Power nap benefits for our health and happiness


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power nap benefits

It’s time to get over caffeine addiction, as they’re no more the mantra for recharging and refreshing. Heard of power naps yet, they are increasingly becoming a part of the work routine. Power nap benefits for health and happiness are immense. Not only they recharge and relax, but also it helps in doing away with stress and work pressure. It bursts alertness and accelerates motor performance in our system. A well timed and quality power nap right after lunch is known to boost memory, enrich performance, reduces stress, enhances desire to work and gives a optimistic outlook. Also for people who suffer sleep deprivation or sleeplessness power naps are a sure shot cure.

After meals or mid way in your day at work, your eyes begin to get heavier and the work-efficiency isn’t as much as it was in the morning. Suddenly you feel like the chair could recline almost over 160 degree and you could sneak a few precious dreamy moments. That’s exactly when you must take a 10-30 minute power nap, it not only revitalized the system, but also improves the work quotient multi-folds.

Some Unimaginable Power Nap Benefits Are:

1- Increases alertness

Increases alertness

A NASA study claimed that a 40 minute power nap could increase work efficiency by 100% And some recent studies suggest a 20 minute power nap is way past few shots of caffeine. When you have had a full morning and most part of the day working in your full efficiency. Suddenly you feel the lack of attention and losing alertness. This is the time you must take a few minutes off work and just try for a power nap. It does not mean you need the comforts of a room and a bed, a simple head down on the desk can be effective and helpful. It will increase your alertness and focus. It also improves the concentration as much as it was in the first half of the day when you began.

2- It helps in digestion

It helps in digestion

Our metabolism increases when we sleep. So power nap helps in improving digestion and also maintains good health.

3- Improves cognition

Improves cognition

The cognitive skills like memory, learning, retention and perception under sleep are vague and with power nap they is a sudden splurge in cognition. Our mind starts functioning more enriched and energized.

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4- It helps in removing stress

It helps in removing stress

Psychological pressure and tress can be reduced by power naps. Research shows that hormones released during nap help in reducing stress, thus making the day ahead happy and cheerful.

5- Supports fitness and weight loss

Supports fitness and weight loss

Sleep helps in metabolism and thus balancing body fat. Also, while sleeping the hunger pangs and craving are done away with.

6- Good for heart

Good for heart

Research shows the places where afternoon siesta is a routine, heart diseases are less prevalent. It helps in hearth health and cardiovascular balance in body,

7- Boosts creative acumen

Boosts creative acumen

Power naps help in stimulating creative acumen. As the mind refreshes and energizes, new creative ideas start flowing and the work done post power nap is sure to be a standout stand apart for the said time otherwise.

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8- Aids in good health and longevity of life

Aids in good health and longevity of life

Power naps help in health health, hormonal balance, cell and tissue repair , metabolism and digestion. Thus it helps in overall health and longevity of our life.

9- It also prevent pigging out on junk food or caffeine

prevent pigging out on junk food or caffeine

Mostly early evening is the time when our junk food cravings are at high. The power nap just before this time can help in reducing the urges.

10- It also helps skin and makes it shine radiant

skin and makes it shine radiant

Proper sleep at night sometimes is difficult. Between daily work life routine the night time sleep is most affected. The daytime power nap are a great way to fill up for the loss of sleep at night. This enriches the skin and helps in keeping the skin shiny radiant.

How to get the perfect power nap

1- Try to nap in the morning or just after lunch for most effective sleep balance
2- Avoid consuming caffeine just before of after nap. And try to cut down the caffeine over the day too
3- Eat sleep causing foods like proteins and yogurt in lunch
4- Take the nap in a clean and quiet place
5- Do not keep your phones and tablets around while on power nap
6- Raise room temperature while taking a nap or have a cozy blanket
7- Do not forget to set up an alarm for waking up.
8- Avoid consuming fat in lunch
9- Do not drink lots of fluids prior to your power nap
10- The power nap should be anytime between 10-30 minutes, do not over sleep this as it may affect your bedtime sleep patterns

good healthy

Have a good healthy diet in addition to the above. Relax and have a good fitness routine. Keep your power naps a part of your daily routine, and see the difference it brings to your productivity and alertness. The above compilation, “Power nap benefits for our health and happiness” is based on learnings and experiments with reducing stress at work and increasing efficiency during the second half of the work day.

Share and do send us your feedbacks!

Minu Manisha

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Minu Manisha Babel: An MBA by chance, a trainer by passion, a psychologist by interest and a voracious reader by parentage. I enjoy traveling, public speaking, exploring and writing on topics relevant to our well-being and happiness. As a women and a firm believer in the sanctity of being a women, i yearn to contribute my bit through this endeavor. Enjoy reading and sharing!