digital era, everything that tabloid brings in for us, holds a true place in our hearts and daily conversations. Not everything is liked by us, but those which we hate too occupy some space in our routine. Most of the movies bring some or the other dialogue which had larger than life effect on our lives. Sharing some memorable and stunning dialogues from films, which have been special and evergreen:

1- “I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse..” From the Godfather.

I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse-movie dialogues
ImageSource: fthmb.tqn.com
How can we forget the most famous dialogue of all times, powerfully delivered by Marlon Brando or Dan Vito Carleone

2- “I’ll be back” By Arnold Schwarzenegger in The Terminator in 1984:

ImageSource: The Terminator
ImageSource: youtube.com

This dialogue has a been a celebratory one with power and charisma embedded

3- “In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the woman” By Al Pacino in Scareface:

In this country-movie dialogues
ImageSource: scrapsfromtheloft.com

Portraying the powerful role of Tony Montana, a Cuban refugee in Miami; he gave his most enigmatic performance

4- “It’s not personal, Sonny. It’s strictly business” from The Godfather:

“It’s not personal-movie dialogues
ImageSource: slate.com

It is the I Ching or the sum of all wisdom as stated by Tom Hanks in You’ve Got Mail sharing this dialogue on the internet with Meg Ryan. And why not when two blockbusters and smashers like Marlon Brando and Al Pacino come together, flame worthy dialogues are sure to come out. This movie and all of its dialogues continue to rule and inspire us even after decades

5- “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn” from Gone with the wind of 1939:

Frankly, my dear-movie dialogues
ImageSource: ltrbxd.com

This is one dialogue which has stood the test of time and come out as a timeless piece of craft.

6- “May the Force be with you” from the Star Wars:

Star Wars-movie dialogues
ImageSource: screengeek.net
Even the Facebook CEO updates his status on the May 4th with this powerful dialogue which is now more like a ritual.

7- “Bond, James Bond” From Dr No:

James Bond-movie dialogues
ImageSource: amazon.com
We don’t remember how many times have we used this dialogue and how many more times we would use it anyways. It spills power, grace and a mystic charm and continues to be a popular punch line or a pick up line

8- “You had me at Hello” from Jerry Maguire:

Jerry Maguire-movie dialogues
ImageSource: indiewire.com
Tom Cuise had some enigma, power and masculinity that rushed adrenaline and continues to do so even after decades of the movie.

9- “keep your friends close, but your enemies closer” from the Godfather:

keep your friends close-movie dialogues
ImageSource: xenlife.com.au
Almost all of the dialogues from this larger than life movie are cult worthy. And more I watch them more I fall in love with them all the time

10- “Hasta la vista, baby” from Terminator:

Terminator-movie dialogues
ImageSource: youtube.com
Loved every bit of it, and this gets the recognition of a coveted and most used dialogue in popular and tabloid culture ever since

11- “After all, tomorrow is another day!” from Gone with the wind:

And it gives an awesome feeling altogether. Just to see it and use it in our interaction has become so much more than just a movie for us

12- “You make me want to be a better man” from as good as it gets:

You make me want to be a better man-movie dialogues
ImageSource: asset1.net
And believe it or not, this gets the frame of popular marriage vows in our culture. For the utter sweetness and romance it spills, this is our favorite vow from years. And the chemistry that OCD ridden Jack Nicholson and Helen Hunt portrayed was simply swell

13-  “You Complete me” from Jerry Maguire

 “You complete me” from Jerry Maguire and we just can not get enough of Tom Cruise

14- “Love means never having to say you’re sorry” from Love Story:

Love means never having-movie dialogues
ImageSource: pinimg.com
We are in love with this favorite recitation of our times. No matter how many times it has been used on any and every love interest, it continues to create enigmatic and stupendous impact

15- “Frankly My Dear, I don’t give a damn” By Clarke Gable from Gone with the wind:

The masculinity and appeal this dialogue has been bringing, is just immense and incredible. We love to chant it all the time

16- “It’s not gonna be easy, but it’s gonna be worth it.” by Richard Gere from Runaway Bride:

“It’s not gonna be easy-movie dialogues
ImageSource: youtube.com

Richard Gere makes us swoon and fall for him everytime we speak this dialogue. A cult classic of our times, this movie has some really inspiring dialogues for us

17- “Don’t let anybody tell you that you can’t do something.” from The Pursuit of Happiness by Will Smith:

“Don’t let anybody tell you-movie dialogues
ImageSource: media.licdn.com
The thorough masculine at his best and we will fall for that look which Will smith gave when he delivered this powerful dialogue.

18- “The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it.” By Leonardo DiCaprio from Wolf of the Wall Street:

Leonardo DiCaprio-movie dialogues
ImageSource: media.licdn.com
The most gripping movies of the real big bad world of wall street, this powerful portrayal of the stocks, investments and the world that manipulates them; brings some riveting facts which were too compulsive and impact creating.

19- “Dead or alive, you’re coming with me” from Robocop:

Dead or alive-movie dialogues
ImageSource: kalimtzakis.files.wordpress.com
A larger than life action thriller and truly a sci fi delight to watch.

20- “Don’t Push it” By Sylvester Stallone from First Blood:

Don’t Push it-movie dialogues
ImageSource: tvgcdn.net
God we just love the way Sylvester delivers each and every dialogue. Such a huge impact and charm he creates with this powerful portrayal of war veteran here.

21- “You’re exactly as big as I let you be” by Albert Finney in Millers Crossing:

Albert Finney-movie dialogues
ImageSource: mentalfloss.com
Again another powerful depiction and dialogue which made us go crazy about the performance

22- “They may take our lives, but they’ll never take our freedom” From Braveheart by Mel Gibson:

Braveheart by Mel Gibson-movie dialogues
ImageSource: pinimg.com
Even as I write this powerful dialogue I get goosebumps at the huge performance by Mel Gibson. Some dialogues just revolutionize any cause and become a part of us in a way that nothing else can ever do.

23- “You shoot me in a dream, you better wake up and apologize” from reservoir dogs:

You shoot me in a dream-movie dialogues
ImageSource: amazon.com
Awesome it was, inspired by the real life quote of Mohammad Ali. It ushers power, strength and machismo effects

24- “I must break You” Sylvestor Stallone from Rocky:

I must break You-movie dialogues
playbuzz.com-movie dialogues
Oh boy! he does it as powerfully as can be done. It continues to bring us the charm despite decades of its release.

25- “When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.” from When Harry met Sally:

When you realize-movie dialogues
ImageSource: youtube.com
A perfect romantic comedy with time lapse depiction which made us go ga ga over Meg Ryan and Billy crystal. This dialogue becomes a favorite teen romance pick up line

26- “I’m just one stomach flu away from my goal weight” from Devil wears Prada:

“I’m just one stomach-movie dialogues
ImageSource: scoopwhoop.com
Oh it’s not Merryl Sreep who practically owned this flick. This is more popular among the health care departments and continues to add hilarity in our lives

27- “Magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all” from Snow White and seven dwarfs:

And it is the most Disney ready dialogue we ever saw in a movie

28- “Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in” Well again from The Godfather

“Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in” Well again from The Godfather. For there is no wisdom beyond and above the Godfather and this movie continues to be an important part of almost all scripts that are filming or in line

29- “I don’t want to survive I want to live” from 12 years a slave:

I don’t want to survive I want to live-movie dialogues
ImageSource: boredanddangerousblog.files.wordpress.com
It is all about fidelity and honesty. Truly a touching and gripping depiction from this decade.

30- “Go ahead, make my day” from Sudden Impact:

Go ahead, make my day-movie dialogues
ImageSource: amazon.com
It is a superhero classic which is truly spellbinding and compelling stuff.

31- “After all tomorrow is another day” from Gone with the wind

“After all tomorrow is another day” from Gone with the wind. This dialogue is from the book where it is the closing line with utmost power and impact

32- “I’m also just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her” from Notting hill by Julia Roberts:

“I’m also just a girl-movie dialogues
ImageSource: mzstatic.com

One of the most priced romantic comedy of all times, this dialogue rules it all when it comes to love and romance.

No matter how much we repeat or remember these movie dialogues, they still continue to sound fresh from the space and enigmatic for everyone. These famous movie dialogues were drafted, crafted and created with so much passion and then their portrayal in the movies was so compulsive and gripping, that despite the years that went by, dialogues from these films continue to enchant us and mesmerize us.

While all the above dialogues are truly the most memorable and cult classics of all times, there are several others which are too good to be true. As a movie buff we have drafted these to offer a heartfelt tribute to the cinema we all have grown up watching and we just can not imagine separating from. These powerful dialogues from hollywood movies are just the right dose of entertainment and fun we need in our lives. To create a revolutionized image of ourselves and change an entire perspective altogether, binge on these famous movie dialogues.
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